All Christian living articles – Page 29
Unbelievable? - Is the King James Version the best?
400 years on from the publication of the King James Version of the Bible, there is now a proliferation of translations available. Some Christians maintain that the KJV has never been surpassed for its style, authority and reliability.
Unbelievable? - Islamic Blasphemy Law
Asia Bibi is the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death for allegedly blaspheming against Mohammed. In light of her case we discuss Pakistan’s use of Islamic blasphemy law with Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute and Stuart Windsor and John Joseph of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Stuart Windsor is director of CSW who supports those suffering persecution. John Joseph is a Christian human rights activist who has defended a number of people in Pakistan accused of blasphemy.
Unbelievable? - Mike Behe & Michael Reiss audience debate on ID
his last week saw US Intelligent Deisgn proponent Michael Behe on the “Darwin or Design?” speaking tour of the UK. As well as hosting an evening event, “Unbelievable?” invited him to discuss ID with theistic evolutionist Prof Michael Reiss in front of an invited audience.
Unbelievable? - Philip Yancey on “What Good is God?”
Best-selling US Christian Author Philip Yancey writes books that address some of the hardest questions that Christians ask of themselves and skeptics ask of Christians. His latest book “What Good is God?” looks at how Christian belief matters in the lives of those who suffer.
Unbelievable? - Ex-Gay and Gay-Affirming approaches to homosexuality
Both guests on today’s show are Christians, both are gay, and both run ministries supporting Christians of homosexual orientation.
Unbelievable? - Roman Catholicism - Is the Papacy Biblical?
As Pope Benedict XVI undertakes a four day tour of Britain we explore the theology of the Roman Catholic Church.
Should people suffering from terminal illness or in terrible pain be allowed to take their own life?
Unbelievable takes on the debate around assisted dying and euthanasia. Should people suffering from terminal illness or in terrible pain be allowed to take their own life? Should doctors help them?
Unbelievable? - Does the Bible condone slavery?
The Bible is often criticised for either supporting or not condemning the institution of slavery. So how should we treat portions of Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments that relate to slavery? Why does the Old Testament contain laws regarding the treatment of slaves? Does Paul condemn or affirm the institution?
Unbelievable? - Sex outside Marriage debate
Evangelical Christians hold that sexual relations outside of marriage are against Biblical mandate and have negative moral and social consequences.
Unbelievable? Peter Hitchens “The Rage Against God”
Peter Hitchens is a writer and regular columnist for the Mail on Sunday. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, Peter is a committed Christian having himself been an atheist in younger years.
Unbelievable ? - Can we trust the Trinity? James White vs Anthony Buzzard
Is the doctrine of the Trinity to be found in the Bible? Was Jesus really “of one substance” with God the Father?
Unbelievable ? - “Is Christianity good for us?” Michael Shermer vs. David Robertson
Are societies better off with the influence of Christianity? Are Christians more caring than atheists? What role should faith play in society?
Unbelievable ? - Two views on Divorce and Remarriage - David Instone-Brewer & Andrew Corn
This week: As part of Premier Radio’s coverage of National Marriage Week we look at two different Christian views of Divorce and Remarriage.
Unbelievable ? - Abortion - Pro-choice Evan Harris MP vs Pro-life Sarah Macken
A re-broadcast of a compelling debate with listener input on the issue of abortion.
Unbelievable ? - Would Europe be better off atheist or Christian?
Christian apologist David Robertson, atheist blogger Ed Turner and Christian convert Richard Morgan return to debate the rights and wrongs of Christian and atheist influence in society.
Unbelievable ? - Does religion make people unhappy?
Many “New Atheists” have written books claiming that Christianity is bad for people.
Unbelievable ? - Michael Shermer debates “Miracles”
You don’t have to look far for claims of the miraculous. But what constitutes a “miracle” and do Christian beliefs in this area make sense?
Unbelievable? The Moral Argument for God
Atheist Paul Orton contacted the show saying he was unconvinced by the claim of some Christians that morality must be based in God, to make sense. He claims that morality is a product of biological and social evolution and “the changing moral Zeitgeist” determines the morals we hold.
Unbelievable? An atheist & Christian debate The Alpha Course
The Alpha Course has become the most successful evangelistic course around the world. Atheist Michael Marsden went on the course at Holy Trinity Brompton - he didn’t become a Christian and explains why. Church pastor Nigel Desborough defends the course and its value.
Unbelievable? Infidel Guy show link up
In what could be a radio first, “Unbelievable?” links up with “The Infidel Guy” show and talks to its atheist host Reginald Finley. They debate the question: “Which makes more sense: Atheism or Christianity?”