All Bible: New Testament articles – Page 20
What’s so good about the Good News?
The gospel isn’t a moral code or a formula for getting people into heaven, says New Testament scholar Tom Wright
Unbelievable? New Testament listener Q&A - Gary Habermas & James Crossley
Christian Bible scholar Gary Habermas and agnostic New Testament scholar James Crossley return to answer questions sent in by Unbelievable? listeners.
Unbelievable? Do the minimal facts support the resurrection? Gary Habermas & James Crossley
Christian philosopher and historian Gary Habermas has been at the forefront of the ‘minimal facts’ approach as evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
Unbelievable? Ehrman vs McGrew - Round 2 – Do undesigned coincidences confirm the Gospels?
Bart D Ehrman and Tim J McGrew return to debate research by McGrew on the so-called ‘un-designed coincidences’ between different Gospel accounts that give them the ring of truth.
Unbelievable? Bart Ehrman vs Tim McGrew - Round 1 - Can we trust the Gospels?
Well known critical bible scholar Bart Ehrman discusses whether the Gospels are reliable historical records of Jesus’ life with Christian apologist and academic Tim McGrew.
Caravaggio’s Calling and the art of evangelism
Archbishop Justin Welby reflects on what we can learn about sharing our faith from Caravaggio’s painting The Calling of Saint Matthew.
Unbelievable? Does archaeology support the New Testament? Shahar Shilo & Byron McCane
A conversation on whether modern archaeology support the New Testament accounts. Two experts join Justin to talk about exciting recent finds and the kind of discoveries that both confirm and cause us to see in a new light certain parts of the Gospel accounts of Jesus.
'Apologetics sermons rarely work' - True or False?
Glen Scrivener from Revival Media and Tom Price from The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics debate the claim that ‘apologetics sermons rarely work’.
Unbelievable? Paula Gooder answers your Bible Questions
Audio: Paula Gooder answers your Bible Questions
Unbelievable? Should Christians rethink Hell? Dr Al Mohler & Chris Date debate the traditional & conditionalist view
Following an article in the New York Times about scholars who adopt an annihilationist (also called ‘conditional immortality’) view of hell rather than the traditional ‘eternal conscious torment’ view, Justin is joined by two evangelicals to debate the issue.
Unbelievable? Did Isaiah prophesy a Virgin birth? Alistair McKitterick & Robert Stovold
We hear it every year at Christmas in in our services. Matthew Chapter 1, quoting the prophet Isaiah - “look the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel”.
Unbelievable? Has defending scripture made us unable to read it? Peter Enns & David Instone-Brewer
Bible scholar Peter Enns was fired from his position at Westminster Theological Seminary after his views on scripture were deemed to be too liberal. He has continued to question evangelical views of scripture in his book ‘The Bible Tells Me So: Why defending Scripture has made us unable to read it’.
Unbelievable? The Conference 2014 highlights show
We hear highlights from this year’s Unbelievable? Conference, including the opening address by Os Guinness, Ruth Jackson on reaching young people, Craig Hazen on the resurrection, William Lane Craig & Jeff Zweerink on science and atheism, Jay Smith on Islam, Tim McGrew on the Gospels and part of the Panel Q&A.
Is the Mormon gospel the Biblical gospel?
Lynn Wilder was a temple-recommend holding Mormon who taught at Brigham Young University in Utah. She describes what led her to abandon the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and embrace Biblical Christianity.
Paradoxology - Krish Kandiah & Tony Smollet
Krish Kandiah is a speaker and author passionate about church mission. His latest book is Paradoxology: Why Christianity was Never Meant to be Simple. He aims to show why some of the paradoxes of Christian faith can be a path to truth.
Does the Bible support modern science? Jeff Zweerink & Steve Jones
Jeff Zweerink is a Christian Physicist with Reasons To Believe and will be speaking at this year’s Unbelievable? the Conference
Did God punish Jesus on the cross? Chalke vs Wilson Bible debate #3
In their 3rd debate church leaders Steve Chalke and Andrew Wilson debate the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement. Chalke famously described the concept of God punishing Jesus as ‘cosmic child abuse’. Get the MP3 Book for Unbelievable? The Conference 2014 ...