All Shows articles – Page 80

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    Unbelievable? Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?


    Denis Alexander is the author of “Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?” - his answer is “no”. Denis believes Darwin’s theory is perfectly compatible with belief in the creator God of the Bible. Stephen Lloyd of Biblical Creation Ministries disagrees - he says that the Gospel itself depends on the Adam and Eve story being literally true.

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    Unbelievable? Pagan and Christian dialogue


    What do Pagans believe? We find out from Mike Stygal of the Pagan Federation in London. What approach should Christian take when it come to sharing faith and understanding the way pagans see the world? Nick Stead and Steve Hollinghurst regularly engage with Pagans at New Age Fairs.

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    Unbelievable? Islam and the Trinity


    Christian apologist James White believes that the God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is present in the pages of the Bible. Muslim Abdullah Al Andalusi believes that a Trinitarian God is a contradiction in terms. They debate whether it makes sense and whether the Bible supports it. 

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    Unbelievable? Richard Dawkins & John Lennox debate


    Atheist Professor Richard Dawkins and Christian Professor John Lennox recently met in Oxford to debate whether Science has buried God. The discussion was sponsored by The Fixed Point Foundation. Justin Brierley was there, taking interviews with them both and those who watched. He presents a review of the debate with the interviews.

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    Unbelievable? The Atheist Bus Campaign


    Atheists are funding a campaign that will see London buses bearing the poster “There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and get on with your life”. Its the brainchild of Ariane Sherine and has been backed by Richard Dawkins. We discuss the campaign, whether there really is no God and what it means for morality if there isn’t.

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    Unbelievable? Is religion responsible for war?


    theist Ed Turner, in common with the new atheists, believes that religion is bad for the world because of the conflict it causes across the world. Historian and Christian Meic Pearse who wrote the bestseller “Why the rest hates the West” says that a proper understanding of history shows the opposite - that secular regimes are bad for the world.

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    Unbelievable? Why should I believe in Jesus? Amy Orr Ewing


    Norman Hansen lost his faith partly because of coming to doubt the historical reliability of the Bible and Jesus. Amy Orr-Ewing spends her time defending the Bible around the world -she says belief in Jesus is perfectly rational.

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    Unbelievable? An atheist & Christian debate The Alpha Course


    The Alpha Course has become the most successful evangelistic course around the world. Atheist Michael Marsden went on the course at Holy Trinity Brompton - he didn’t become a Christian and explains why. Church pastor Nigel Desborough defends the course and its value.

  • Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10.43.59

    Unbelievable? Does Islam oppress women?


    Many Islamic women wear veils or even full coverings. What does the Koran teach about women? Are they oppressed in Islam? What about the Biblical treatment of women? Christian Evangelist Jay Smith and Mohamed Ali of the Islam channel debate.

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    Unbelievable? Zoroastrianism


    Justin is joined by Zoroastrian priest Rostam Bhedwar, Almut Hintze who has studied the religion extensively and Omar Ralf, the Premier listener who sparked this discussion. Richard Sudworth of the Church Mission Society also joins in to explore the essential differences between Christianity and Zoroastrianism.

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    Unbelievable? Infidel Guy show link up


    In what could be a radio first, “Unbelievable?” links up with “The Infidel Guy” show and talks to its atheist host Reginald Finley. They debate the question: “Which makes more sense: Atheism or Christianity?”

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    Unbelievable? Christianity on Trial - Part 2


    Atheist lawyer Ed Turner and Theologian Andy Bannister return to debate whether Jesus and the Bible are a good guide for morality. Ed believes that certain episodes in the Gospels suggest Jesus is actually an evil person. Andy defends Jesus, the gospel and Christian ethics.

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    Unbelievable? Christianity on Trial - Part 1


    Ed Turner is a lawyer from Liverpool who contacted the programme saying he wants to put Christianity and the Bible on Trial. In this programme he presents his case against trusting the scriptural accounts. Andy Bannister in defence believes that the Bible is a historically valid document. Continued next week…

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    Unbelievable? Darwin vs Design


    Well known USA Intelligent Design advocate Tom Woodward takes on the National Secular Society’s science representative Pete Hearty. Does the new evidence in biological science point towards an ultimate creator? Other guests also join the fray…

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    Unbelievable? Why there IS a God with Keith Ward


    Former Regius professor of Divinity at Oxford University Keith Ward has written a response book to The God Delusion on why Dawkins’ philosophical arguments against God are wrong. Atheist scientist Robert Stovold defends Dawkins “naturalism” view.

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    Unbelievable? Disappointment with Church


    Jonathan Castro runs an anti-church website. He believes in Christianity but says he has never felt like he has connected with God, and certainly not in church. Find out if Pastor Nigel Desborough of Forest Hill Community Church has any words of help for him.

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    Unbelievable? Norman Geisler - American Masters of Apologetics


    An in depth interview with veteran apologist Norman Geisler who co-founded the Southern Evangleical Seminary in North Carolina.

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    Unbelievable? Faith & School - do they mix?


    Should the Government fund schools that promote Christianity? Church of England spokesperson on Education Jan Ainsworth says that a faith ethos is a good thing for a school. Andrew Copson of the British Humanist Association says that’s not true.

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    Unbelievable? Alvin Plantinga - American Masters of Apologetics


    Justin is joined by seasoned Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga as they explore the problem of Evil and why Dawkins should have stuck to biology.

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    Unbelievable? William Lane Craig - American Masters of Apologetics


    ustin continues his chats across the pond during July as he interviews William Lane Craig, one of the wrold’s foremost Christian aoplogists and philosophers. His book “Reasonable Faith” now in its 3rd edition is a staple part of any Apologetics library.