All News & Events  articles – Page 4

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Was Osama Bin Laden the true face of Islam?


    With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask “Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam” Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion. He says Osama was a true Muslim doing the work of Allah. Muhammad Al Hussaini is a Muslim scholar for the organisation Scriptural Reasoning. He deplores acts of terror and says Bin Laden transgressed multiple commands of Islam.

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    Unbelievable? Buddhism, Burma and Christianity


    As peaceful demonstrations by thousands of Buddhist monks have been brutally quashed by the military dictatorship in Burma, Justin Brierley is joined by Buddhist Alison Murdoch as she explains the thought behind the pacifist approach. Nick Spencer of Christian think-tank Theos also joins the discussion, along with Quaker Michael Bartlett.