All Ethics articles – Page 3
Matters of Life & Death: Julian Assange, whistleblowers, and the Christian case for journalism
The controversial hacker and activist (and maybe journalist?) Julian Assange was suddenly freed for five years in a British jail last month, after he reached a surprise deal with the US authorities over classified military files he published online more than ten years ago.
Matters of Life & Death: How much is too much to genetically screen your children?
In the first half of this episode we explore new research into public opinion around polygenic embryo screening. This technology allows people undergoing IVF to see what genes each potential embryo has and then choose to reimplant the one with the ‘best’ genetic make-up.
Can we have virtue without god?
Erik Strandness looks at where virtue comes from, exploring an Unbelievable show on the topic with atheist philosopher Julian Baggini and Christian author Dominic Done
Matters of Life & Death: Autism - Disability or superpower?
Diagnosis rates for autism have been steadily rising for decades now, and as the condition has become more prevalent there has been a growing debate within the community and wider society about what autism is.
Matters of Life & Death: Two is the loneliest number: Can AI friends stop us feeling alone?
Science fiction has long been fascinated by the idea of humans becoming friends with computers. And the dream of an always-on digital companion you can talk to day or night is closer than ever before, thanks to advances in AI software in recent years.
Matters of Life & Death: Assisted dying in Scotland: A bad law but also an inevitable one?
A new law has been proposed in the Scottish Parliament which would allow terminally ill people to request doctors assist them in committing suicide. Is euthanasia the next great social leap forward in the inexorable onward march of progress?
In a crisis we need more compassion not less: A response to journalist Matthew Syed
Krishna Kandiah, director of Sanctuary Foundation, responds to comments by author Matthew Syed in The Times newspaper around “mindless compassion…leading us towards the end of our civilisation”
Matters of Life & Death: ADHD, over-diagnosis and should Christians enhance our brains with stimulants?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the faster growing mental health diagnoses of our age. More and more people, including those well into adulthood, are seeking out and being diagnosed with ADHD.
Matters of Life & Death: Tim Farron, toxic social media, and how to navigate the ‘mucky business’ of politics
This week we’re bringing you a classic episode from the MOLAD archive, when we were joined by the former leader of the Liberal Democrats Tim Farron to discuss social media and politics.
How the biblical worldview informed Martin Luther King Jr
Dr Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on 4th April 1968. Adam Coleman of Tru-ID Apologetics shares his thoughts about how the civil rights campaigner’s biblical worldview helped shape his message
Matters of Life & Death: New obesity drugs, the morality of food, and has neuroscience killed off free will?
A new wave of anti-obesity drugs led by Wegovy (also known as Ozempic) are causing huge ripples in the medical world and popular culture. Astonishingly successful at helping people lose weight, these drugs both offer a tantalising solution to the obesity epidemic and its associated public health crisis, and have also made the pharma companies which own them staggeringly rich as demand rockets ever upwards.
Matters of Life & Death: Tech hype - Should Christians resist or lean into AI?
In this episode we talk through the anatomy of a tech hype bubble, looking at previous cases such as the internet, cryptocurrency and smartphones to figure out where AI might be on the ‘S-curve’ of tech adoption.
The psychological toll of witnessing animal cruelty online
Dustin Kieschnick and Katie Lawlor, on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, share their thoughts on the impact of trauma and social media
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Why have anti-abortion activists accidentally banned fertility treatment in Alabama?
Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled that embryos in deep freeze, stored as part of IVF treatment, can be considered as legal children. This unexpected judgement has prompted many clinics to shut their doors, fearing lawsuits, as the storage and eventual destruction of surplus embryos is standard practice in IVF.
Matters of Life & Death: How can Christian doctors approach medical-assisted dying (euthanasia)?
Medical Assistance in Dying: Judicial activism, suicidal ideation, reasons to stay alive, and Hippocrates’ successful medical practice
Matters of Life & Death: Psychedelics, spirits and the philosophy of Harry Potter
Culture is increasingly interested in psychedelic drugs. Whether it’s Silicon Valley execs micro-dosing LSD to turbocharge their meetings, Americans booking ayahuasca weekends in Mexico, or rafts of studies suggesting ketamine can really help in treating depression, we’re all taking drugs much more seriously than any time since the 1960s counterculture.
Unapologetic #92 Michael Lloyd: Did Jesus have a sex drive?
What does the image of God say about our sexuality? What does that mean for single people? How did Jesus’ sexual safeness help to heal people’s broken sexuality and what did Jesus say about sex?
The CS Lewis Podcast #145 That Hideous Strength: Was Lewis sexist?
Alister McGrath looks at what Lewis thought of women, sexuality and marriage. Are any of the characters in That Hideous Strength based on people Lewis knew? What was he trying to convey through their depiction?
Matters of Life & Death: New Creation: Reading the Bible backwards, the ‘opiate of the masses’, Physics 2.0, and the resurrected yet scarred body
Our four-part series on the deeper narrative of the Bible comes to an end with New Creation. Just as with the beginning of the story, this final chapter is often overlooked in many churches and the Christian narrative is compressed simply to fall and redemption.