All People & Influential Figures articles – Page 20
Unbelievable ? - Dawkins Debate on Atheist fundamentalism
theists Richard Dawkins, and AC Grayling recently squared up against Christians Richard Harries and Charles Moore for a debate on the motion “Atheism is the new fundamentalism”.
Unbelievable? Dan Barker on losing faith
Dan Barker was a Christian evangelist and musician for 19 years before he lost his faith. He tells the story in his book “Godless: How an evangelical preacher became one of America’s leading Atheists”. Dan is now President of the Freedom from Religion Foundation in the USA.
Unbelievable ? - Alister McGrath interview
Alister McGrath combines a background in science with a passion for theology and apologetics. “The Dawkins Delusion” - his critique of Richard Dawkins and the New Atheism has been a bestseller.
Unbelievable ? - John Shelby Spong vs. Terry Boyle
John Shelby Spong is one of the most influential liberal Christians in the world and advocates that Christianity needs to re-interpreted for the modern world leaving behind supernatural beliefs. In his latest book “Eternal Life: a new vision” he claims that we need to transcend belief in God, heaven and hell to undesrtand what “Life in all its fullness” means.
Unbelievable ? - The “Evangelical Universalist” is revealed
“The Evangelical Universalist” was published several years ago. The author claimed to be an evangelical Christian who believes that everyone will ultimately be saved. He published under a pen name, but recently revealed his true identity as Robin Parry, editorial director of UK Christian publisher Paternoster.
Unbelievable ? - “Creation” the movie review with interviews & debate
The film “Creation” is released in the UK Sep 2009. Telling the story of how Charles Darwin came to write “On the Origin of Species” 150 years ago, the film highlights the clash of evolutionary theory and Christian belief. The problem of suffering is also addressed in the death of Darwin’s daughter Annie.
Unbelievable ? - Calvinism & predestination
The first of two programmes focusing on inter-Christian debates over doctrine.
Unbelievable ? A Skeptic in Narnia
Laura Miller was captivated by Lewis’ Narnia stories as a child. As a teenager she learnt of the Christian parallels in the books and felt “cheated and betrayed”. Find out why in today’s programme and how she has come to terms with Narnia by writing “The Magician’s Book”.
Unbelievable? “Darwin and God” - Nick Spencer
As the world marks Darwin’s bicentenary, Nick Spencer of Christian thinktank Theos and author of the book “Darwin & God” explains where Darwin actually stood in relation to belief in God. Although Darwin lost his Christian faith he was never an atheist. Atheist biologist Robert Stovold argues that Darwin’s “Big Idea” paves the way to atheism. Denis Alexander of the Faraday Institute also contributes arguing that belief in God and Evolution are complementary.
Unbelievable? Todd Bentley and the Lakeland ‘revival’
Justin is joined again by Charismatic Christian Gerald Coates, “Cessationist” Christian Mark Johnston and agnostic skeptic Stephen Pilcher. They discuss the healing revival occuring in Lakeland Florida under the ministry of Todd Bentley and claims of the miraculous.