Apologist Joel Furches speaks to chemist Edgar Andrews about Christianity, science and the Bible
Edgar Andrews is a retired scientist and Christian who has spent a very long time in the field of chemistry, and he has seen a number of changes throughout his career. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Andrews about his life dedicated to science and to God, and the changes he has seen over the years.
As a child, Andrews had found himself fascinated by a book titled The Marvels and Mysteries of Science. So captivating was this book on his young mind that it set him on his lifelong quest to dig deeply into these same marvels and mysteries.
Andrews began his quest of scientific inquiry by pursuing a degree in theoretical physics from London University. It was during this time of schooling that another important book changed Andrews’ life.
Andrews had only a passing acquaintance with Christianity. His family had not been particularly religious, and he had hardly ever set foot in the door of a church. He had never had any interest in religion and yet, at age 19, Andrews was taken by the sudden desire to… (Register to read the rest of the article)
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