All Media articles – Page 3

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    Should We Have the Right to Die?  The Assisted Dying Debate in the UK Neil McKain vs Prof Keith Brown


    As the UK prepares for a crucial parliamentary debate on the Assisted Dying Bill, the Unbelievable? podcast delves into this emotionally charged issue. Unlike in countries such as the USA, Canada, and the Netherlands, assisted dying remains illegal in the UK—but that could soon change. 

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    The Divine Debate: Is Morality Rooted in God? Atheist Stephen Law vs Matthew Su hosted by Ruth Jackson


    Is faith necessary for a moral life? Is belief in God essential for a meaningful moral framework, or can secular philosophy provide all the answers? This week on Unbelievable?, host Ruth Jackson welcomes two dynamic thinkers to explore the profound debate of God’s role in our moral universe.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #183 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Is CS Lewis still relevant?


    On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 61 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant? We hear from former pastor-turned atheist, Dan Barker, who suggests that many of Lewis’ arguments are fundamentally flawed. Literature professor, Dr Carolyn Weber, highlights where she disagrees with Dan and shares some of her story about coming to faith at Oxford University, in part through CS Lewis.

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    Variations in Scripture: do they matter? 🧐 New Testament Scholars Mike Licona and Darrell L. Bock explain


    New Testament scholars Mike Licona and Darrell L. Bock dive into the Bible’s rich complexities, covering divine inspiration, authorship, and textual variations 📖✨. They discuss how understanding the Bible as both divinely inspired and humanly transmitted influences its authority and interpretation. Topics include the formation of the Old and New Testaments, challenges in translation 🌍, and the development of core doctrines like the Trinity ✝️. Gain insights into how cultural context shapes interpretation and how differing Gospel accounts add perspective without undermining Scripture’s message.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #182 Sarah Hawkyard: CS Lewis changed everything


    Ruth Jackson spoke to singer-songwriter Sarah Hawkyard who describes Mere Christianity as a “game changer”, which “hooked” her onto Christianity. Lewis played an integral role in Sarah coming to faith, challenging, inspiring and providing her with profound knowledge.

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    #231 Mental health: Am I failing God by taking medication? (Classic)


    Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my eating disorder - how do we educate the church? How do I reconcile the Biblical command ‘do not be anxious’ with chronic anxiety? Tom answers listener questions about mental health.

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    Near death experiences


    Once dismissed as quackery or New Age woo, near death experiences are seeing something of a modern revival. A slew of serious scientists and doctors have begun studying the phenomenon, even constructing clinical trials to try and see what, if anything, goes on when someone is on the brink of death but is resuscitated successfully. And there is now an entire Christian industry of books and films about believers who claim to have ‘gone to heaven and come back’ after nearly dying.


    The CS Lewis Podcast #181 Curtis White: What did TS Eliot and Lewis think of each other?


    Dr Curtis White’s PhD focuses on the relationship, work and theology of CS Lewis and TS Eliot. Here, he highlights some of his thoughts on this topic as well as sharing how Lewis was integral to his own faith journey. White also talks about the upcoming CS Lewis Symposium in Belfast, which John Brown University is providing financial support for.

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    The Great Morality Debate: Secularism vs. Christianity with Dr Michael Shermer and Rev. Glen Scrivener


    This week on Premier Unbelievable?, we tackle one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy:

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    #230 I can’t shake my sinful addiction (Classic)


    Tom answers personal question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how to respond to homeless people with substance addiction and mental health problems.

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    Prenatal screening: Is all knowledge a good thing?


    Pregnant women today are offered a battery of tests and screening for their unborn child, looking for an ever-increasing range of conditions and risks. But is the onward march of technology in this sphere always an unmitigated good thing? With abortion for a disability legal in the UK up to term, women are being given terrible choices previous generations never faced: give birth to a child who probably has a life-limiting or even fatal condition, or end the pregnancy early.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #180 David Clare: Ecstatic experience


    How did Lewis approach ecstatic experiences, particularly in light of his Ulster Protestant background? Dr David Clare of Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick continues his talk given at the C.S. Lewis Group at Ulster’s spring mini symposium. He also answers questions from the live audience. The event was entitled ‘C.S. Lewis and the Land of His Birth: Re-rooting Lewis in Ulster & the Island of Ireland’. The title of Dr Clare’s talk was ‘“Lit Up Inside”: C.S. Lewis’s Joy & Ulster Protestant Ecstasy’.

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    Can Tarot & Astrology Open you to EVIL Forces? 🔮👻 Ex-Psychic Jenn Nizza and Horror Filmmaker Toby Watts debate Halloween, demons and horror


    In this Halloween special, we examine the intersection of the occult, Halloween, and Christian perspectives on spiritual matters. Is Halloween merely harmless fun, or does it carry deeper, more sinister implications? Can activities like tarot readings and astrology open the door to evil forces? What does Christianity teach about demons—and is it possible for Christians to be possessed?

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    #229 Making sense of Old Testament violence (Classic)


    Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’.

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    Same-sex attraction and friendship in church, with Ed Shaw


    This week we speak with church pastor and author Ed Shaw about John’s book on friendship, and in particular how it intersects with those who are same-sex attracted like him.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #179 David Clare: Joy and Ulster Protestant ecstasy


    How did Lewis approach moments of religious ecstasy? Dr David Clare of Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick explores this idea in a talk given at the C.S. Lewis Group at Ulster’s spring mini symposium. The event was entitled ‘C.S. Lewis and the Land of His Birth: Re-rooting Lewis in Ulster & the Island of Ireland’.

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    Buffer zones: protecting women or an overreach against free speech? Should silent prayer be banned? Lois McLatchie Miller vs Jan MacVarish hosted by Andy Kind


    Should silent prayer be banned? This week on Unbelievable we’re touching on a sensitive and deeply complex issue that affects both women and men— abortion. Specifically, we’ll be discussing buffer zones outside abortion clinics, which have sparked intense debate around the world, including in the UK, where new legislation comes into effect on October 31, 2024. These zones will make it illegal to influence someone’s decision to access abortion services, including activities like prayer, within a 150-meter radius of clinics.

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    #228 Baptism: What happens? Should we baptise infants? Ask NT Wright Anything (Classic)


    What happens at baptism? How does John’s baptism of repentance differ from Christian baptism? And what does Tom think of infant vs believer’s baptism? Justin asks the questions and NT Wright responds. 

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    Yoga, mindfulness and truly Christian meditation


    Yoga and mindfulness are everywhere in popular Western culture: in school PE lessons, in company retreats, prescribed by doctors, and even sometimes endorsed by churches. Are these harmless or even quasi-Christian practices we can all enjoy, or pagan-derived movements which believers should steer clear of? And is there such a thing as ‘Christian meditation’ we should all be leaning into instead?

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #178 Scott Tuohy: A Lewis quotation changed my life


    When scaffolder Scott Tuohy heard a quotation from CS Lewis while attending an Alpha course, he was so profoundly moved by it, he got the quote tattooed on his bicep the next day. His life has never been the same since. Here, he shares his story with Ruth Jackson.