All Atheism articles
Do Christian believers in evolution miss the most important arguments?
Erik Strandness reflects on a debate between a Christian evolutionist and an atheist, and wishes some more intelligent designs were acknowledged
Dawkins the Apologist
Erik Strandness shares his reflections on the failures of ‘New Atheism’ and how the movement inspired many to return to the faith
The richer meaning within a Christian vision for the future
Erik Strandness argues that the flaws of a materialistic, secular worldview do not offer hope or meaning when compared to theism
Repeated failing a polygraph test led a physics academic to God
In this discussion on whether there is conflict between religion and science, both parties are most interested in moral debates
Was the Universe designed for us?
Two teleological arguments for God summarised and explained
A military man finds God: the story of Jon Wilke
This soldier was reading the Bible for fun, but it led to serious soul-searching and heartfelt prayer
The CS Lewis Podcast #184 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Are Lewis’ arguments flawed?
In the second part of Dan Barker and Dr Carolyn Weber’s discussion about CS Lewis’ relevance, Dan points out some of the holes he perceives in Lewis’ beliefs. On the opposite side of the debate, Carolyn shares how she became a Christian, highlighting elements of her story that echo Lewis’ own and looking at how Lewis’ writing greatly influenced her decision.
The Divine Debate: Is Morality Rooted in God? Atheist Stephen Law vs Matthew Su hosted by Ruth Jackson
Is faith necessary for a moral life? Is belief in God essential for a meaningful moral framework, or can secular philosophy provide all the answers? This week on Unbelievable?, host Ruth Jackson welcomes two dynamic thinkers to explore the profound debate of God’s role in our moral universe.
The CS Lewis Podcast #183 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Is CS Lewis still relevant?
On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 61 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant? We hear from former pastor-turned atheist, Dan Barker, who suggests that many of Lewis’ arguments are fundamentally flawed. Literature professor, Dr Carolyn Weber, highlights where she disagrees with Dan and shares some of her story about coming to faith at Oxford University, in part through CS Lewis.
Christopher Hitchens was a ‘heretic’ of the New Atheist cause
Contrary to perception and to the opinions of many of his fellow atheists, the late writer perceived aspects of religion to be positive and did not want it to be eradicated – just sidelined
The Great Morality Debate: Secularism vs. Christianity with Dr Michael Shermer and Rev. Glen Scrivener
This week on Premier Unbelievable?, we tackle one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy:
When I was an atheist I made fun of Christian kids at school - now I ring them up to apologise
Harry Howard tells Premier Unbelievable how a surprising school lesson changed his mind about God, and why the church should try reaching young people with ancient forms of worship.
Who are the ‘New Atheists’ and are they right about God?
What caused the once-popular movement of militant atheists to develop, and are they correct to say that belief in God is dangerous and rational science is the answer?
Free Will vs. Determinism: Who’s Really in Control?Alex O’Connor vs Prof Alex Carter hosted by Ruth Jackson
Are we the masters of our fate or just dancing to the universe’s tune? 🤔 This week on Premier Unbelievable, Ruth Jackson moderates a gripping debate on one of philosophy’s oldest questions: Do we truly have free will?
Atheism and the ignorance of science
Clinical Academic Ken Miles considers whether greater scientific knowledge could lead to a rejection of scientific atheism
The CS Lewis Podcast #169 James Emery White: Culture, translation and COVID-19
How did CS Lewis translate Christianity for ordinary people? What would he say to our post-Christian culture? Can Lewis help with evangelism? In what ways did people apply his ideas to the COVID-19 pandemic? Pastor, author and theologian Dr James Emery White explores how we can draw on Lewis in our modern context.
There’s a brand new argument for the existence of God: here’s a simple(ish!) explanation of the ‘problem of psychophysical harmony’.
Theism has been a hot topic in philosophy in recent years, and many academics now say there are very good arguments for the existence of God on the table.
Unapologetic #111: Johan Erasmus: Is there more to life than atheism?
Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus shares the second half of his story. Why did the New Atheists’ arguments lose their appeal? How did the Bible become less embarrassing? Where does he turn with his doubts? In what ways does Johan’s faith inform his passion for racial reconciliation? Read more in Coming To Faith Through Dawkins.
The CS Lewis Podcast #164 Johan Erasmus: Coming to faith via Dawkins and Lewis
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
Unapologetic #110 Johan Erasmus: Were the New Atheists right?
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.