All History articles – Page 7
Ask NT Wright Anything #155 Making sense of Old Testament violence
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’. First broadcast in 2019.
Should Christians favour creation or evolution?: 4 different perspectives
Writer Steve Schramm explores Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Intelligent Design and Theistic Evolution
Ask NT Wright Anything #154 Tom answers Qs on universalism, hell and salvation
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much more… First broadcast in 2016.
Unapologetic #37 Alanzo Paul: a former opiate addict on how to reach young people
Originally from Canada, Alanzo Paul fell into a life of addiction after his parents’ divorce. Here, he shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, including his reflections on working with Ravi Zacharias. He also looks at some of life’s big questions and suggests ways to reach the apathetic with the gospel.
Are there contradictions in the Bible?
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of the primary objections offered by Americans who exit the Christian faith
Ask NT Wright Anything #153 Is the Bible inerrant? Is ‘Sola Scriptura’ correct? What about verses endorsing slavery?
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tradition, and whether there is a ‘trajectory hermeneutic’ when it comes to issues like slavery in the Bible.
Unapologetic #36 Trevin Wax: How to tackle objections to Christianity
In the second part of their discussion, Ruth Jackson speaks to Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, about culture wars, evangelism and how to approach life’s big questions.
What is Judaism and how does it differ from Christianity?
Writer Steve Schramm offers a helpful explanation on the relationship between these two key religions
The CS Lewis Podcast #88 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ unpleasant schooldays
In the second episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why Lewis found school so thoroughly unpleasant and how it helped to cement his growing atheism. Plus, we launch a competition to win a copy of McGrath’s book.
Unapologetic #35 Trevin Wax: Can Orthodoxy be thrilling?
Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, speaks to Ruth Jackson about what Orthodoxy is, how we articulate it in a modern context and why we should pass it on to the next generation.
Is it arrogant for Jesus to claim to be the only way to get to heaven?
Writer Steve Schramm explains a potentially uncomfortable claim within Christianity
Is the Western Church’s problem that it is too self-centred?
Digging deeper into Gungor’s rejection of Christian faith suggests so, says Heather Tomlinson
The CS Lewis Podcast #86 Alister McGrath: Why read CS Lewis?
As we begin a new year, we pause to remind ourselves of the thought, life and legacy of CS Lewis. Professor Alister McGrath shares why and how we can engage with Lewis and his writings as we introduce a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life.
Teach the world to sing in a minor key
Erik Standness looks at what unites people in a crisis and why
The Top 10 Unbelievable? shows of 2022
Justin Brierley rounds up the most popular shows of the year
The cross as the ultimate symbol of deconstruction
Timothy James reflects on the significance of the cross and its meaning for our lives
How should we respond to racial injustice?
As we approach a new year, we must continue to talk about these important issues. Clare Williams, apologist and founder of Get Real shares her thoughts about how Christians should respond to racial injustice
The faith of the shepherds: A Christmas reflection
Tim James looks at what we can learn from a bunch of seemingly unimportant individuals who were brave enough to accept an invitation to meet the Messiah