All Science articles – Page 4
Is the presence of God merely an illusion? A scientist investigates
Ken Miles, clinical academic and author of From Billiard Balls to Bishops: A Scientist’s Introduction to Christian Worship, explores whether we can feel the presence of God in an age of science
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: The science of the billions-of-years-old Earth, has God deceived us, and are philosophers so useless after all?
Our latest episode tackling questions from the listeners starts by considering whether we can harmonise a belief in modern science and a literalistic reading of the Genesis account of creation.
Will AI replace us?
Author Darren Richards reflects on artificial intelligence, looking at the value of human leaders
The CS Lewis Podcast #122 Out of the Silent Planet: Love, sex and intuition
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.
Unbelievable? The Robot Race - Part 1: Could AI ever replace humanity? - Nigel Crook & Anil Seth
The Big Conversation - Episode 5 | Season 5
Is there more to life than mere matter?
Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the soul, mind, brain, body and spirit following a recent Big Conversation about near death experiences
The CS Lewis Podcast #121 Out of the Silent Planet: Nakedness, science and Ransom
Looking at Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath discusses whether nakedness within the book is significant. Plus, they look at whether CS Lewis is drawing on genuine science and the significance of Ransom’s name.
Do near death experiences contradict Christian belief and doctrine?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near death experiences and theology in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
From radical atheist to Christian via rigorous intellectual study
Former atheist, Dr Stefani Ruper, was intellectually convinced of secular atheism, but found that it lacked substantive answers for her life. More than 13 years of scholarly pursuit of truth led her to choose belief in God. Jana Harmon shares her story
The CS Lewis Podcast #120 Out of the Silent Planet: Weston, Devine and JRR Tolkien
As we delve into the first book of the trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath looks at some of its key themes. He explores the characters of Weston and Devine, looking at whether they represent particular ideologies and how Lewis exposes issues with their worldviews. Plus, why was JRR Tolkien such a fan of the book?
Unbelievable? Richard Dawkins & Francis Collins Debate (Replay) + Clash with Richard Swinburne + New Big Conversation Episodes Reveal!
We revisit a riveting dialogue from Season 4 of The Big Conversation, from 2022.
It is time to move on from Richard Dawkins
Following a recent Unbelievable? featuring Richard Dawkins, author Dr Peter Harris shares his thoughts about the infamous atheist
Matters of Life & Death: Space: The James Webb Telescope, hobbits of the universe, astrobiology, and 16 billion billion Earth-like planets
This week we have another classic episode of Matters of Life and Death from the archive. We invited theologian Andrew Davison to join us to talk through the spiritual ramifications of cosmology and what light thinking about the wider universe sheds on vital doctrines such as creation and incarnation.
What is a near-death experience and what can it teach us?
Following a recent Big Conversation, journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near-death experiences
The CS Lewis Podcast #119 Has The Space Trilogy stood the test of time?
Alister McGrath concludes his introduction to Lewis’ Space Trilogy by exploring parallels with The Chronicles of Narnia. He offers tips for getting into these three books, speculates why they haven’t been turned into films and shares his favourite moment in the trilogy.
Matters of Life & Death: Evolution: The cosmic watchmaker, a 6,000-year-old Earth, the immorality of mutation, and intelligent uncertainty
Evolution versus creationism is the internal Christian argument which doesn’t go away. We recorded an episode last year exploring this knotty problem and how believers might go about trying to debate it respectfully even if they disagree. We look at the age of the Earth, common descent, natural selection, and the historicity of Adam, Eve and the Fall, to try and shed some light on this murky issue.
Unapologetic #64 Ana Ávila: Has science disproved religion?
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Mexican writer Ana Ávila who studied clinical biochemistry. Why is there a perceived conflict between science and religion? Does science contradict the Bible? Can you prove there is a God?
The CS Lewis Podcast #117 Vivisection, mental health, racism and sexism
We dive into some of the important issues explored in Lewis’ Space Trilogy. Why was he so vehemently opposed to animal experimentation? What would Lewis say to those experiencing mental health struggles today? Plus, Alister McGrath responds to the accusation that CS Lewis was sexist and racist.
Are we more than just our brains?
Following a recent Big Conversation, Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the brain and mind, near death experiences, the existence of the soul and the perceived conflict between religion and science
Christians in science: How a military meteorologist became a theologian
Charles Clough is a retired military meteorologist who became a Christian while at MIT. Apologist Joel Furches spoke to him about being a scientist and a theologian