All Philosophy  articles – Page 10

  • Shows

    Keith Ward vs Michael Ruse on Mind, Consciousness & The God Question - Unbelievable?


    Christian philosopher Prof Keith Ward and atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse debate some of the issues raised by the new DVD documentary series The God Question. It explores whether advances in science are undermining or supporting belief in God.

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    Unbelievable? Peter Kreeft debates the argument from desire


    Peter Kreeft is a philosophy professor and well know Christian thinker and writer. He defends the “argument from desire”. Does our experience of transcendent longing indicate that there is a God to satisfy it?

  • Shows

    The Christian & Atheist philosophers’ worldviews: Keith Ward & Arif Ahmed - Unbelievable?


     The Veritas Forum in Cambridge invited Christian philosopher Keith Ward and atheist philosopher Arif Ahmed to present the reasons for their different worldviews.

  • Shows

    William Lane Craig on reaching the UK with apologetics - Unbelievable?


     As videos from 2011’s Bethinking Conference are made available on Youtube we hear the talk that leading Christian philosopher William Lane Craig gave to those gathered on the apologetic task of reaching the UK. Includes audience Q&A.

  • Shows

    Is God Worth Believing In? Unbelievable?


    Jeff Cook is a Christian philosopher who tells his story of losing and returning to faith in his book ‘Everything New’. Jeff has critiqued contemporary apologetics for sometimes failing to present a God that people would want to exist.

  • Shows

    Does God Exist? Calum Miller vs Peter Atkins - Unbelievable?


     A podcast only show featuring the full debate on “Does God Exist?” held at Christ Church College, Oxford between Christian undergraduate Calum Miller and Atheist academic Peter Atkins. Calum Miller presents philosophical evidence for the existence of God and Peter Atkins responds.

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    Podcast special - William Lane Craig vs Peter Atkins - Manchester debate - Unbelievable?


    The full recording of the final debate of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig.

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    A Universe From Nothing? Lawrence Krauss & Rodney Holder - Unbelievable?


    Lawrence Krauss is a Cosmologist at Arizona State University who describes himself as an “anti-theist”. His latest book “A Universe From Nothing” has received both acclaim and criticism for its attempt to answer the question “Why is there something rather than nothing?”

  • Shows

    Miracles in the Gospels: Did they happen? Craig Keener & Geoff Lillis - Unbelievable?


    The first of two programmes looking at miracles in the Bible and today. Craig S Keener is a New Testament Scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky. His new book “Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts” is a 2 volume work assessing the case for the miracles of Jesus and the many reported cases of miracles around the world.

  • Shows

    Angels: Do they exist? Christian & atheist discuss - Unbelievable?


      Angels have been reported for thousands of years across different cultures. What is the evidence of their existence? Three guests examine Biblical and contemporary accounts of angelic visitation. Peter S Williams is a Christian Philosopher and author of the book “The Case for Angels”. He say that there is philosophical, biblical and experiential evidence for the existence of angels. Lee Warren is a magician by trade.

  • Shows

    Is Our Mind More Than Matter? Keith Ward vs David Papineau - Unbelievable?


     Is our physical brain one and the same with the consciousness, thoughts and perceptions we experience? Is matter all there is ultimately? Keith Ward is a prominent Christian Philosopher & Theologian. The Former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. He believes in an immaterial mind, as well as the phsical brain. David Papineau is Professor of Philosophy of Science at Kings College London. As an atheist & physicalist he believes that the mind is one and the same with the brain - there is nothing immaterial about it.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Believing Bulls**t - Is Christianity an intellectual blackhole?


    Stephen Law is an atheist and Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Heythrop College and director of the Centre for Inquiry UK. His latest book “Believing Bulls**t: how not to get sucked into an intellectual black hole” looks at the reasons people are persuaded into believing irrational things. Jame Orr is a Christian convert studying for a Doctorate in philosophy at Cambridge University. He engages Stephen on whether the criteria for recognising “intellectual black holes” applies to the claims of Christianity, including The Resurrection.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Revisiting the evil God challenge - Law vs Peoples


    Stephen Law is senior lecturer in philosophy at Heythrop College, London and director of the Centre For Inquiry UK. He joins Justin to reflect on his debate with William Lane Craig during the UK Reasonable Faith Tour where he defended atheism. Glenn Peoples is a Christian Philosopher from New Zealand.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Understanding Jesus - listener Q&A


     Peter S Williams is a Christian philosopher and apologist. His latest book Understanding Jesus brings together lines of evidence for a philosophical, historical and theological understanding of Jesus.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Can an atheist believe in meaning?


     Geoff Crocker is a former Christian, now atheist. However, he says he still believes in Spirituality even as an atheist and that believing the universe is Godless does not mean there is no meaning to be grasped. His book “An Enlightened Philosophy” asks if atheism may be able to borrow from Religion “reintrepreted as myth”. Peter S Williams is a Christian Philosopher and apologist. He says that Atheism does not allow for objective meaning, value or purpose, only theism can provide those.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - William Lane Craig Q&A & Tour preview


     William Lane Craig is coming to the UK from October 17-26 2011 for a series of debates and lectures countering atheism and presenting strong rational grounds for belief in God.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Are there many paths to God?


    In an age of religious pluralism it can seem arrogant for Christians to claim they have “the truth” or the only means to salvation. So when Jesus said “no-one comes to the Father except through me” what did he mean? And what about those who have not heard the Gospel? John Hick is a noted philosopher and theologian who is a proponent of a pluralist view of religion - that there is one light (God) but many lampshades (religious expressions).

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    Unbelievable? Alvin Plantinga vs Stephen Law on the Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism


    Richard Dawkins has said that “the theory of evolution made it possible to be an intellecually fulfilled atheist”. But what if belief in evolution becomes irrational on atheist naturalism?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Philosophers Debate The Moral Argument for God


    Torturing children for fun - is that absolutely wrong?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Christian Physicalism: Do we have a soul?


    Christians have traditionally held that humans comprise two things - a body and a soul. Christian Philosophers have written in defence of the soul against a reductive atheism that claims we are material beings alone.