All Matters of Life and Death articles – Page 9
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: The Omicron variant, mandatory vaccination, pandemic solidarity, and memories of authoritarianism
The Omicron variant has in a few short weeks almost taken over the pandemic.
Matters of Life & Death: Reproductive technologies: the ’Google baby’, Oliver O’Donovan, 14-day-old embryos, and techno-optimism
This week we are resuming our conversation about infertility which begun in our previous episode.
Matters of Life & Death: Infertility and IVF: Hidden wounds, premature quintuplets, embryo donation and the procreative-unitive bond
Today we are delving into a complex and sensitive topic – infertility and IVF.
Matters of Life & Death: Assisted dying: The Meacher Bill, radicals in the Lords, Canada’s slippery slope and fragile conscience protections
This week we’re digging into assisted dying. A bill to legalise it in England has been introduced to parliament – what does it propose and how likely is it to actually become law?
Matters of Life & Death: Abusive leadership
Mark Driscoll, the hermeneutic of suspicion, Sigmund Freud’s chaise longue, and Paul-Timothy relationships
Matters of Life & Death: The Robot Will See You Now
This episode was inspired by John’s new book – The Robot Will See You Now
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Miscounting deaths, the Sun’s front page, key workers with long covid and vaccine generosity
It’s been almost six months since we last dedicated an episode to covid, and since then a lot has happened.
Matters of Life & Death: John Stott: Double listening, salt as preservative, incarnational mission, and the challenge of evangelical hagiography
Last week marked 100 years since the late John Stott was born and there has been a flurry of events to mark the centenary of this highly influential vicar, Bible teacher and evangelical leader.
Matters of Life & Death: Simulation: Deep fakes, image as sacrament, David Beckham in Mandarin and therapy chatbots
Today’s topic is simulation. We live in an era when digital technology is making it increasingly easy and cheap to create fake but compelling images or videos of people, or even entirely artificial human-like personalities.
Matters of Life & Death: Digital church: Worship on Zoom, pandemic revival, time-shifting and Gnosticism
This episode explores one of the most significant and potentially long-lasting ways the covid pandemic has affected church life – the shift to digital.
Matters of Life & Death: Social media and free speech: Fake news, Facebook’s ’Supreme Court’, the Capitol riot and YouTube algorithms
In today’s episode we’re taking a sideways step from the covid pandemic and instead are discussing social media and free speech.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Misinformation
Microchips. Bill Gates. The mark of the beast. 5G cell towers. False positive rates. Big pharma. DNA alteration. It’s been hard to avoid the swirling morass of misinformation and conspiracy theories around the pandemic.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 3
Can Christians be given the vaccine without compromising on their religious convictions?
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: The second lockdown
Is this crude, blunt instrument really the best way to tackle the second wave of the covid pandemic?
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 2
We received a fascinating question from a listener after our last episode on vaccines, picking up on the competing and perhaps contradictory philosophies behind the anti-vax movement.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 1
There are about 40 different potential covid vaccines already being tested on humans, with almost a hundred more at earlier stages of development in the lab.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Mental health, anxiety and hope
We’re back after a slightly longer than expected summer break with a new episode, all about our fears, anxieties and hopes amid the pandemic.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Technology - part 2
In the second part of our conversation on technology during the coronavirus pandemic, we look into our crystal balls and try to imagine what the world of tech will look like in the future, thanks to Covid-19.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Technology - part 1
One of the perhaps unexpected results of the coronavirus pandemic is how it has thrown up some fascinating debates about technology.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Death and spirituality during a pandemic
Rarely it is deemed polite to mention the uncomfortable fact that one day we all will die, let alone try to bring faith or spirituality into that conversation. But in the midst of a pandemic, is that changing?