Apologist Joel Furches argues that the accusations of ‘immorality’ against the Old Testament deity are resolved by his purity, and the solution that is offered through Jesus Christ
Most people appreciate the good character of Jesus to one degree or another. He healed people, was as receptive to sinners as to saints – if not more so – preached love to one’s enemies and charity toward the poor, the fatherless, widows, and those who are suffering. It may explain why Muslims are also eager to laud Jesus. Even Hindus and Buddhists, political parties and activists, claim him as one of their own.
This is not, however, the case with the God of the Old Testament. It is often claimed that this God is trigger-happy in his eagerness to “smite” as he shows anger toward the slightest misdeed. Examples might include when God strikes priests down for using the wrong kind of fire, allows Satan to kill Job’s entire family just to test him, or sends a “lying spirit” to deceive… (register to read the rest of the article)
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