All Religious Seasons articles – Page 2
Unapologetic #81 Bishop Arun Arora: Advent, the incarnation and racial justice
Does it matter what Jesus looked like? Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares his thoughts about a poll that voted Jesus the greatest black icon of all time. Plus, he suggests why asking someone where they’re really from demonstrates an otherness, which unhelpfully seeks to distinguish rather than unify.
Doubting towards God: How a nominal Catholic-turned atheist became a Christian apologist
Spanish musician Pedro Garcia’s atheism was profoundly shaken when he began to engage with intelligent Christians. Jana Harmon shares his story
Unapologetic #80 Bishop Arun Arora: What is Advent and why is it significant?
Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares how a young Brummie with a Sikh dad and Hindu mum became a Christian through Billy Graham. Having been in the Church for 30 years before he saw another Asian man in Church leadership, Arun shares why he and the Archbishop of York have such a strong commitment to racial justice.
Unapologetic #78 Amy Orr-Ewing: Why are women central to the Christian story?
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, explores the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, and looks at why women play such a significant role in Christianity. Plus, what is the Magnificat, why is it so revolutionary? And how is it relevant today?
Remembering Tim Keller: Death has lost its sting
Entrepreneur Max Anderson shares his final reflections on the great Tim Keller who influenced his life in a deeply profound way
Unbelievable? Celebrating 17 years - Justin Brierley, Ruth Jackson, and Vince Vitale
The Unbelievable? show has been broadcasting for over 17 years. Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson take a retrospective tour through highlights from the show from day one to some of the most significant debates that have been hosted, before being joined by Dr. Vince Vitale for a special announcement by Justin.
Unapologetic #48 Jeremiah Johnston: Are there credible reasons to believe in God?
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, president of the Christian Thinkers Society and father to five children (including triplets!), shares his journey into apologetics, looking at the importance of engaging both the head and heart. As well as speaking about how to live distinctively, ask good questions and allow room for doubt, Jeremiah unpacks some of the big issues impacting young people today.
Ask NT Wright Anything #164 Easter questions on the resurrection of Jesus
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection body, why Jesus didn’t stay with us, and also shares his thoughts on popular psychology professor Jordan B Peterson. First broadcast in 2019.
If Jesus really rose from the dead, why does it matter today?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of the resurrection and its impact
What’s so good about Good Friday? And why is Holy Saturday significant?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
If Jesus really rose from the dead, how does the resurrection make sense of our suffering?
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, author of ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’ shares his thoughts on this painful topic
Did Jesus actually rise from the dead?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore the plausibility of Christianity’s central claim
Unapologetic #47 Jeremiah Johnston: The 7 best reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead
New Testament scholar Dr Jeremiah Johnston shares ground-breaking research from his new book ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’. He also explains how we can experience overwhelming hope in the midst of great suffering if Jesus really rose from the dead.
Is there evidence for an afterlife?
Apologist Joel Furches looks at the soul, near death experiences and the resurrection of Jesus, examining their veracity and relevance
Was Jesus really crucified?
Apologists Nick Spencer and Joel Furches examine the evidence for the event at the heart of Christianity
Why did Jesus have to die for me?
Dr Andy Bannister, director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, explores why he believes Jesus’ death on the cross was necessary
What are Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday and why are they important?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, unpacks some of its key moments and their relevance
What is Holy Week and why does it matter?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the events leading up to the death of Jesus and ponders their significance for our lives today
Unapologetic #46 John Swinton: darkness, death and extreme suffering - how Holy Week brings hope
In part two of his discussion with Ruth Jackson, Professor John Swinton shares what Holy Week means to him and explores what impact the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus has on a world in need of hope.
The CS Lewis Podcast #92 Alister McGrath: The making of a Mere Christian
In the sixth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ faith journey, looking at how and why he became a Christian. We also hear about the significant impact of JRR Tolkien. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
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