All Shows articles – Page 82

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    Unbelievable? Sharia Law in the UK


    Catherine Heseltine is a convert to Islam and represents the Muslim Public Affairs Committee. Beth Grove is a Christian who has made a study of women’s issues in Islam. They discuss the pros and cons of Sharia in the UK. Abdulhaq of Brixton Mosque and evangelist Jay Smith join in the debate too.

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    Unbelievable? New Age Spirituality


    Beverley Alfred, a reiki healer says her spiritual path has led her away from organised religion towards Alternative Spirituality. Sally Coleman runs a Christian stall at New Age fairs and engages with Beverley on New Age and Christian belief. We also hear some of the varied spiritual options on display London’s Mind, Body, Spirit fair last year.

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    Unbelievable? Noah and the Flood - did it happen?


    Creationist David Rosevear says that recent science suggests a global flood did occur, and that Christians should read Genesis literally. Atheist Robert Stovold contends that creationists routinely warp the facts to suit their agenda. Geologist Gregg Marshall and Christian evolutionist Michael Roberts also contribute.

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    Unbelievable? Bahai Faith & Christianity


    Barney Leith explains why he believes Bahoulloh the founder of Bahai faith was the ultimate manifestation of God in human form. Sunil Shivdasani argues that Jesus is the only true revelation of God in human flesh, and is joined by Eric Stetson who converted to Christian Universalism from Bahai faith.

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    Unbelievable? Positive atheism?


    David Vernon explains why he thinks that being an atheist is a positive thing. Anna Robbins of the London School of Theology questions whether we can really find meaning without God.

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    Unbelievable? Morality - do we need God to be Good?


    Marilyn Mason, a humanist and Gavin McGrath, a Christian, join Justin as they discuss where they get their sense of “right and wrong” from. Gavin says that without God we can’t make sense of morality - Marilyn disagrees.

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    Unbelievable? Abortion


    With 600 abortions carried out every day Dan Boucher of CARE explains why he believes the law needs to change. Pro-choice advocate Dr. Wendy Savage argues that a woman’s right to choose should come first.

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    Unbelievable? Embryology and medicine


    The HFE Bill going through Parliament will allow the creation of animal-human “hybrid” embryos. Lord David Alton says respect for human life is being trampled on. MP Ian Gibson says that it will allow medical progress. With contributions from Andrew Fergusson of the Christian Medical Fellowship.

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    Unbelievable? Freemasonry & Christianity - serving two masters?


    Michael Donovan is a committed evangelical Christian. He is also a Freemason. Doug Harris of the Reachout Trust believes that being a Freemason and a Christian are incompatible. They join Justin as he asks whether Freemasonry is a religion, what it says about God, and whether Christians should be involved in secret societies.

  • Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 11.27.44

    Unbelievable? End of year highlights


    Justin Brierley presents segments of some of the varied discussions and debates between Christians and non-Christians across the past year. Featuring Muslim, Hindu, Mormon, atheist and agnostic guests being pesented with the claims of Christianity.

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    Unbelievable? Did Christians steal Christmas?


    Justin is joined by atheist Robert Stovold who claims that Christians stole Christmas! He says the Gospel stories are nothing more that a re-hashing of similar pagan legends. Doug Harris of the Reachout Trust says that’s ridiculous and will be going head to head with Robert to defend the Christmas story. Guests Ken Humphreys and Anthony McRoy also join the fray.

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    Unbelievable? Islamic Jihad & terrorism


    Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabus Fund claims in his book “Global Jihad” that Islam needs to abandon scriptures advocating offensive Jihad. Hamza A Bajwa of The Muslim Weekly says Patrick does not fully understand Jihad or Islam.

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    Unbelievable? Response to “The Golden Compass” movie


    Justin Brierley addresses the controversial children’s blockbuster “The Golden Compass” that was released at cinemas this week. Some groups claim that it is atheist propaganda aimed at misrepresenting Christianity to children. Justin is joined by Jason Gardner of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity and Andrew Copson of the British Humanist Association.

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    Unbelievable? Jewish/Christian dialogue on Grace


    Rabbi Reuben Livingstone and Alex Jacob of the Churches Ministry among Jewish People discuss Salvation. Reuben believes our righteous acts and knowledge of God bring salvation, Alex believes in Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus. With contributions from Messianic Jew Richard Harvey and Pastor Ken Brownell of East London Tabernacle.

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    Unbelievable? The atheist who sold his soul on ebay


    Atheist Hemant Mehta offered to go to church for the highest bidder on eBay. In the end he visited 15 churches, large and small, and wrote about his experiences for good and bad. Tom Price of the Damaris Trust chats with Hemant about his view of churches and faith.

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    Unbelievable? Are miracles evidence for God?


    Agnostic sceptic Stephen Pilcher believes that Christian claims to healing are tricks of the mind. Can John Ryeland of the Christian Healing Mission persuade him differently? Also features personal stories from people who claim to have been miraculously healed.

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    Unbelievable? A “proxy” atheist explains why he can’t believe


    Nick Pandolfi is a radio presenter and newspaper columnist. He says Religion has been the cause of war and conflict, and Christians can’t agree on what they believe. Peter Williams of the Damaris Trust speaks on behalf of faith in Jesus.

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    Unbelievable? The New Atheism


    Christianity is under attack as never before by a wave of militant atheists, led by Richard Dawkins. Atheist Barry Duke is all in favour of it, while Christian David Marshall’s book “The Truth behind the new Atheism” rejects it. They join Justin on the show as he asks whether Christianity is really as bad as the New Atheists are making out. 

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    Unbelievable? Top reasons for belief


    Justin finds out about the results of a belief survey that asked Christians for their top reasons for believing in God and Christianity. He’s joined by Father John Twisleton and Lawyer James Dingemans who compiled the results of the survey, as well as some of the respondents. 

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    Unbelievable? John Lennox debates science & God


    Fresh from a US TV debate with Richard Dawkins, Oxford Professor Dr. John Lennox engages with atheist scientist Robert Stovold.