All Apologetics articles – Page 6
Ask NT Wright Anything #210 The Problem of Evil and Suffering (Classic)
In today’s Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions the Christian faith faces today. What is the nature of free will, does Christianity truly offer an answer to the problem of evil and suffering? Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
The CS Lewis Podcast #148 Ruth Jackson: Where it all began
The microphone is turned on Ruth Jackson as she is interviewed by David Bates from Pints With Jack. Originally broadcast in 2021 just after the launch of The CS Lewis Podcast, Ruth shares the vision behind why and how it started. Plus, shout about the show to win yourself a free copy of CS Lewis: A Life by Professor Alister McGrath.
Is God a moral monster? How Paul Copan’s book shaped his ministry
Joel Furches looks at the impact of Paul Copan’s book Is God a Moral Monster?, written in response to Richard Dawkins’ accusation that “the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction”
Unbelievable? Where is God to be found when you are told your cancer is terminal? Steve Legg, Allan Finnegan and Andy Kind
Where is God to be found when facing the no-joke reality of a terminal diagnosis for cancer? Two comedians, who are both Christians, are facing just this challenge. This discussion between Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan hosted by Andy Kind will transform the way you think about terminal illness. This uplifting show explores why two men in the prime of life feel closer to God than before they received their devastating diagnoses.
Ask NT Wright Anything #209 Israel and the Second Coming (Classic)
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
The CS Lewis Podcast #147 Jason Lepojärvi: The undiscovered Lewis
Dr Jason Lepojärvi, CS Lewis associate professor of theology and literature at George Fox University and director of the CS Lewis Initiative, gives us a sneak peak into some undiscovered elements of Lewis. Did he have a theological blind spot? Why are people still so interested in him? Plus, discover more about the inaugural Undiscovered CS Lewis conference in Oregon.
Unbelievable? If God exists why does he allow suffering? The most googled questions with Bruce Miller, Ruth Jackson & Billy Hallowell
In the second of two shows on the most googled questions about God, Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose.
Christians in science: How a microbiologist became an apologist
Dr Anjeanette ‘AJ’ Roberts is a microbiologist and a Christian. Joel Furches spoke to her about her faith and career
Unbelievable? Can Christians watch occult and horror content? Exploring Faith and Entertainment Jenn Nizza vs Peter Laws, hosted by Billy Hallowell
Occult-inspired imagery and storylines pervade much of popular culture. Horror has become mainstream. The debate is on entertainment choices for Christians. Should Christians watch whatever they want?
Unbelievable? What is truth? Mack Stiles and Dan Barker with host Andy Kind
Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Premier Unbelievable! This week, brace yourselves for a captivating dialogue between two individuals with starkly divergent perspectives on Christianity, the existence of God, and the very essence of truth.
Unapologetic #89 Phil Knox: Did Jesus have favourites?
Evangelist Phil Knox continues sharing his top tips for making and maintaining friends. Why is diversity so important in friendship? How do we get the balance of fun and vulnerability? What can we learn from Jesus’ friendships?
Never again: Why we desperately need Holocaust Memorial Day
To mark Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January, Steve Maltz from Saltshakers – a Christian ministry witnessing to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith – shares his thoughts about why this day is more important than ever in light of current events
Unapologetic #87 Andrew Gosler: Are Christianity and evolution compatible?
In the final part of this discussion, Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, explores whether we can reconcile the Bible and a scientific worldview. He also shares how he became a priest in the Church of England.
The CS Lewis Podcast #140 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: Does history matter?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how significant CS Lewis was in her journey from atheism to Christianity. As an academic historian, she explores how great books speak to ever-present questions and looks at why the past matters. Why is Lewis still relevant 60 years after his death?
Why Christianity could trend in 2024
As we embark on a new year, author Drew Cordell reflects on the relevance of God in Western society
Unapologetic #86 Andrew Gosler: Why the neo-Darwinian framing of evolution is profoundly flawed
Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, highlights some of the deficiencies he sees in Richard Dawkins’ work. He also shares the potential limitations and dangers of a neo-Darwinian framing of evolution, such as racism and eugenics.
Is religion beneficial? The Alex O’Connor and Ben Shapiro debate
Journalist Heather Tomlinson reflects on a recent Big Conversation between Alex O’Connor and Ben Shapiro and ponders if the question of whether religion is beneficial leads to whether it is true
The CS Lewis Podcast #139 Phil Knox: The fate of the unevangelised
In the second part of his discussion about why The Narnia Chronicles make him cry, evangelist Phil Knox looks at why Prince Caspian contains one of the best definitions of evangelism.
Unbelievable? Does free will exist? Alex Malpass vs Tim Stratton. Hosted by Andy Kind
This week on Unbelievable we return to the topic of free will. Following the debate between Ben Shapiro and Alex O’Connor, Christian apologist Tim Stratton got in touch to say he took issue with some of Alex’s arguments against free will.
Unapologetic #85 Andrew Gosler: Coming to faith through Dawkins
Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, shares how working in the same department as Richard Dawkins and reading his publications eventually led him to become a Christian. Plus, he shares a fascinating story about answered prayer.