All Christian living articles – Page 6
Why I regularly listen to Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I have a dream’ speech 60 years later
60 years on from Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, apologist Adam Coleman reflects on his grandfather’s first-hand experience of the March on Washington
Ask NT Wright Anything #182 Questions about marriage and divorce (Classic)
From Feb 2020: Tom answers listener questions about marriage including: What will our married relationships look like in the new creation? What advice do you have for someone about to get married? What do you think about divorce? Can I get married to a non-Christian?
What is a near-death experience and what can it teach us?
Following a recent Big Conversation, journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near-death experiences
Jesus is the true and better Tim Keller
Rev Sam Allberry, a close friend of Tim and Kathy Keller, delivered a moving tribute at Tim Keller’s memorial service on 15th August. Here’s what he said
Remembering Tim Keller: Death has lost its sting
Entrepreneur Max Anderson shares his final reflections on the great Tim Keller who influenced his life in a deeply profound way
Unapologetic #65 Ana Ávila: How to avoid burn out
Ana Ávila, author of Aprovecha Bien El Tiempo, shares her insights around how to identify and avoid burnout, how to rest well and how to master technology rather than letting it control us.
The CS Lewis Podcast #118 Evil, evolution and theological reflection in The Space Trilogy
Alister McGrath explores some of the theological themes within Lewis’ trilogy, such as incarnation, atonement and the problem of evil. How did Lewis view the relationship between science and religion? What did he think about evolution? How did he critique certain worldviews through his fiction?
Remembering Tim Keller: How our daily work has an eternal value
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on work
Remembering Tim Keller: The purpose of marriage
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on marriage
Remembering Tim Keller: The heart is an idol factory
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on idolatry
Remembering Tim Keller: Jesus’ teachings only matter if the resurrection is real
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s apologetic teaching
Remembering Tim Keller: Religious people may be just as lost as the irreligious (maybe more)
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on the Prodigal Son
Remembering Tim Keller
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on the many things he’s learnt from his New York pastor and friend
Unapologetic #64 Ana Ávila: Has science disproved religion?
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Mexican writer Ana Ávila who studied clinical biochemistry. Why is there a perceived conflict between science and religion? Does science contradict the Bible? Can you prove there is a God?
The CS Lewis Podcast #117 Vivisection, mental health, racism and sexism
We dive into some of the important issues explored in Lewis’ Space Trilogy. Why was he so vehemently opposed to animal experimentation? What would Lewis say to those experiencing mental health struggles today? Plus, Alister McGrath responds to the accusation that CS Lewis was sexist and racist.
Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll: Why CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy is still relevant
The CS Lewis podcast recently launched a new series focussing on one of Lewis’ lesser known works of fiction, his Space Trilogy. Here, Ruth Jackson shares why she and Professor Alister McGrath think the books are worth a read, despite their length and difficulty
Christians in science: How a military meteorologist became a theologian
Charles Clough is a retired military meteorologist who became a Christian while at MIT. Apologist Joel Furches spoke to him about being a scientist and a theologian
Unapologetic #63 Ana Ávila: Faith, questions and apologetics in Latin America
Mexican writer Ana Ávila, who lives in Guatemala, shares her insights into religion in Latin America. How do we probe our beliefs? What does evangelism look like in a nominally Christian culture? How is apologetics received in some of these countries and what are the big questions being asked?
What Daleks can teach us about truth
Linguist and author of Dalek Christianity Tom Schwarz explores what factors influence our perception of truth. He also looks at how we can celebrate different perspectives
Ask NT Wright Anything #178 Bible Translations and Controversies (Classic)
From Dec 2019: Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible For Everyone’. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer?