All Christian living articles – Page 5
What can we learn from near-death experiences?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson continues her exploration on near-death experiences in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
Transformed: How a despised Indian child became an evangelist
Jehu Limma, founder of HopeGiving Foundation, shares his remarkable journey from “untouchable” to helping children out of poverty
Why secular sceptic Nir Eyal thinks we need Church
Theology student David MacPherson reflects on a recent episode of The Diary of a CEO, where Nir Eyal discussed the benefits of church and a worshipping community
Unapologetic #71 Peter Byrom: Discovering Dawkins
In the first episode of this three-part series, Peter Byrom shares his fascinating story as told in the chapter he contributed to Coming to Faith Through Dawkins. He outlines how he encountered the apologist William Lane Craig via the New Atheists and discusses his growing disillusionment with Dawkins’ “devastating” argument from complexity.
The CS Lewis Podcast #124 Perelandra: Scientism, spirituality and magic
Professor Alister McGrath explores the second book of CS Lewis’ space trilogy, Perelandra, looking at some of its key themes, characters and questions. Could the Fall have been prevented? What if it hadn’t happened? How did Lewis perceive magic? Where do we find meaning? Is there a limit to science?
Unbelievable? The Robot Race - Part 2: How should humanity flourish in an AI world? - Nigel Crook & Anil Seth
The Big Conversation - Episode 6 | Season 5
Does deconstruction signal the death of faith?
Erik Strandness reflects on deconstruction and reconstruction following an Unbelievable show on this topic
Unapologetic #70 Phil Knox: Dealing with objections
Why do many people deem religion irrelevant? What are some of the biggest objections to belief in God? Why are droves of young people leaving the Church? Evangelist Phil Knox shares some of his thoughts about these big topics and gives some tips on how to share your faith effectively.
Unbelievable? Coming to faith through Dawkins - Part 2: Is there a new New Atheism? Alister McGrath & Alex O’Connor
In the second part of their discussion based on the book Coming to Faith Through Dawkins, theologian Alister McGrath and YouTuber Alex O’Connor discuss where we may be heading in regards to religion and atheism.
Is the presence of God merely an illusion? A scientist investigates
Ken Miles, clinical academic and author of From Billiard Balls to Bishops: A Scientist’s Introduction to Christian Worship, explores whether we can feel the presence of God in an age of science
Will AI replace us?
Author Darren Richards reflects on artificial intelligence, looking at the value of human leaders
Unapologetic #69 Phil Knox: Does evangelism matter?
Evangelist Phil Knox, author of Story Bearer and The Best of Friends, shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, speaking about the impact of his dad’s death at a young age. Plus, they discuss why evangelism matters and how we can share our story and be a “good news person in a bad news world”.
The CS Lewis Podcast #122 Out of the Silent Planet: Love, sex and intuition
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.
The late Queen (1926-2022): Reflections from a bishop a year after her death
Retired bishop Richard Harries shares his thoughts about Queen Elizabeth II, who died a year ago on 8th September 2022
Unbelievable? The Robot Race - Part 1: Could AI ever replace humanity? - Nigel Crook & Anil Seth
The Big Conversation - Episode 5 | Season 5
Ask NT Wright Anything #184 An Evening With NT Wright live in London (Classic)
From the archives, from 2020: In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded live at Westminster Chapel London with an audience Q&A.
Is there more to life than mere matter?
Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the soul, mind, brain, body and spirit following a recent Big Conversation about near death experiences
Ask NT Wright Anything #183 Pastoral questions on porn, personal tragedy and coming back to faith (Classic)
From March 2020: Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Unapologetic #67 Adam Coleman: 60 years on has Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘dream’ been realised?
Monday 28th August marked 60 years since the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King Jr delivered his iconic ‘I have a dream’ speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Adam Coleman’s grandfather was personally invited to attend the event by Dr King. Adam spoke about his grandfather’s experience and reflected on the last 60 years - how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go when it comes to racial justice.
Has Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘dream’ been realised 60 years on?
Apologist Adam Coleman shares his thoughts about Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy 60 years after his iconic ‘I have a dream’ speech