All Culture articles – Page 22
Unbelievable? - Debating Nazi Ideology
Richard Weikart is a Christian and professor of History at California State University. He has drawn controversial conclusions regarding the role of Darwinism in providing a rationale for Hitler’s Nazi ideology.
Unbelievable? Grill a Christian round 4
Scottish pastor and apologist David Robertson returns for a show interacting with three UK atheist listeners of the show.
Unbelievable? - Emerging Church Debate - Brian McLaren & James White
Brian McLaren is an author, theologian and church leader. He is at the forefront of the “emerging church” and his books such as “A new Kind of Christian” and “A Generous Orthodoxy” have been influential in the movement’s theology Some describe the emerging church as “post-evangelical” and “post-modern” as it seeks to re-read scripture without the cultural baggage that it believes Western Christendom has often imposed. James White of Alpha and Omega ministries in Arizona sees the theology of the “emerging church” as a departure from orthodoxy, and an attempt to reshape the Gospel and God to fit modern sensibilities.
Unbelievable? - RE and indoctrination in education
The UK Government recently outlined a White Paper that threatens to demote Religious Education to a peripheral subject in the curriculum. More info on the campaign to have it reinstated here:
Unbelievable? - Alister McGrath & Stephen Law - Why Won’t God Go Away?
Alister McGrath’s new book “Why God won’t go away” is a critique of the New Atheist Movement spearheaded by Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris & Dennett.
Unbelievable? - Christian Physicalism: Do we have a soul?
Christians have traditionally held that humans comprise two things - a body and a soul. Christian Philosophers have written in defence of the soul against a reductive atheism that claims we are material beings alone.
Unbelievable ? - “Is Christianity good for us?” Michael Shermer vs. David Robertson
Are societies better off with the influence of Christianity? Are Christians more caring than atheists? What role should faith play in society?
Unbelievable? Abortion
With 600 abortions carried out every day Dan Boucher of CARE explains why he believes the law needs to change. Pro-choice advocate Dr. Wendy Savage argues that a woman’s right to choose should come first.