All God  articles – Page 27

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ?- What does science tell us about God?


    Professor Lewis Wolpert is Emeritus Professor of Biology at University College London. Professor Russell Cowburn is Chair of Nanotechnology at Imperial College.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Dan Barker on losing faith


    Dan Barker was a Christian evangelist and musician for 19 years before he lost his faith. He tells the story in his book “Godless: How an evangelical preacher became one of America’s leading Atheists”. Dan is now President of the Freedom from Religion Foundation in the USA.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - John Shelby Spong vs. Terry Boyle


    John Shelby Spong is one of the most influential liberal Christians in the world and advocates that Christianity needs to re-interpreted for the modern world leaving behind supernatural beliefs. In his latest book “Eternal Life: a new vision” he claims that we need to transcend belief in God, heaven and hell to undesrtand what “Life in all its fullness” means.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Christian conversion of Hindus


     In light of Premier’s Faith Without Fear campaign, this discussion between Anil Bhanot and Sunil Raheja addresses the tensions that exist when Christians seek to evangelise Hindus in India.

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    Unbelievable? Jesus and the God of Israel


    Many have suggested that Christian belief in the divinity and worship of Jesus as God was a late development, and that Jesus’ early followers did not regard him as being equal with God. So was Jesus merely regarded as an “elevated” being? Was high Christology at odds with the Jewish monotheism of the first century?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - What picture of God does the Bible paint?


     Andrew Wilson is an author and church leader. His book “GodStories” describes the Bible as “the gospel of God”. He says the story is told in multiple ways of sins forgiven, shame removed, beauty restored, and meaning reinstated.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - PZ Myers & Denis Alexander on Faith & Science


    Atheist Biologist PZ Myers is an outspoken critic of Christianity. He believes that faith in God and science are contradictory. He debates theistic evolutionist Denis Alexander, Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Is science is at odds with Christianity as PZ claims?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Fine Tuning of the Universe


    The most recent scientific evidence shows that the universe had to be incredibly “fine tuned” in its fundamental constants to allow life. Is this the ultimate proof of a designer God?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Mormon & Christian Dialogue


    In 19th Century America Joseph Smith claimed to have been given a new revelation of God and Jesus Christ. Almost 200 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints numbers more than 13 million members.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? “Darwin and God” - Nick Spencer


    As the world marks Darwin’s bicentenary, Nick Spencer of Christian thinktank Theos and author of the book “Darwin & God” explains where Darwin actually stood in relation to belief in God. Although Darwin lost his Christian faith he was never an atheist. Atheist biologist Robert Stovold argues that Darwin’s “Big Idea” paves the way to atheism. Denis Alexander of the Faraday Institute also contributes arguing that belief in God and Evolution are complementary.

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    Unbelievable? “How did Christianity begin?” Part 1


    On this week’s show (17 Jan 09) two New Testament scholars go head to head. Michael Bird is a believer, James Crossley is not. They have different conclusions about how the Christian faith began and have written a dialogue in their new book “How Did Christianity Begin - a believer and non-Believer examine the evidence”.

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    Unbelievable? The problem of suffering - Ehrman & Swinburne


    Bart Ehrman lost his faith altogether when he confronted the problem of how a loving, powerful God can allow suffering. In his new book “God’s Problem” he states that the Bible contains different and unconvincing explanations to the issue.

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    Unbelievable? End of Year apologetics interview special


    A treat for the end of the year as Justin plays some exclusive content accumulated in the past year. NT Wright is among contributors to a feature answering common ojections to the resurrection of Jesus; New York Pastor Tim Keller on his book “The Reason for God”; and David Robertson author of “The Dawkins Letters”. Happy new year!

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    Unbelievable? The Virgin Birth - for & against


    Canon Michael Sayward believes that the Virgin Conception is an attested historical fact, and an essential doctrine for Christian belief. Unitarian minister Sarah Tinker believes it to be a “beautiful myth” that should not be taken literally. They debate and we hear listener phone calls, response to the last few weeks of programming as well as tackling the “Jesus is a plagiarism of Pagan Gods” argument.

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    Unbelievable? Christian Zionism, Israel & the Church


    Does God have a continuing special convenant relationship with Jewish people? Should Christians be especially concerned for Israel? Two Christians with very different views tackle this week’s subject. Revd Stephen Sizer has written extensively against “Christian Zionism”, whereas Geoffrey Smith believes God still has a special relationship with Israel.

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    Unbelievable? Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?


    Denis Alexander is the author of “Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?” - his answer is “no”. Denis believes Darwin’s theory is perfectly compatible with belief in the creator God of the Bible. Stephen Lloyd of Biblical Creation Ministries disagrees - he says that the Gospel itself depends on the Adam and Eve story being literally true.

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    Unbelievable? Islam and the Trinity


    Christian apologist James White believes that the God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is present in the pages of the Bible. Muslim Abdullah Al Andalusi believes that a Trinitarian God is a contradiction in terms. They debate whether it makes sense and whether the Bible supports it. 

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    Unbelievable? The Atheist Bus Campaign


    Atheists are funding a campaign that will see London buses bearing the poster “There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and get on with your life”. Its the brainchild of Ariane Sherine and has been backed by Richard Dawkins. We discuss the campaign, whether there really is no God and what it means for morality if there isn’t.

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    Unbelievable? Why there IS a God with Keith Ward


    Former Regius professor of Divinity at Oxford University Keith Ward has written a response book to The God Delusion on why Dawkins’ philosophical arguments against God are wrong. Atheist scientist Robert Stovold defends Dawkins “naturalism” view.