All Art & imagination articles – Page 2
The CS Lewis Podcast #176 Alister McGrath: Feelings, desire and religious experience
Why are we often hesitant to talk about our feelings? What did Lewis mean by “joy” and how did he search for it? Can our feelings help us to find God or to grow in our faith? How did Lewis view aesthetics? What should we do when our feelings seem opposed to our faith? How important was religious experience for Lewis? Professor Alister McGrath continues to explore how we can use Lewis as a resource for the Christian life.
The CS Lewis Podcast #174 Alister McGrath: Can Lewis help us to find meaning?
What did Lewis mean by “big pictures” and how did he use them in his work? How can he help those struggling to find their purpose in life? Why are people so concerned about a lack of coherence and can Lewis be of assistance? Can creeds help us? Professor Alister McGrath explores how Lewis can be a pathfinder and a resource for the Christian life.
The CS Lewis Podcast #173 Alister McGrath: How do we tell good stories?
How can our individual stories find new meaning and significance from Christianity’s “grand story”? In what ways did Lewis tell the Christian story? And what can we learn from this? How do we share our own story? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life and looks at some of Lewis’ favourite stories, including The Pilgrim’s Regress.
The CS Lewis Podcast #172 Alister McGrath: Why do stories matter?
Which stories impacted Lewis as a young child? Why is story so important? How does imagination help convey truth? What did Lewis mean by “myth” and how did that impact his thinking? Where did JRR Tolkien help with this? How do we allow the Christian story to shape our own? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life.
The CS Lewis Podcast #171 Alister McGrath: Spiritual disciplines, young people and the academy
Professor Alister McGrath continues to explore how we can use CS Lewis as a resource for our Christian life. How did Lewis’ conversion change his life? What habits did he put in place to establish a rhythm of life for his faith? In what ways does Lewis speak to Christian academics? What inspiration can writers draw from Lewis? Does he offer any advice for young people living out their Christian faith today?
The CS Lewis Podcast #163 Matthew Brown: What would Sigmund Freud and CS Lewis discuss?
Hollywood director Matthew Brown, who directed and co-wrote Freud’s Last Session, shares his thoughts on two of the greatest minds of the 20th Century.
Women in apologetics – Not God’s type
Holly Ordway’s move from atheism to Christianity is reminiscent of CS Lewis’ conversion. Here, apologist Joel Furches tells her story and explores why she believes women play a crucial role in apologetics
The CS Lewis Podcast #161 Alister McGrath: Your questions answered
Professor Alister McGrath joined Ruth Jackson for a webinar answering live questions about CS Lewis, including how Lewis used modern media, whether there is a “modern day Lewis” and how we navigate some of the potentially racist terms within his work.
The CS Lewis Podcast #157 Kathy Keller: One of the last people to correspond with Lewis before his death
As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we caught up with his wife Kathy Keller who corresponded with CS Lewis as a child. Why did she write to Lewis? How did he respond? What are some of the stories he shared with her? What was it like meeting Warnie Lewis? Plus, we hear the impact of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien on Tim and Kathy and we hear whether they really did speak Elvish together at home.
The CS Lewis Podcast #156 Phil Knox: Lord All matey or Lord Almighty?
Did Jesus have favourites? What does good friendship look like? Can we can call God friend? Why does Lewis consider friendship “the most spiritual of loves”? Is Christian frienship greater than non-Christian friendship? Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends concludes his conversation on Lewis and friendship.
The CS Lewis Podcast #155 Phil Knox: Are we allowed favourite friends?
Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends, explores what Lewis said about friendship. Why have we neglected friendship? What lessons can we learn from Lewis? Should we treat all friends equally?
The CS Lewis Podcast #154 Lewis and Tolkien: The final years
What were the significant points of contention between CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien? Where did they differ on theology? How did they respond to each other’s fame? What did Tolkien think of The Narnia Chronicles? Why was Lewis’ Letters To Malcolm so “horrifying” to Tolkien? Did these two Inklings fall out at the end of Lewis’ life?
Eclipsing God: Why were we so taken by this natural phenomenon?
In light of the recent eclipse, neonatal consultant Erik Strandness reflects on why rare cosmological events catch the attention of the world
The CS Lewis Podcast #153 The poet and the philologist: Lewis and Tolkien's early years
Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith explores what Lewis and Tolkien thought of each other when they first met. How did their friendship blossom? Why was their conversation in Addison’s Walk so significant to Lewis’ journey back to Christianity? What influence did the two men have on each other?
The CS Lewis Podcast #152 Is ‘The Lord of the Rings’ a religious work?
Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith explores what JRR Tolkien meant when he described The Lord of the Rings as a “fundamentally religious and Catholic work”. Do we see any elements of his faith in the book? Is it possible to discern a theology? Are there any characters Tolkien identified with? Plus, how does Leaf by Niggle relate to Tolkien’s magnum opus?
The CS Lewis Podcast #151 Holly Ordway: Trauma, Catholicism and romantic love
Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith, shares some of the traumatic events in JRR Tolkien’s life, such as the death of his parents during his childhood, his forbidden romantic love and his experience of the Great War. What would it have been like to convert to Catholicism? How did his guardian Fr Francis impact Tolkien’s faith?
The CS Lewis Podcast #149 Holly Ordway: Tolkien’s faith
Ahead of Tolkien Reading Day on 25th March, Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith, shares her thoughts about Tolkien’s Catholic faith. She explores the relevance of his work, looking at whether it will stand the test of time.
Jack Nicholson got it wrong: We can’t even believe in truth, let alone handle the truth
Author Drew Cordell explores the nature of truth through the lens of a 90s classic movie
Unbelievable? Where is God to be found when you are told your cancer is terminal? Steve Legg, Allan Finnegan and Andy Kind
Where is God to be found when facing the no-joke reality of a terminal diagnosis for cancer? Two comedians, who are both Christians, are facing just this challenge. This discussion between Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan hosted by Andy Kind will transform the way you think about terminal illness. This uplifting show explores why two men in the prime of life feel closer to God than before they received their devastating diagnoses.
The CS Lewis Podcast #146 That Hideous Strength: How do we resist evil?
In this final episode on The Space Trilogy, Alister McGrath finishes his discussion on That Hideous Strength, looking particularly at how evil emerges and how we stop technology, such as AI and nuclear weapons, getting out of control.