All God articles – Page 26
Unbelievable? - David Robertson answers skeptics questions
David Robertson is a Scottish church pastor and author of “The Dawkins Letters”. He recently hosted the first Conference of the newly established Solas Centre for Public Christianity.
Unbelievable? - Philip Yancey on “What Good is God?”
Best-selling US Christian Author Philip Yancey writes books that address some of the hardest questions that Christians ask of themselves and skeptics ask of Christians. His latest book “What Good is God?” looks at how Christian belief matters in the lives of those who suffer.
Unbelievable? The Apologetics of CS Lewis
C.S. Lewis was one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th Century and remains so today. Many are familiar with his Narnia stories, but he was also a populariser of Christian apologetics, and continues to be the first place that many encounter the key arguments for Christian faith.
Unbelievable? - Darwin’s Black Box - Michael Behe & Keith Fox debate Intelligent Design
Michael Behe is professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania and the founder of the modern Intelligent Design movement. His book “Darwin’s Black Box” ignited the controversy 14 years ago when it claimed that certain molecular machines and biological processes are “irreducibly complex” and cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution.
Unbelievable? - Philosophers Debate The Moral Argument for God
Torturing children for fun - is that absolutely wrong?
Unbelievable? - Hawking’s God - John Polkinghorne & Hugh Ross (Plus Mike Behe interview!)
We return to listener questions on whether Hawking was right or wrong to dismiss God as a cause of the universe in his new book “The Grand Design”.
Unbelievable? - Hawking, God & the Universe - Sir Roger Penrose and Alister McGrath
Stephen Hawking made headlines around the world when he announced that his M-Theory of cosmology has led him to conclude God did not create the universe and its “fine tuning” is the result of a multiverse.
Unbelievable? - Presuppositional apologetic proof of God
“Arguing against God’s existence is on a par with arguing against air, breathing it all the while”. So says the website of Sye TenBrugencatte who believes that Christians need to rediscover the power of ‘presuppositional apologetics’.
Unbelievable? - Psychology of religion
s belief in the supernatural inherent from birth? Is Christianity a psychological crutch or a path to emotional wholeness? Is God belief simply a result of evolution? Would it make belief untrue if it were?
Unbelievable? - Wired for God? The Biology of Spiritual Experience
From shamanism, hallucenogenic drugs, out-of-body experiences, to being “filled with the Spirit”. Christian author and barrister Charles Foster draws on these and many more to examine the biological evidence of what happens when people claim supernatural experiences.
Unbelievable? - Is God a failed hypothesis? Pr 2 - Victor Stenger vs. David Bartholomew
Can we use science to ascertain whether prayer works? Data from a series of prayer experiments is part of the evidence that US atheist scientist Victor Stenger uses to build the case against God in his best-selling book “God: The failed hypothesis”.
Unbelievable? - Is God a Failed hypothesis? pr 1 - Victor Stenger vs. Steve Fuller
he first of two shows featuring atheist US physicist Victor Stenger, author of NY Times bestseller “God: The failed Hypothesis”.
Unbelievable? - Philip Pullman on the historical Jesus
“The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ” is the latest book from the pen of prominent atheist author Philip Pullman. It re-imagines the story of Jesus as the story of two twins - one called Jesus, the other Christ. It is the twin Christ who writes the history of Jesus, turning him into the God-man of the Gospels.
Unbelievable? - God & Science - Denis Alexander & Stephen Law
Test of Faith is an initiative aimed at showing that Christian faith and good science are perfectly compatible. As the Tour reaches london on 19th May we ask “Do we need God, now that we have science?”
Unbelievable? - Atheists Grill A Christian
We mix things up a bit this week with a different format. Four atheist listeners of the show get their chance to air their objections to Christian faith. Taking their questions and criticisms is Church pastor David Robertson, author of “The Dawkins Letters”.
Unbelievable? Religious experience - is it evidence for God?
Richard Morgan and Todd Pitner both experienced adult conversions from atheism to Christian Faith.
Unbelievable ? - Faith in Britain - Andrew Copson of the BHA vs David Robertson
A year ago the British Humanist Association launched the “Atheist Bus Campaign” declaring “There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life”.
Unbelievable ? - Do we need God to do Science? Steve Fuller & Thomas Dixon
As we look forward to the screening and debate around the film Expelled at Imperial College London on Sat 27th Feb (See for info on extra screening & debate) two of the panellists join Justin to debate Intelligent Design.
Unbelievable ? - Where was God in Haiti?
Hundreds of thousands died in the Haiti earthquake of Jan 2010. Many more are still suffering. So where was God?
Unbelievable ? - Bill Dembski & Norman Hansen on Natural Evil
William (Bill) Dembski is an American mathematician, theologian and professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, TX.