All Ethics articles – Page 5
Unbelievable? Should faith and politics mix? | Peter Wehner, Jonathan Rauch with Vince Vitale
Vince Vitale hosts this timely discussion around faith and politics, with Pete Wehner, journalist and senior fellow at Trinity Forum and Jonathan Rauch who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute. The topic is Should faith and politics mix?
Ask NT Wright Anything #198 Veganism, ethics and activism (Classic)
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around if we should eat meat, whether we’ll all be vegan in the new creation and if violent protest is ever acceptable
Matters of Life & Death: Redemption: Always Plan A, sharing in Christ’s sufferings, a Disney fairy story, and the offensive incarnation
Creation. Fall. Redemption. New Creation. Our series on the theological foundations of Christian ethics and the grand narrative of the Bible has reached the third chapter – redemption.
Unapologetic #82 Bishop Arun Arora: Saint Nicholas, George Floyd and unanswered prayer
Who was the real Saint Nicholas? Why was he so passionate about Jesus’ divinity? And why does it matter who Jesus is? Bishop Arun Arora, author of Stick With Love shares his thoughts on a number of saints and looks at how to address the problem of unanswered prayer. How does the Christmas story speak to our suffering? Plus, we hear how God transformed George Floyd’s life while he was in prison and what what can we learn from his life and tragic death.
The CS Lewis Podcast #135 David Bates: What did Christmas mean to Lewis?
David Bates from Pints With Jack shares some of CS Lewis’ thoughts about Christmas. What are some of his key works that elucidate this topic? Did the festive period lose its significance when Lewis became an atheist? Plus, we catch up on how the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day went last month.
Matters of Life & Death: Palliative care, Dogs and Guinness on the wards, complicated grief, DNAR discussions, and resisting assisted dying
A couple of years ago we interviewed Sarah Foot, a Christian palliative care doctor. She spoke about how she treats the physical, mental, social and even spiritual needs of those who are dying, the Christian foundations of the discipline, and what impact her profession has on her.
Unapologetic #81 Bishop Arun Arora: Advent, the incarnation and racial justice
Does it matter what Jesus looked like? Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares his thoughts about a poll that voted Jesus the greatest black icon of all time. Plus, he suggests why asking someone where they’re really from demonstrates an otherness, which unhelpfully seeks to distinguish rather than unify.
The CS Lewis Podcast: #134 Alister McGrath: Is there an expiry date on Lewis’ relevance?
In the final part of their discussion on whether CS Lewis is still relevant 60 years after his death, Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson ponder whether he also appeals to agnostics, atheists and those of other religions. Plus, is there a modern-day CS Lewis? Where should someone start if they are engaging with Lewis for the first time? And will Lewis ever cease to be relevant?
Why we must change the way we do mission
Charity worker Simon Foulds shares why he thinks a new framework for mission is needed
Unapologetic #80 Bishop Arun Arora: What is Advent and why is it significant?
Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares how a young Brummie with a Sikh dad and Hindu mum became a Christian through Billy Graham. Having been in the Church for 30 years before he saw another Asian man in Church leadership, Arun shares why he and the Archbishop of York have such a strong commitment to racial justice.
Pope Francis on why we need hope
The Pope shares his thoughts on how we can be people of hope in a world that desperately needs it
Ask NT Wright Anything #194 Icons, praying to saints & dividing over sexuality (Classic)
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
The CS Lewis Podcast #131 David Bates: CS Lewis Reading Day
David Bates and his team at Pints With Jack have helped establish a day to celebrate CS Lewis and his work. His fellow Inkling, JRR Tolkien, already has a special reading day, but “why should the Tolkien nerds have all the fun?”! Listen in to hear why David thinks Lewis is still relevant today and how you can get involved with the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day on Lewis’ birthday - November 29th.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, should we remember them?
As we approach Remembrance Day in the UK and Veterans Day in the US, Joel Furches explores whether we should be praying for our military
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Is there a future for evangelicalism in the West?
Sam Reimer, professor of sociology and author of Caught in the Current, explores the decline of Christianity in light of the three ways religious groups can grow
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 1: Elsie’s story, one in five pregnancies, names missing from the family tree, and the power of ultrasound
We have just finished Baby Loss Awareness Week here in the UK. While the event is not hugely well known, it is indicative of an enormous cultural shift in recent decades around how society talks about miscarriage and stillbirth.
Unapologetic #74 Michael Lloyd: Should we all study theology?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, shares his story including why he got ordained, how he ended up in academia and why he changed his mind on the ordination of women. He also discusses how to assess the veracity of doctrines and why he believes everyone should study theology.
The CS Lewis Podcast #127 Perelandra: Evil, suffering and sin
Alister McGrath continues to discuss Perelandra, looking particularly at the topics of evil, suffering, sin, demon possession and divine justice. How can God allow suffering? What can be done to redeem evil?