All cs lewis articles – Page 8
The CS Lewis Podcast #71 CS Lewis and the Queen - an interview with Dr Michael Ward
On Thursday September 8th Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, died aged 96. In this special one-off episode about the Queen and CS Lewis, Ruth Jackson speaks to CS Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward. They discuss Lewis’ thoughts on monarchy, the Queen’s coronation and the kings and queens of Narnia. Watch out for a brutally honest potted history of some of the British monarchs!
The CS Lewis Podcast #70 Miracles in Narnia and Taiwan - David Marshall
In the third part of their discussion David Marshall tells Justin Brierley about his own time as a missionary in China and East Asia and how he found CS Lewis’ writing helped his journey there. How does the subject of miracles - the death and resurrection of Alan for instance - get addressed in Narnia?
The CS Lewis Podcast #69 We need to talk about Susan: David Marshall defends CS Lewis against Pullman and JK Rowling
My sister Susan,” answered Peter shortly and gravely, “is no longer a friend of Narnia.”
The CS Lewis Podcast #68 The Case For Aslan: David Marshall on ‘Puddleglum’s Wager’
‘The Case for Aslan: Evidence for Jesus in the land of Narnia’ examines how Lewis employed Christian apologetics throughout the fantasy writing of Narnia. Author David Marshall tells Justin Brierley how in The Silver Chair, Puddleglum proves himself to be a wise, if gloomy, thinker.
The CS Lewis Podcast #67 Audience Q&A on vocation, culture and Christian witness
Alister McGrath joins Justin Brierley and a panel of Christian thinkers, scientists and church leaders to take audience questions on vocation, culture and Christian witness in this continuation of last week’s session, originally recorded live at Unbelievable? the Conference 2022.
The CS Lewis Podcast #66 Speaking the authentic voice of Jesus in arts, science and global culture
Recorded live at Unbelievable? the Conference 2022, Justin Brierley leads a panel including Alister McGrath, Sharon Dirckx, John Wyatt, Skye Jethani, and Joseph D’Souza on bringing Christian faith into the spheres of art, science, education and global justice.
The CS Lewis Podcast #65 Alister McGrath: How to transform our culture and not be consumed by it
Prof Alister McGrath draws on CS Lewis and scripture to encourage Christians to live out ther vocation and make a difference in a confused and divided culture. This keynote address was given at Unbelievable? the Conference 2022.