All Art & imagination articles – Page 4
The CS Lewis Podcast #131 David Bates: CS Lewis Reading Day
David Bates and his team at Pints With Jack have helped establish a day to celebrate CS Lewis and his work. His fellow Inkling, JRR Tolkien, already has a special reading day, but “why should the Tolkien nerds have all the fun?”! Listen in to hear why David thinks Lewis is still relevant today and how you can get involved with the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day on Lewis’ birthday - November 29th.
Unapologetic #76 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How do we find meaning?
In the second part of their discussion, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how she moved from atheism to agnosticism, ending up in a church. What is meaning? How do we find it? Does Christianity have anything to say to our cultural moment?
Cobbler turned missionary: How William Carey brought hope to the hopeless
Author Mark Roques explores the life of Baptist preacher William Carey
Unapologetic #74 Michael Lloyd: Should we all study theology?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, shares his story including why he got ordained, how he ended up in academia and why he changed his mind on the ordination of women. He also discusses how to assess the veracity of doctrines and why he believes everyone should study theology.
Unapologetic #73 Peter Byrom: Dawkins’ argument from complexity
In the final part of their discussion, Peter Byrom delves into Dawkins’ argument from complexity, suggesting it may be a circular assumption. They unpack Dawkins’ fascinating exchange with Francis Collins in 2022, where Dawkins admits he may have a presupposition towards materialism. Plus, what does the future hold?
Discovering purpose: An engineer's evolution from atheism to a life filled with meaning
Apologist Jana Harmon shares the story of Neil Placer, who discovered the Christian faith via years of atheism
Bennu the asteroid: Why does the Universe exist and why should we care?
Nasa’s Osiris-Rex returned from a seven-year mission with asteroid Bennu’s dust, aiming to shed light on the Universe’s formation. Erik Strandness examines the project’s theological and philosophical impacts.
Are humans better than animals?
Apologist Nathan Rittenhouse shares his thoughts on Psalm 8 and its ramifications
What can we learn from near-death experiences?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson continues her exploration on near-death experiences in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
The CS Lewis Podcast #124 Perelandra: Scientism, spirituality and magic
Professor Alister McGrath explores the second book of CS Lewis’ space trilogy, Perelandra, looking at some of its key themes, characters and questions. Could the Fall have been prevented? What if it hadn’t happened? How did Lewis perceive magic? Where do we find meaning? Is there a limit to science?
Unapologetic #70 Phil Knox: Dealing with objections
Why do many people deem religion irrelevant? What are some of the biggest objections to belief in God? Why are droves of young people leaving the Church? Evangelist Phil Knox shares some of his thoughts about these big topics and gives some tips on how to share your faith effectively.
The CS Lewis Podcast #123 Out of the Silent Planet: Death, suffering and The Fall
In the final episode on Out of the Silent Planet, Alister McGrath explores Lewis’ depiction of humanity, death, evolution and suffering. He also discusses the framework Lewis provides to help us reflect on these big questions.
Is the presence of God merely an illusion? A scientist investigates
Ken Miles, clinical academic and author of From Billiard Balls to Bishops: A Scientist’s Introduction to Christian Worship, explores whether we can feel the presence of God in an age of science
Will AI replace us?
Author Darren Richards reflects on artificial intelligence, looking at the value of human leaders
The CS Lewis Podcast #122 Out of the Silent Planet: Love, sex and intuition
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.
The late Queen (1926-2022): Reflections from a bishop a year after her death
Retired bishop Richard Harries shares his thoughts about Queen Elizabeth II, who died a year ago on 8th September 2022
What is Buddhism and how does it differ from Christianity?
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of this popular Eastern religion, and compares it to Hinduism and Christianity
The CS Lewis Podcast #121 Out of the Silent Planet: Nakedness, science and Ransom
Looking at Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath discusses whether nakedness within the book is significant. Plus, they look at whether CS Lewis is drawing on genuine science and the significance of Ransom’s name.
Do near death experiences contradict Christian belief and doctrine?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near death experiences and theology in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic