Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… He also pulls out the guitar once more for a Genesis-themed song.
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Our second episode on the evolution debate considers three more bones of contention: where do different species come from? Are we all commonly descended from a single source, or does God intervene?
Were Adam and Eve’s pre-fall bodies like the resurrected Jesus? Was marriage a post-fall accomodation? Why does Genesis say God made childbirth more difficult after the fall? NT Wright answers more questions on the Garden of Eden and the Creation story.
If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How do we reconcile evolution with the concept of a first man and woman and original sin? Did the Fall also affect the rest of the universe?
Did Jesus really descend into hell? What does ecumenism mean for Christian unity? Can non-Messianic Jews be saved? In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom Wright and Mike Bird tackle these complex theological questions.
Are near-death experiences real? Do they give us a glimpse of the afterlife, or should we approach them with caution? What does it mean to live faithfully as an everyday Christian? And who really has the authority to forgive sins— the individual believer, the priest or the church?
Tom and Mike tackle deep theological questions about resurrection, faith, works, and biblical interpretation, in today’s episode of Ask NT Wright Anything.
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