All Bible: New Testament articles
S2 #7 The Alpha and Omega: NT Wright on Jesus’ lineage and life after death
Tom Wright and Mike Bird explore the biblical concept of the soul, challenging Greek-influenced ideas of dualism and emphasizing the New Testament’s focus on bodily resurrection. Does the Bible really teach that we have an immortal soul, or is that a later philosophical addition?
S2 #6 Was Paul a false apostle?! NT Wright answers
In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom Wright and Mike Bird tackle the controversial question: Was Paul a false apostle? Some argue his message contradicts Jesus, but what does Scripture say?
Using technology to get back to the simple Word
Businessman Richard Borgonon tells Premier Unbelievable why he founded Bible study app ‘The Word One to One’
Farewell to the Old Year: What the Bible Has to Say About Endings (and Beginnings)
There is much wisdom in the Bible about how to approach the passage of time, as Premier Unbelievable? says goodbye to 2024
Divine Humility: The Astonishing Reality of God’s Arrival in a Manger
Erik Strandness delves into the profound humility of the Christmas story, exploring how the birth of Christ in a manger challenges our expectations of divinity and invites us to encounter God in an entirely new way
#235 The New Testament in its World with special guest and co-author Mike Bird (Classic)
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
What is the gospel? The message of victory over sin and death contained in the Christian message
The dialogues of Jesus in the Gospels and his death and resurrection come together to offer eternal life and the promise of liberation from the difficulties of this world
Should we be outraged by the Olympics opening ceremony?
Many people complained about drag artists depicting the Last Supper during the Olympics opening ceremony. Author Drew Cordell looks at whether their outrage was justified
How did Jesus approach diversity, equity and inclusion?
As we draw closer to the US election, author Drew Cordell reflects on how Jesus treated women
Does the Bible condone slavery? #NoQuestionOffLimits Amy Orr-Ewing, Ben Thomas, & Ben Chang hosted by Ruth Jackson
Joining us on the panel is the renowned public theologian and author of several books including Why Trust The Bible? Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, Dr. Ben Thomas, an international speaker and consultant anaesthetist from OCCA the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Dr. Ben Chang, an A&E doctor and author of Christ and Culture Wars.
Women in apologetics: From doubter to proclaimer
Although Kristen Davis grew up in church, profound doubts kept God from being real to her. Everything changed when she discovered apologetics and biblical archeology. Apologist Joel Furches shares her story
Can we know God? Phil Sumpter vs Berel Dov Lerner hosted by Andy Kind
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know God?’ and sheds light on the nature of God, the divine-human relationship, and the crucial role covenants play in both traditions.
Ask NT Wright Anything #225 Will animals go to heaven? Are NDEs real? Is there ‘free will’ in heaven? (Classic)
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists in heaven, what near-death experiences can reveal, and if we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and pets. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the afterlife and beyond!
Life after doom: how to live a life of wisdom, resilience & love in unpredictable times with Brian McLaren hosted Andy Kind
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Unbelievable host Andy Kind seized the chance to talk with writer and activist Brian McLaren. Once banned reading for a young Andy Kind when he first embraced his faith, McLaren now joins him for a face-to-face conversation. Have we crossed tipping points towards an inexorable tide of doom?
Ask NT Wright Anything #224 Is the world doomed? Global justice and climate change (Classic)
Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
Ask NT Wright Anything #223 Pastoral questions on porn, personal tragedy and coming back to faith (Classic)
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Ask NT Wright Anything #222 What if I’m not really saved? (Classic)
Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again from our listener’s questions. Do you ever question if you can lose your salvation? Feel unworthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Wonder if you might think you’re saved, but actually aren’t, like those Jesus refers to in Matthew 7:21-23 saying, ‘depart from me’? Today on Ask NT Wright Anything we’re sharing insightful, biblical and what we hope will be some comforting responses, to help us all as we seek clarity in our spiritual journey.
Ask NT Wright Anything #220 Understanding the Concept of Satan in the Bible (Classic)
Tom answers listeners questions on the question of Satan and the powers of evil. Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? Explore with Tom Wright in today’s episode of Ask NT Wright Anything what the New and Old Testaments say about the devil, demons, and how Jesus counters all evil throughout his ministry and ultimately at the cross.
Unapologetic #107 Michael Lloyd: Why does evil exist?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, explores a number of Christian responses to evil and suffering. Which theories are the most intellectually, emotionally and pastorally consistent and satisfying? We also look at the doctrine of the fall. Why is it significant? Is it compatible with evolution? Was there a fall of angelic beings as well as humanity?
Is God anti-gay? (and other questions) Live Q&A with Amy Orr-Ewing, Jesse Fellingham, Ben Thomas and Ruth Jackson
Where is God in my friend’s suicide? 😭 Is God anti-gay? 👀 Do Christians and Muslim’s worship the same God?… 🔥 ☪️ ✝️ In today’s episode we’re taking you to the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS.