All Shows articles – Page 73

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Bart Ehrman on his loss of faith


    Bart Ehrman is James A Gray Distingushed Prof of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is well known as a Bible scholar who has thrown doubt upon the reliability of Scripture with bestselling books “Misquoting Jesus” & “Forged”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Dialogue with an ex-Christian


     Rebekah Bennetch lives in Saskatoon, Canada. She grew up in a Christian family. Her dad is a pastor, and other family members are involved in Christian ministries. She professed faith from a young age, went to Bible college, atteneded church and went on mission trips. But in 2007 she “came out” as an atheist and now describes herself as the “black sheep” of her family. Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on contemporary spirituality.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Hitler & Stalin’s regimes


     Critics of Christianity sometimes make the case that Hitler was a Christian and that it influenced the Nazi regime. Is that true? Critics of atheism sometimes make the case that Stalin’s atheism was a driving motivation for his murderous regime. Is that true? Peter Harris is a historian and Christian apologist. Ed Turner is a solicitor and atheist blogger. They discuss the historical evidence for and against both points of view.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Bart Ehrman & Darrell Bock on “Forged”


    Sceptical Bible scholar Bart Ehrman’s latest book “Forged” claims that many of the writings of the New Testament are falsely attributed to apostles such as Peter and Paul. He claims that they were not written by them and that a deliberate deception was taking place.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Does Religion make people kill?


     On Fri 22 July 2011 tragedy struck Norway as Anders Breivik detonated a bomb in Oslo and shot dozens of people on the island of Utoya.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Is there justification for abortion?


    Recent statistics on abortion in the UK saw just under 190,000 abortions in 2010. Figures were also released for late abortions carried out because of physical and mental disability.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Debating Nazi Ideology


    Richard Weikart is a Christian and professor of History at California State University. He has drawn controversial conclusions regarding the role of Darwinism in providing a rationale for Hitler’s Nazi ideology.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Grill a Christian round 4


    Scottish pastor and apologist David Robertson returns for a show interacting with three UK atheist listeners of the show.

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    Unbelievable? - William Lane Craig vs AC Grayling debate on God & Evil


    William Lane Craig & AC Grayling debated at the Oxford Union in 2005. Does the existence of evil and suffering in the world preclude the existence of the Christian God?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Atheist delusions - David Bentley Hart vs Terry Sanderson


    Many new atheist writers have claimed that a new age of enlightened secular rationalism has rescued Western civilisation from the stranglehold of backwards and archaic Christian influence.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Is a secular society a more tolerant one?


    This week we air a debate that recently took place on whether Britain’s increasingly secular society is thereby a more tolerant one. Does secularisation bring a level playing field for everyone, or are Christians now being marginalised for their beliefs?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Unbelievable? the Conference


    Justin introduces two elements of the conference. Professor John Lennox, Scientist and Christian apologist gave the opening address “What are we apologising for?”

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Making the resurrection add up


    “The Easter Challenge” is regularly issued by atheists and sceptics. Can Christians provide a coherent account the events of the resurrection of Jesus that harmonises the apparent differences between the four Gospel accounts?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Can Christian morality inform secular society?


    Lord Richard Harries is a life peer in the British House of Lords and the former Bishop of Oxford. His book “The Re-enchantment of Morality” has been shortlisted for this year’s Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Is the Bible Unbelievable?


     Former Methodist minister turned atheist Leslie Scrace stopped reading the Bible after he lost his faith. 20 years later he read it again and wrote a book-by-book account of how he views it as an atheist called “An Unbelievers Guide to the Bible”. Leslie criticises parts of the Old Testament that he sees as primitive and immoral while praising other parts of scripture that illustrate humanist values.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Should women be church leaders?


    In 1995 the Church of England allowed the ordination of Women priests. But the question of whether the Bible forbids female authority in the church remains.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Was Osama Bin Laden the true face of Islam?


    With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask “Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam” Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion. He says Osama was a true Muslim doing the work of Allah. Muhammad Al Hussaini is a Muslim scholar for the organisation Scriptural Reasoning. He deplores acts of terror and says Bin Laden transgressed multiple commands of Islam.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Emerging Church Debate - Brian McLaren & James White


    Brian McLaren is an author, theologian and church leader. He is at the forefront of the “emerging church” and his books such as “A new Kind of Christian” and “A Generous Orthodoxy” have been influential in the movement’s theology Some describe the emerging church as “post-evangelical” and “post-modern” as it seeks to re-read scripture without the cultural baggage that it believes Western Christendom has often imposed. James White of Alpha and Omega ministries in Arizona sees the theology of the “emerging church” as a departure from orthodoxy, and an attempt to reshape the Gospel and God to fit modern sensibilities.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Rob Bell defends ‘Love Wins’


    “Love Wins” by US megachurch pastor Rob Bell has ignited a theological debate about the nature of Hell, the nature of God and whether all people will ultimately be saved. Bell joins Justin Brierley to discuss the book and respond to some of the key criticisms that have been levelled at it. UK Church blogger Adrian Warnock disagrees with many of Bell’s conclusions and believes he is swimming outside the stream of evangelical orthodoxy.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Biblical evidence for the Resurrection - Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona


    Bart Ehrman is well known as a US New Testament Scholar who lost his Christian faith and now questions many core precepts of Christianity, including the Resurrection of Jesus. When Mike Licona had doubts he devoted himself to investigating the evidence and became convinced that Jesus resurrection is the only rational explanation for the facts.