All Shows articles – Page 71

  • Shows

    Does God Exist? Calum Miller vs Peter Atkins - Unbelievable?


     A podcast only show featuring the full debate on “Does God Exist?” held at Christ Church College, Oxford between Christian undergraduate Calum Miller and Atheist academic Peter Atkins. Calum Miller presents philosophical evidence for the existence of God and Peter Atkins responds.

  • Shows

    Was Jesus a Calvinist? James White & David Instone-Brewer - Unbelievable?


    Last week to book for Unbelievable? The Conference! David Instone-Brewer is a New Testament Scholar at Tyndale House, Cambridge. He returns to talk about his new book “The Jesus Scandals” and some of the reasons why he believes Jesus’ theology doesn’t conform to a Calvinist view of God’s sovereignty.

  • Shows

    Podcast special - William Lane Craig vs Peter Atkins - Manchester debate - Unbelievable?


    The full recording of the final debate of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig.

  • Shows

    Podcast special - Gay Marriage Debate - David Robertson vs Adrian Trett - Unbelievable?


    This podcast only recording is a debate held at Gunnersbury Baptist Church on the question “Should marriage be redefined to include same-sex unions?”.

  • Shows

    Antagonistic atheism: David Robertson vs Mike Lee - Unbelievable?


    Book now! Unbelievable? The Conference 2012, Sat 26 May Mike Lee aka “The Religious Antagonist” is a US atheist who makes YouTube videos mocking Christianity. His videos are popular but his approach earns him both praise and criticism from fellow atheists. David Robertson is Pastor of St Peter’s Free Church, Dundee and director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity.

  • Shows

    Why is the Universe the way it is? Hugh Ross & Paul Davies - Unbelievable?


    Hugh Ross is an astronomer and founder of Reasons To Believe, an apologetics organisation aiming to show why modern science confirms and supports the Christian worldview. Paul Davies is a British astrophysicist and popular science author currently based at Arizona State University.

  • Shows

    A Universe From Nothing? Lawrence Krauss & Rodney Holder - Unbelievable?


    Lawrence Krauss is a Cosmologist at Arizona State University who describes himself as an “anti-theist”. His latest book “A Universe From Nothing” has received both acclaim and criticism for its attempt to answer the question “Why is there something rather than nothing?”

  • Shows

    The Gay Marriage Debate - Tatchell vs Williams Unbelievable?


    Peter Tatchell is a lifelong gay rights campaigner who has staged controversial protests campaigning for equal rights. He believes that the proposed legislation to introduce same-sex marriage in the UK is long overdue. Peter D Williams of Catholic Voices believes that putting gay marriage on an equal footing with heterosexual marriage is a dangerous and unnecessary step.

  • Shows

    What’s wrong with the world? Unbelievable?


     Book now for Unbelievable?: The Conference 2012 On the show this week: Andrew Wilson is an apologist, author and elder at KingsChurch Eastbourne. His new book ‘If God, Then What?’ presents arguments for the existence of God and how the Christian Gospel addresses the issues of suffering and death in the world. Geoff Lillis, a humanist atheist from Ireland returns to chat with Andrew.

  • Shows

    The Easter Scandal - David Instone-Brewer & Bob Price - Unbelievable?


     The Jesus Scandals is the new book by New Testament Scholar David Instone-Brewer which claims that various aspects of Jesus life and ministry were a scandal to early Christians, and would have never been included in the Gospels if they hadn’t really happened. Today they give us evidence of its reliability.

  • Shows

    Was Jesus Liar, Lunatic or Lord? CS Lewis’ apologetics - Unbelievable?


    April is CS Lewis month on Premier Christian Radio. In this edition of the show we examine two of CS Lewis’ apologetic arguments for Christianity. The Trilemma - “Either Jesus is a lunatic, a liar or Lord. He cannot simply be a great moral teacher, he has not left that option open to us”. Does Lewis’ argument still stand 60 years on?

  • Shows

    Miracles today: do they happen? Craig Keener & Geoff Lillis - Unbelievable?


    Book for Unbelievable? The Conference 2012 This week on the show: We continue to look at miracles with Dr Craig Keener of Asbury Theological Seminary, author of the book “Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts”

  • Shows

    Miracles in the Gospels: Did they happen? Craig Keener & Geoff Lillis - Unbelievable?


    The first of two programmes looking at miracles in the Bible and today. Craig S Keener is a New Testament Scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky. His new book “Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts” is a 2 volume work assessing the case for the miracles of Jesus and the many reported cases of miracles around the world.

  • Shows

    Richard Dawkins & Rowan Williams dialogue - Unbelievable?


    Sofia Europa sponsored a discussion between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The discussion is moderated by Prof Anthony Kenny.

  • Shows

    Hell: Annihilation or Eternal Conscious Punishment? Unbelievable?


     Chris Date is the host of the Theopologetics podcast. Until recently he believed in Hell as a place of never-ending punishment. But now he has become convinced that the Bible better supports an annihilationist view - that the damned will, in most respects, cease to exist.

  • Shows

    The Common English Bible - Do We Need Another Translation? Unbelievable?


     The Common English Bible is a recently released new translation of Scripture. An interdenominational team of Bible scholars worked on the project, with thousands of people involved in test readings. The aim was to produce an accurate, but jargon-free Bible, aimed at today’s English reader. Joel B Green, Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary headed the team of NT translators. He discusses some of the unusual choices of phraseology and interpretation with NIV Bible scholar David Instone-Brewer of Tyndale House, Cambridge.

  • Shows

    Is apologetics a waste of time? Unbelievable?


    Chris Sinkinson is a pastor and tutor at Moorlands Bible College. His new book ‘Confident Christianity’ aims to equip the believer with an overview of apologetics and how it can be used to make a rational defense of the Christian faith. James Croft is an atheist Brit studying at Harvard University and director of ‘Temple of the Future’.

  • Shows

    Should atheists be more religious? Alain de Botton & James Orr - Unbelievable?


    Atheism 2.0 is the logical next step for non-believers according to cultural philosopher Alain de Botton. He outlines why atheists should borrow from the art, architecture, community, and contemplative traditions of religion without the supernatural beliefs. The book “Religion for atheists” drew criticism from Richard Dawkins and others after De Botton apparently suggested that there should be “temples for atheism”.

  • Shows

    Angels: Do they exist? Christian & atheist discuss - Unbelievable?


      Angels have been reported for thousands of years across different cultures. What is the evidence of their existence? Three guests examine Biblical and contemporary accounts of angelic visitation. Peter S Williams is a Christian Philosopher and author of the book “The Case for Angels”. He say that there is philosophical, biblical and experiential evidence for the existence of angels. Lee Warren is a magician by trade.

  • Shows

    Demons: Do they exist? Different Christian views - Unbelievable?


    Three Christians of different theological persuasion discuss the existence of demons. John Tancock (JT) is involved in Charismatic Church leadership. He believes demons are real. As well as pursuing apologetics, he is involved in deliverance ministry and had regularly prayed for demons to be cast out of people. Will Van Der Hart is a vicar in the Church Of England and a founder of Mind and Soul - helping Churches to understand mental health issues.