Is God a moral monster? How Paul Copan’s book shaped his ministry

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Joel Furches looks at the impact of Paul Copan’s book Is God a Moral Monster?, written in response to Richard Dawkins’ accusation that “the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction”

Over ten years ago, author and scholar Paul Copan wrote a book inspired by the words of Richard Dawkins in his famous book God is Not Great. Copan’s book, Is God a Moral Monster?, rocketed him into the spotlight of ministry, apologetics and into the sites of sceptics who picked his book apart to challenge each of his points. 

The attention the book received set the trajectory of Copan’s ministry thereafter, and he wrote several followup books including Is God a Vindictive Bully? (also borrowing words from Dawkins) and Did God Really Command Genocide? All of these books share a common theme: they look at the words and actions of God as portrayed in the Old Testament, and examine the many things which raise objections of cruelty or immorality on… (Register to read the rest of the article)

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