All Ethics articles – Page 2
Christian Philosopher Vince Vitale Stunned by Free Will Showdown: Alex O’Connor vs. Alex Carter
Recently on Unbelievable you may have seen Ruth Jackson host an energised debate about free will between Alex O’Connor – host of the Within Reason podcast and the highly popular YouTube channel, Cosmic Skeptic – and Dr. Alex Carter – who is the Academic Director for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Cambridge, Institute of Continuing Education.
Science, faith and the future of humanity Denis Alexander v Julian Baggini hosted by Andy Kind
In this episode of Unbelievable?, host Andy Kind brings together two thought-provoking voices to explore the intersection of science, faith, and the future of humanity.
Will anti-obesity wonder drugs save our broken NHS?
The new British government has been crystal clear that in their view, the National Health Service – a state-run socialised system which is quasi-worshipped by most Britons – is in long-term crisis. Services from family doctors to cancer treatment to A&E in hospitals are struggling and failing to hit targets, and constantly underfunded.
Should Christians break the law? Civil disobedience, climate protest and heavy-handed policing
Radical climate activists have been handed lengthy jail sentences over peaceful, but disruptive, protests against fossil fuels. As discussed in a recent episode of the Matters of Life and Death podcast, journalist Tim Wyatt asks whether Christians be joining the barricades and take part in civil disobedience, or is breaking the law – even for a good cause – a red line we must not cross?
🌍✨ Should we edit the human genome, or is that playing God? 🧬 John Wyatt vs Sam McKee hosted by Andy Kind
With the revolutionary gene-editing technology CRISPR—winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry 🏆—we now have the power to potentially eradicate diseases that have caused untold suffering. But where should we draw the line? 🤔
Why Christians need to reach across today’s bitter political divisions to follow their Lord
The two founders of popular podcast ‘Truth over Tribe’ meet Premier Unbelievable to discuss how to find a Christian path through political strife
Assisted suicide: Euthanasia tourism takes off in the US amid fresh push to change law in Britain
Today we pick up a number of stories and updates in the conversation around assisted suicide. Long since legal in a growing number of states in the US, a new report has detailed how things are liberalising further. Some states now permit non-residents to cross state lines solely to die, creating a new market in euthanasia tourism for those living in less liberal parts of America.
Who are the ‘New Atheists’ and are they right about God?
What caused the once-popular movement of militant atheists to develop, and are they correct to say that belief in God is dangerous and rational science is the answer?
Free Will vs. Determinism: Who’s Really in Control?Alex O’Connor vs Prof Alex Carter hosted by Ruth Jackson
Are we the masters of our fate or just dancing to the universe’s tune? 🤔 This week on Premier Unbelievable, Ruth Jackson moderates a gripping debate on one of philosophy’s oldest questions: Do we truly have free will?
Definitely, maybe? Should Christians pursue hedonistic pleasures such as attending the upcoming tour of the reunited Oasis?
The upcoming Oasis tour presents a dilemma for Christian fans who face temptations to spend a lot of time and money on the once-in-a-lifetime musical event
The infected blood scandal
A UK inquiry revealed NHS’s use of contaminated blood, causing infections like HIV. Particularly tragic were non-consensual experiments at a haemophilia school, resulting in deaths. This discussion probes the ethics of medical trials, healthcare improvements, and the role of Christian humility in medicine.
Autonomous killer drones and the future of warfare
This week’s focus is on two ethical issues: the rise of autonomous AI drones in Ukraine’s war, questioning the morality of machines in combat, and the ethical dilemma of surging frozen embryos from IVF in the UK, exploring solutions like embryo adoption. Both topics highlight the complex ethical implications of modern technology and medicine.
The Man With 1000 Kids: The questions all parents should ask before embarking on sperm donation
A sperm donation scandal in the Netherlands is a helpful reminder of the ethical complications of this kind of reproductive technology, which can have lifelong implications for children conceived through it, says journalist Tim Wyatt
Should Christians break the law? Civil disobedience, climate protest and heavy-handed policing
A landmark court case in the UK recently saw five radical climate activists jailed for up to five years for their role in organising the blocking of a major motorway to protest against fossil fuels.
Julian Assange, whistleblowers, and the Christian case for journalism
Hero journalist or irresponsible Russian stooge? Julian Assange, finally free after twelve years of detention, raises complicated questions about what journalism is, but fundamentally falls short of a truly Christian vision for accountability via the press, says journalist Tim Wyatt
The unintended consequences of sperm donation
A recent Netflix documentary, The Man With A 1000 Kids, has shone a light on the often under-discussed topic of sperm donation. It exposes a Dutch man as a prolific and deceptive sperm donor who compulsively fathers children around the world via donated sperm.
Neo-Luddism and the ‘myth’ of progress: Should Christians be pro or anti technology?
In recent weeks we have discussed how to keep modern technology at arms-length (smartphones in the home) and our excitement at how humans may be about to untap God’s blessing in creation through technology (the solar energy revolution). Today we ask the question: can we really hold these positions simultaneously?
Can we know God? Phil Sumpter vs Berel Dov Lerner hosted by Andy Kind
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know God?’ and sheds light on the nature of God, the divine-human relationship, and the crucial role covenants play in both traditions.
Ask NT Wright Anything #225 Will animals go to heaven? Are NDEs real? Is there ‘free will’ in heaven? (Classic)
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists in heaven, what near-death experiences can reveal, and if we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and pets. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the afterlife and beyond!
Energy abundance: Is the coming solar power revolution a blessing from God?
Even sober-minded experts are getting excited about solar power. Respectable estimates suggest the price of energy derived from sunlight will continue to drop spectacularly as the number of panels installed worldwide continues to explode exponentially.