All Philosophy articles
A God that Cannot Not Exist? The Ontological Argument
Author Joel Furches explores one of the least understood and most overlooked rational arguments for God, and addresses its objections
The deceptive simplicity of William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument
Philosophical reflection on infinity leads to inevitable conclusions about the nature of reality and the existence of a powerful personal creator
The Great Morality Debate: Secularism vs. Christianity with Dr Michael Shermer and Rev. Glen Scrivener
This week on Premier Unbelievable?, we tackle one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy:
Christian Philosopher Vince Vitale Stunned by Free Will Showdown: Alex O’Connor vs. Alex Carter
Recently on Unbelievable you may have seen Ruth Jackson host an energised debate about free will between Alex O’Connor – host of the Within Reason podcast and the highly popular YouTube channel, Cosmic Skeptic – and Dr. Alex Carter – who is the Academic Director for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Cambridge, Institute of Continuing Education.
Does DNA’s language point to a creator?
The complexity and communicative qualities of our genetic building blocks are not easily explained by science, but instead point to intelligent design, argues Joel Furches
How the Universe Points to God: a summary of two cosmological arguments
Apologist Clinton Wilcox explores two fascinating rational justifications for believing in God that use the science and philosophy of the Universe
There’s a brand new argument for the existence of God: here’s a simple(ish!) explanation of the ‘problem of psychophysical harmony’.
Theism has been a hot topic in philosophy in recent years, and many academics now say there are very good arguments for the existence of God on the table.
Is belief in an evil God more plausible than belief in a good God? Stephen Law vs Jack Symes hosted by Vince Vitale
Did you hear the one about the three philosophers? Yes, on Unbelievable? 👀 🧠 🎙️In this episode, Oxford philosopher Stephen Law, the main proponent of the Evil God Challenge, argues that the evidential problem of evil challenges the belief in a good God. ⚡️
Unbelievable? Psycho-Physical Harmony: can natural selection alone explain experiential rationality? Philip Goff v Dustin Crummett hosted by Andy Kind
Why do we tend to go for an experience that feels good and when something feels bad, we tend to avoid it? Why are conscious experiences and behaviour paired together in the most rational way? The Unbelievable podcast unpacks the mystery of psycho-physical harmony with Philip Goff, Professor Philosophy at Durham University (an atheist) as he debates Dustin Crummett, a Christian philosopher.
Matters of Life & Death: How much is too much to genetically screen your children?
In the first half of this episode we explore new research into public opinion around polygenic embryo screening. This technology allows people undergoing IVF to see what genes each potential embryo has and then choose to reimplant the one with the ‘best’ genetic make-up.
For better or worse: How has Christianity impacted the intellectual heritage of the West?
Apologist Joel Furches explores Christian history and its impact today
Unbelievable? Is there as much reason to believe in an evil God as a good God? Max Baker-Hytch vs Asha Lancaster-Thomas hosted by Vince Vitale
In the discussion on the plausibility of an all-evil God versus an all-good God, Dr. Max Baker-Hytch delivered a compelling argument that encapsulated the essence of the debate. He highlighted the inherent scepticism that arises when considering the ‘evil God’ hypothesis, pointing out that if such a malevolent deity were to exist, it would provide ample reason to doubt the reliability of our cognitive faculties.
Unbelievable? Why do humans try to play God? Nick Spencer vs Emily Qureshi Hurst hosted by Andy Kind
For too long, the ‘science and religion’ debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory, and not enough on the essence of what it means to be human. But this is a mistake argues one of our guests today, Christian academic Nick Spencer, Senior Fellow at Theos, in his new book ‘Playing God: science, religion and the future of humanity.’ Back on the show is Emily Qureshi-Hurst expert on the philosophy of time.
Unapologetic #73 Peter Byrom: Dawkins’ argument from complexity
In the final part of their discussion, Peter Byrom delves into Dawkins’ argument from complexity, suggesting it may be a circular assumption. They unpack Dawkins’ fascinating exchange with Francis Collins in 2022, where Dawkins admits he may have a presupposition towards materialism. Plus, what does the future hold?
Is AI conscious and does it matter?
Dr Eve Poole considers whether we have to learn to be responsible for the souls we are creating now we are creating artificial intelligence and robots in our own image
Unapologetic #72 Peter Byrom: Disillusioned with Dawkins
Peter Byrom continues to share his faith journey as told in the chapter he contributed to Coming to Faith Through Dawkins. He discloses how challenging Richard Dawkins on why he wouldn’t debate William Lane Craig led to him becoming something of a YouTube sensation! Peter also shares why he believes apologetics is important and what the final nail in his atheist coffin was.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Should Christians use homeopathic medicine and why are climate scientists self-censoring in academic journal articles?
A listener has emailed in to ask where we stand on alternative medicine, such as homeopathy or chiropractors. Is it fine for believers to partake in these kinds of complementary treatments and therapies, alongside traditional evidence-based scientific medicine? Why are they so stubbornly popular despite mountains of research suggesting they mostly don’t work?
Why secular sceptic Nir Eyal thinks we need Church
Theology student David MacPherson reflects on a recent episode of The Diary of a CEO, where Nir Eyal discussed the benefits of church and a worshipping community
Unapologetic #71 Peter Byrom: Discovering Dawkins
In the first episode of this three-part series, Peter Byrom shares his fascinating story as told in the chapter he contributed to Coming to Faith Through Dawkins. He outlines how he encountered the apologist William Lane Craig via the New Atheists and discusses his growing disillusionment with Dawkins’ “devastating” argument from complexity.