Dr David Snoke is a leading scientist in his field. Apologist Joel Furches spoke to him about why he believes science and God go hand-in-glove
Can Christians be scientists?
The University of Pittsburgh has one of the finest solid-state optics laboratories around. Various scientists utilise this laboratory to conduct ultra-high precision experiments using high-power pulsed lasers, high-speed timing (trillionths of seconds) and cryogenics (temperatures down to a couple of degrees above absolute zero).
Standing among these researchers is Dr David Snoke. I recently had the opportunity to interview Snoke on his work in quantum mechanics and his belief in God. Dr Snoke is a Christian and also a scientist.
Snoke’s science
Snoke’s particular experiments involve the study of the effects of basic quantum mechanics. Recently, his research has focused on the “superfluidity of light”—light waves that act like… (Register to read the rest of the article)
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