Welcome to the podcast that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thought and theology by allowing you to ask the questions. Mike Bird is the host.
To ask Tom your question, go to askntwright.com.
Did Jesus really descend into hell? What does ecumenism mean for Christian unity? Can non-Messianic Jews be saved? In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom Wright and Mike Bird tackle these complex theological questions.
Are near-death experiences real? Do they give us a glimpse of the afterlife, or should we approach them with caution? What does it mean to live faithfully as an everyday Christian? And who really has the authority to forgive sins— the individual believer, the priest or the church?
Tom and Mike tackle deep theological questions about resurrection, faith, works, and biblical interpretation, in today’s episode of Ask NT Wright Anything.
In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom and Mike dive into two foundational topics: the resurrection and the role of apostles in the early church.
Tom Wright and Mike Bird explore the biblical concept of the soul, challenging Greek-influenced ideas of dualism and emphasizing the New Testament’s focus on bodily resurrection. Does the Bible really teach that we have an immortal soul, or is that a later philosophical addition?
In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom Wright and Mike Bird tackle the controversial question: Was Paul a false apostle? Some argue his message contradicts Jesus, but what does Scripture say?
”Jesus was NOT the Son of God - claims Bart Ehrman, what do you say, Tom?”
Tom Wright and Dr. Mike Bird dive into deep theological questions in this episode, tackling Inclusion Theology, Universalism, Predestination, and the question of Free Will.
Tom Wright dives into heaven, the rapture, and the nature of hell through the lens of Christian eschatology in this thought-provoking episode. They address the dangers of sensationalism in interpreting scripture and emphasize the importance of viewing these topics within the broader narrative of God’s new creation.
Dr. Mike Bird and Tom NT Wright take us on a deeply personal journey through their denominational journeys in today’s episode of the podcast. From Anglican roots to Catholic insights, they explore the rich tapestry of Christian traditions and reflect on how faith evolves across life’s seasons.
In the highly anticipated Season 2 premiere of the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast, Dr. Michael Bird joins legendary theologian Tom Wright for an inspiring deep dive into the historical foundations of Christianity.
Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, his work habits and love of classical music… plus a Christmas question or two.
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions about whether shrines are pagan, whether infant baptism is biblical, and how we can live in unity despite theological differences around sexuality.
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
Tackling one of the biggest questions of all time, the problem of evil and suffering, in today’s episode an atheist listener asks a question about free will and the problem of evil. Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… First broadcast in 2019.
Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my eating disorder - how do we educate the church? How do I reconcile the Biblical command ‘do not be anxious’ with chronic anxiety? Tom answers listener questions about mental health.
Tom answers personal question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how to respond to homeless people with substance addiction and mental health problems.
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’.
What happens at baptism? How does John’s baptism of repentance differ from Christian baptism? And what does Tom think of infant vs believer’s baptism? Justin asks the questions and NT Wright responds.
Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God. Nicole asks why ‘Ask and you shall receive’ doesn’t seem to work in practise? Shelagh says she doesn’t hear from God the way she used to - is it because of disobedience? Robert asks how you can tell if you have misheard from God? Tom also gives an update on his health and work and reflects on how he hears from God.
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God is going to fix it? Is the world getting better or worse because of Christianity? Can Christians achieve perfection in this life, as Wesley claimed? Tom Wright answers listeners questions on the ‘now-and-not-yet’ of new creation.
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists in heaven, what near-death experiences can reveal, and if we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and pets. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the afterlife and beyond!
Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again from our listener’s questions. Do you ever question if you can lose your salvation? Feel unworthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Wonder if you might think you’re saved, but actually aren’t, like those Jesus refers to in Matthew 7:21-23 saying, ‘depart from me’? Today on Ask NT Wright Anything we’re sharing insightful, biblical and what we hope will be some comforting responses, to help us all as we seek clarity in our spiritual journey.
Tom answers children’s questions on today’s show and tackles some of the ways we talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell (and mosquitos!) 🦟.
Tom answers listeners questions on the question of Satan and the powers of evil. Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? Explore with Tom Wright in today’s episode of Ask NT Wright Anything what the New and Old Testaments say about the devil, demons, and how Jesus counters all evil throughout his ministry and ultimately at the cross.
Join Tom today as he sits down to answer a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God.
Tom delves into the complexities of marriage, addressing personal and burning questions from our listeners. From pondering the nature of married relationships in the new creation to offering advice for those on the brink of tying the knot, Tom brings wisdom and clarity in today’s episode.
Tom discusses the relevance of spiritual gifts like prophecy and speaking in tongues within our modern context, dives into the significance of signs and wonders, and shares his personal encounters with the Holy Spirit. Another intriguing episode delving into the questions from our listeners!
A bit of a twist today as we answer listener’s questions that have come in asking: are we meant to take Satan literally? Join Tom Wright as he unravels some of the intricate threads of the New and Old Testaments to uncover the biblical portrayal of the devil.
Tom answers listener questions about the Old Testament. Can the truly trust the Old Testament? When was it all written? Is the Old Testament more spiritual metaphor or natural history? How do we make sense of the Old Testament teachings in light of the ‘new law’ of the New Testament - don’t they contradict each other?
Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations we should deem as the best ones and which ones we should use on a daily basis. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer? Tom also discusses the process and thinking behind his own translation of the New Testament in ‘The Bible For Everyone’.
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
Help! I am a new christian and I’m worried I’m unequally yoked in my relationship? What is the biblical view of singleness? Should Christians date non Christians? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? In this episode Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
In today’s Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions the Christian faith faces today. What is the nature of free will, does Christianity truly offer an answer to the problem of evil and suffering? Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
What is the doctrine of the Trinity? Is the Trinity key to being a Christian? Is the doctrine of Baptism an essential? And should we be baptised if we’ve been christened? Tom Wright addresses these questions and more in this episode.
Heaven and Hell are the topic of today’s podcast with Tom Wright answering your questions about the afterlife. What is the nature of hell and what does Tom believe about it? What can be said about annihilationist or universalist views? If our loved one’s aren’t with us in heaven, can we be happy there? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus? What can I say to my New Age sister? My Muslim friend gets so much comfort from her faith… do I need to evangelise her? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
In this episode, Tom answers listener questions on prayer and shares some of his own habits and approaches to praying – If God knows our needs, what’s the point of prayer? Can we claim ‘anything’ by faith in Jesus name? What do Tom’s prayer habits look like? These and more listener questions on today’s show.
From the archives: We hope you’ll enjoy this pastoral episode with Tom as he addresses pressing questions on challenging family dynamics, navigating unforgiveness, and a candid exploration of faith struggles from a church pastor. Plus, a somewhat soulful touch as Tom shares a song again for us, with a rendition of a Leonard Cohen’s classic on the guitar.
In this replay from the Archives we’re diving into questions of Church Unity, Denominations, Worship and questions facing the Modern Church. Is attending church essential for being a Christian? What shapes our theology of worship? How do we navigate our denominational choices?
Join Tom in this replay episode from the archives as he addresses listener’s questions on navigating conversations about sexuality within the church, co-habitation, and the evolving understanding of homosexuality in the New Testament and today. With insights into Tom’s perspective on LGBTQI+ and transgender issues, inspired by a letter to The Times newspaper.
As we dive into the new year here’s a replay from the podcast archives, where Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, and whether suffering and death existed before the fall… Tom also pulls out the guitar once more for a Bob-Dylan x Genesis story song.
In this replay from the podcast archives, Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, his work habits and his love of classical music… plus a Christmas question or two.
Tom Wright responds to audiences questions about Christmas and the birth narratives, the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on textual transmission, the dating of the gospels, and whether the Ascension actually happened as described.
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around if we should eat meat, whether we’ll all be vegan in the new creation and if violent protest is ever acceptable
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions on the prevalence of conspiracy theories, US church support for Trump and the failed prophecies of his returning to power
From the archives: In this second of a two-part episode series looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his thoughts on heart-breaking pastoral questions from listeners around how to respond to grief and mental health.
From the archives: In this first episode looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the global pandemic and whether God himself suffers.
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
From 2020: Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus, we talk about parenting and discipling children and young people
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice. For Tom’s full talk on ‘Undermining Racism’ For Esau McCaulley’s book ‘Reading While Black’
From the archives: How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love? These and other tricky theological questions on original sin, Open Theism and why God considers us ‘worthy’ of his love are answered by Tom.
From the archives: Tom tackles a variety of questions on ‘hot button’ political issues that have been sent in, including the place of faith in politics, abortion, racism and ‘critical theory’
From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright responded to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church. Be part of the Ask NT Wright Anything live show in London at Unbelievable?
From 2020: Tom Wright talks about his new book ‘God and the Pandemic’ and takes a variety of live listener questions in this livestream edition of the show. Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of suffering, heaven and the Gospels, all submitted during the show via Facebook live.
From 2020: It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence of the women at the empty tomb has been debunked by modern scholarship.
From the archives: Just in time for Easter we bring you a show (recorded before lockdown) in which Tom answers listener questions on the crucifixion, the nature of atonement and forgiveness.
From the archives, from 2020: In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded live at Westminster Chapel London with an audience Q&A.
From March 2020: Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
From Feb 2020: Tom answers listener questions about marriage including: What will our married relationships look like in the new creation? What advice do you have for someone about to get married? What do you think about divorce? Can I get married to a non-Christian?
From Jan 2020: Tom answers questions on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs and wonders, and talks about his own experience of the Holy Spirit.
From Jan 2020: Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? What do the New and Old Testament say about the devil? In what ways does Jesus counter the forces of evil in his ministry and at the cross?
From Dec 2019: Tom answers questions about when the Book of Daniel was written, is the book of Job historical and does studying the Old Testament undermine faith?
From Dec 2019: Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible For Everyone’. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer?
From Sept 2019: Am I unequally yoked to my wife? What’s the biblical view of singleness? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
From Sept 2019: An atheist listener asks a question about free will and the problem of evil. Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
Replay from June 2019: In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responded to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more.
From July 2020. Tom answered listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives.
From June 2020. Tom answered listener questions on heaven and new creation. Will free will still exist? Do near Death Experiences tell us anything about it? Will we be reunited with our loved ones… and even our pets?
From May 2020. In another show recorded pre-lockdown, Tom answered questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
From 2019. Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith?
First broadcast in 2017, NT Wright talks to Justin Brierley about his early life and how his faith developed over the years, before turning to the question of what the atonement means, as laid out in his book The Day The Revolution Began. This interview was first broadcast on The Profile podcast https://www.premierchristianradio.com/theprofile
From 2020: Tom talks about his book “Broken Signposts” and answers listener questions around how God forgives, conversion and how you can be sure you’re saved.
From 2019: Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today.
First broadcast in 2019: Tom Wright fields listener questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim.
Justin Brierley is moving on from hosting the Ask NT Wright Anything show. Before the baton gets passed on to fresh hands, he sits down with Tom to ask him the questions he would like to hear answered.
In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responds to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more. Plus a musical treat from Tom. An archive show first broadcast in 2019.
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection body, why Jesus didn’t stay with us, and also shares his thoughts on popular psychology professor Jordan B Peterson. First broadcast in 2019.
Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? What should our theology of worship be? How do we know we are in the ‘correct’ denomination? Tom Wright answers these and more questions from listeners about Christian unity. An archive show first broadcast in 2019.
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper. First broadcast in 2019.
Tom answers practical questions about the role of those unable to be physically active - does their prayer and meditation make a difference in the Kingdom? A computer programmer questions whether his work is a worthwhile activity in Kingdom terms? Are there any forms of art that go against our image-bearing creativity?
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God is going to fix it? Is the world getting better or worse because of Christianity? Can Christians achieve perfection in this life, as Wesley claimed? Tom Wright answers listeners questions on the ‘now-and-not-yet’ of new creation.
Tom answers listener questions on prayer including: ‘Is prayer just telling God what to do?’ and ‘What difference does prayer make if God has already decided what to do?’. Kelly is nervous about praying out loud before a meal in public, and Jennifer is questioning the legitimacy of public displays of prayer in the USA. Tom responds to these questions and shares his own habits of prayer, including keeping a prayer diary.
Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God. Nicole asks why ‘Ask and you shall receive’ doesn’t seem to work in practise? Shelagh says she doesn’t hear from God the way she used to - is it because of disobedience? Robert asks how you can tell if you have misheard from God? Tom also gives an update on his health and work and reflects on how he hears from God.
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… He also pulls out the guitar once more for a Genesis-themed song. First broadcast in 2019.
Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith? First broadcast in 2019.
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’. First broadcast in 2019.
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much more… First broadcast in 2016.
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tradition, and whether there is a ‘trajectory hermeneutic’ when it comes to issues like slavery in the Bible.
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’? First broadcast in 2019.
Tom Wright and Joseph D’Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the theology of mission and discipleship.
In this second lecture from the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford, Tom speaks on the multi-ethnic, multicultural, polychrome mission of the church.
Tom Wright talks to Justin about Christmas and the birth narratives, and answers listener questions on the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on textual transmission, the dating of the gospels, and whether The Ascension happened as described. Replay of a show first broadcast December 2018
NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Global South, hosted by Bishop Joseph D’Souza of the Good Shepherd Church network in India, in partnership with Premier.
Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever be possible? I’m reconsidering my conversion to Catholicism… should I take my 6 year old daughter out of the church? Justin Bass joins for a final time.
Tom is joined by Texan Bible scholar Justin Bass as they respond to questions from US listeners about right wing politics and faith. Where does patriotism fit with Christian worship? What do I say to family members who say I can’t be a Christian and vote for Joe Biden? How do I talk to post-Christian friends who have rejected US evangelicalism?
A listener wants to know if the suggestion of Old Testament prophets being raised from the dead presents a problem for the uniqueness of Jesus’ resurrection? Is ‘heaven’ the in-between-state before new creation? Will we know everything once we are raised? Tom answers listener questions along with guest scholar Justin Bass.
Tom Wright and Justin Brierley are back with a fresh batch of listener questions on the gospels this week including: How do I reconcile John’s portrayal of Jesus with the other gospels? Are the timings of the crucifixion accounts in conflict? And what did Paul know about Jesus? New Testament scholar Justin Bass also joins the conversation.
Justin Brierley and Tom Wright are joined by New Testament scholar Justin Bass, author of ‘The Bedrock of Christianity: The unalterable facts of Jesus’ death and resurrection’. They discuss why the appearances of Jesus and the rise of Christianity count as historical evidence for the truth of the resurrection
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today. From a show first broadcast in 2019.
Tom answers questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim in a show first broadcast in 2019. And Tom gets his guitar out again…
Tom speaks on the role of the church in racial reconcliation in the USA and why he believes the Bible affirms the leadership roles of both men and women. This is the second part of Tom’s on-stage interview with Pastor Miles McPherson, recorded at Rock Church, San Diego in 2019.
NT Wright was interviewed by Pastor Miles McPherson at Rock Church San Diego. They talk about Tom’s work to redescribe the gospel in terms of new creation, and what that means for the concept of ‘getting saved’. Recorded in 2019.
Recorded at The Rock Church, San Diego, Tom Wright challenges us to think like first-century Christians, to imagine Jesus and the early church within the history, culture, and religion of Second Temple Judaism and the Greco-Roman world. Recorded in Nov 2019.
Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old Testament sacrificial system, Christ’s ‘descent to the dead’, and an atheist’s claim that Christ’s death was ‘just a bad weekend at human camp’. First broadcast in 2018.
Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig in a replay of an early edition of the show from 2018.
NT Wright shares his memories of preaching for the Queen while he was the Bishop of Durham. He reflects on her strong Christian faith and how the church can respond in faith and hope at this time of national mourning.
Should we value the theology of Luther and Calvin given the anti-semitism and killing they both endorsed? How do I convince my Lutheran friend that not all ‘works’ are bad? Is it a problem that the Lutheran baptistmal rite uses the disputed ending of Mark? Tom answers listener questions on the influence of the reformers.
Is faith a valid way of knowing truth? Will we need faith in the new creation? Why is my church so anti-intellectual? Tom answers listener questions on faith, knowledge and reason.
Tom offers advice to a listener who is moving away from Christianity because she believes the Bible seems to treat women as second class citizens. Another is an agnostic who has been praying for the war in Ukraine. Will God hear my prayers if I’m not even sure I believe?
Tom offers advice to two people struggling with their faith. One is having doubts during a period of deconstruction, the other can’t get past the problem of suffering.
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don’t agree with my church leadership on complementarianism, but I love the members - should I stay? Tom answers listener questions on church practise and rules.
If the Universe is so big why did God choose to come to a small hill called Mount Zion? If there is sentient life beyond earth would it need redeeming too? Are the Nephilim evidence of aliens and UFOs? Tom answers questions on aliens and the cosmos!
Were Adam and Eve’s pre-fall bodies like the resurrected Jesus? Was marriage a post-fall accomodation? Why does Genesis say God made childbirth more difficult after the fall? NT Wright answers more questions on the Garden of Eden and the Creation story.
If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How do we reconcile evolution with the concept of a first man and woman and original sin? Did the Fall also affect the rest of the universe?
Justin and NT Wright speak to Jey Mbiro a Kenyan Christian who grew up as a street kid in the slums of Nairobi and was imprisoned aged just 9. They talk about poverty, the church in East Africa and Jey’s own story of transformation thanks to Compassion.
Situation, Theology, and Hermeneutics in Galatians. Another bonus edition of the podcast featuring Tom teaching on his new video course on Galatians.
Medieval Questions and the subject of Galatians. A bonus edition of the podcast featuring Tom teaching on his new video course on Galatians.
NT Wright and popular historian Tom Holland continue their discussion about the way the writings and theology of St Paul changed the modern world.
Who was Paul? What difference did he make to the world? What do we know about his conversion? Justin sat down with NT Wright and popular historian Tom Holland to talk about NT Wright’s then-recently published book Paul: A Biography in a conversation that took place in 2018.
Ahead of Trinity Sunday, Tom answers questions about the Trinity: How do I explain the Trinity without accidental heresy? Is there a hierarchy in the Trinity? Can you explain Jesus’ prayer for intimacy with the Father and the Spirit in John 17?
Tom answers listener questions on the New Testament. Were the Pharisees all bad? How do we reconcile the different Gospel endings about where the disciples stayed after the resurrection? Is the oral tradition, before the Gospels were written down, reliable?
Tom answers questions on the Old Testament - Where should a new Christian start? Did events like Noahs flood and Jonah and the whale really happen? Why did God attempt to kill Moses in Exodus 4?
Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my eating disorder - how do we educate the church? How do I reconcile the Biblical command ‘do not be anxious’ with chronic anxiety? Tom answers listener questions about mental health.
Tom answers pastoral question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how to respond to homeless people with substance addiction and mental health problems.
Tom answers questions on his bestselling book ‘Surprised by Hope’.
Hear the audience Q&A that followed NT Wright and Esau McCaulley’s conversation on race and the church, hosted by Tim Mackie of The Bible Project.
In this bonus episode, hear NT Wright’s conversation with Rev Esau McCaulley, author of ‘Reading While Black’, on race and the Bible and it’s impact on the Church.
NT Wright answers questions about the Easter story.
Tom shares his thoughts on the Ukraine conflict and answers listener questions on how to pray for Ukraine and whether such events are evidence of the ‘end times’.
How important is it to get our doctrine right? Why read the Bible if theologians can’t agree on its interpretation? Whose books do you disagree with that you’d still recommend? NT Wright responds to questions about differences on doctrine and theology.
How far should Christians seek to impose their moral beliefs on a secular society?
NT Wright responds to a variety of pastoral questions around ethical dilemmas and regrets: Should I boycott the Qatar world cup? What do about the fact my job involves working on the cell line of an aborted baby? Was I responsible for my friend’s suicide after I rejected his romantic advances?
Can we lose our salvation? What if I don’t feel worthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Could I think that I’m saved, but not be?
What happens at baptism? How does John’s baptism of repentance differ from Christian baptism? And what does Tom think of infant vs believer’s baptism?
Tom continues to answer listener questions on the practical side of death - funerals, cremation vs burial and organ donation. Is there a biblical approach to these topics?
Tom and Justin engage listener’s theological questions about death
What are ‘good works’ and are they evidence of saving faith?
Should faith leaders speak out in favour of vaccines? Is it ok for Christians to disobey government mandates? What about pacifism? Tom answers these and more questions.
What does Tom think of the Calvinist view that God predetermines everything? What is his view on Open Theism? What about the idea that Christ only died for some people? These and more questions are explored in the latest show.
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Sacrificial Love’ at London Bible Week in 2017.
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Jesus the Revolutionary’ at London Bible Week in 2017.
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Jesus for Everyone’ at London Bible Week in 2017.
How should Christians handle personal wealth in a way that honours God? Is it wrong to take time for myself and even go on nice holidays? And find out what Tom thinks about the failed European Super League!
Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, his work habits and love of classical music… plus a Christmas question or two.
Does the church idolise marriage? I’ve become a Christian but my partner isn’t interested in marriage - what should I do? What if I no longer respect my husband’s views? Tom takes listener questions on marriage.
How should we approach historical scholarship that undermines the Bible? Was early Christian persecution exaggerated? Did saints really rise from their graves as Matthew 27 claims?
Why don’t we get a second chance at forgiveness when we die? Is God’s forgiveness dependent on us forgiving others? Is blaspheming the Holy Spirit unforgivable?
Why does the Bible use gendered language? Can I trust God as father when I was abused by mine? Should we pray to Jesus the son or God the father? Tom tackles these and more Qs.
Why are some people so totally evil? Is it possible that God could be evil? Will Satan and Jesus become friends again? Tom answers these and more questions from listeners on the subject of evil.
NT Wright frequently mentions the problem of Christianity being infected by Platonism. But what does that mean? And what about parts of the New Testament that seem quite… Platonic? Tom answers listener Qs on the subject
Tom has recently had a major new commentary on Galatians published. Justin talks to him about it and poses question from listeners about aspects of Galatians, including the fruits of the Spirit, whether gender will exist in the new creation, and where he disagree with Martin Luther’s commentary on Galatians.
Tom Wright takes audience questions on the person of Paul and is theology in part 3 of an event by SPCK to mark the publication of Paul: A Biography in 2018.
Tom Wright speaks to Martin Bashir about Paul and the church in Part 2 of an event by SPCK to mark the publication of Paul: A Biography in 2018.
Tom Wright talks about the life and legacy of the apostle Paul in front of an audience at Westminster Central Hall, London. The lecture was part of an event by SPCK to mark the publication of Paul: A Biography in 2018.
Are altar calls too simplistic? I’m deconstructing help!… Can my atheist friend take the high ground on morality?
Is using punishments on children a form of coercion? What do you think about contraceptives? What children’s resources would you recommend?
Is saying Jesus ‘had to die’ putting a limit on God’s forgiveness? And if Jesus defeated sin why does the world still look so bad? Tom answers these and other listener questions.
Why don’t I feel the presence of God? Should I have had a road-to-Damascus conversion like Paul? What should I do about my feelings of shame?
Tom comments on the Jonathan Fletcher scandal and answers questions from people disappointed by their church response to Covid and a new Christian who has struggled to find a welcome.
Are Jews saved under the old covenant? How should I share my faith with Jewish people today? Does the Bible endorse Zionism?
NT Wright answers audience questions on evangelism and the gospel.
NT Wright’s opening address at Unbeilevable? the Conference 2021
Do the earliest Gospels lack a divine Jesus? Who authored 2 Peter? What do we know about what happened to the Apostles after the close of scripture? Tom answers questions on the historicity of the Gospels.
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? Are tongues genuine? Tom answer question on spiritual gifts and offers advice to a group of friends experiencing unexpected prophecy and healing.
What does Jesus mean by ‘many rooms in my father’s house’? Will my daughter see the child she lost in pregnancy? What about marriage in the resurrection? Tom answers questions on heaven and loved ones.
Would Jesus have used miracles to make life easier for himself? Are some of Jesus’ word too harsh? Could Jesus have sinned? Tom answers questions about Jesus by listeners.
What’s with the persistent neighbour? What lesson should we take from the shrewd manager? Is the story of Lazarus and the rich man a lesson about hell? NT Wright answers these and other listener questions on the parables of Jesus
Does our vocation and calling on earth make a difference if God is going to put everything right in the end? Does my past disqualify me from a call to priesthood? These and more questions are answered by Tom Wright.
Justin Brierley hosts a dialogue between NT Wright and Ugandan church leader Richmond Wandera on the challenges and opportunities facing the church in Africa.
NT Wright answers listener questions on the New Testament, including a question about the reliability of John 8:1-11, Jesus on prayer and petition, and whether Paul made a mistake about the promise to Abraham in Romans 4.
Tom Wright answers listener questions on Proverbs, Song of Solomon, the concept of ‘Wisdom’ in the Bible and whether we should take the book of Job literally?
The second part of the live audience show with NT Wright and Tom Holland recorded at Unbelievable? 2021.
Justin hosts NT Wright and Tom Holland for a live audience edition of the Ask NT Wright Anything show at Unbelievable? 2021.
A continuation of last week’s show featuring audience questions to NT Wright & Douglas Murray during their Big Conversation on ‘how do we live in a post-Christian world?’
A special edition of the show in which Tom Wright sits down with noted cultural critic Douglas Murray to discuss Douglas’ own journey in and out of faith, the church and culture, and whether Christianity can makes sense of a post-Christian world. Originally aired as part of The Big Conversation from Unbelievable? in partnership with the John Templeton Foundation.
Should we use Acts for doctrinal guidance? Is speaking in tongues the mark of a mature Christian? Is there a difference between the Paul of Acts and the letters? How should Acts inspire us to live today? Tom responds to more questions from participants on the NT Wright Online video course on The Acts of The Apostles.
Is church life in Acts prescriptive for us today? What guidance does Acts give about baptism? How should we understand the signs and wonders in Acts? Tom responds to these and more questions from participants on the NT Wright Online video course on The Acts Of The Apostles.
Tom answers more questions on atonement, other religions and caring for those who have lost loved ones, sent in by members of the NT Wright discussion group.
In a special episode Tom answers questions sent in by members of the NT Wright discussion group on Facebook about heaven, souls and Torah.
Tom tackles questions on whether Jesus could have been incarnated as a woman instead of a man, how you explain polygamy in scripture, and the question of Biblical commands about men and women speaking in church.
Will we keep our memories in heaven? How does the Isaiah 65 prophecy of a new world fit in with Tom’s eschatology? My girlfriend is a Christian but says she doesn’t want to get baptised – what should I do? Plus Tom gets interrupted by a young visitor!
How do you explain the gospel to someone who thinks they haven’t done anything needing forgiveness? How do we answer those who say Christianity is irrelevant? How do we help those who believe but don’t live out their faith?
Does Tom believe in 6-day creation? When did the first humans ‘made in God’s image’ appear? These and other questions on creation and evolution are tackled by Tom. Plus a bonus song on the end of the episode! Tom and geneticist Francis Collins perform a duet of their song ‘Genesis’. To hear their conversation on the BioLogos podcast: https://biologos.org/podcast-episodes/n-t-wright-francis-collins-a-christian-response-to-coronavirus
Tom responds to questions on why the Roman Catholic bible includes more books than Protestant versions, what he makes of the Eastern Orthodox tradition and a listener who is thinking of ‘crossing the Tiber’.
Is fasting a practice that Christians should take up? How does Tom balance work and rest? Has Sunday worship become just a musical event? Tom answers listener questions on Christian practices.
Tom responds to listeners concerned about recent scandals among Christian leaders. Is restoration possible or appropriate? What does the Bible tell us about leadership, authority and accountability?
Tom answers listener questions around if we should eat meat, whether we’ll all be vegan in the new creation and if violent protest is ever acceptable.
Tom answers listener questions on the prevalence of conspiracy theories, US church support for Trump and the failed prophecies of his returning to power.
Tom shares his thoughts on heart-breaking pastoral questions from listeners around how to respond to grief and mental health. You can listen to part one of the podcast here.
Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the global pandemic and whether God himself suffers.
Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
Tom answers listener questions, such as will Jews be in heaven? What about religious experiences among other faiths? And is Gnosticism the prevailing world view in America?
Tom talks about his latest book and answers listener questions around how God forgives, conversion and how you can be sure you’re saved.
Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus, we talk about parenting and discipling children and young people
Tom answers listener questions on how the church will be changed by Coronavirus, online communion and the challenges of worshipping in a socially-distanced way.
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice.
NT Wright talks to Justin about his early life and how his faith developed over the years, before turning to the question of what the atonement means, as laid out in his book The Day The Revolution Began. This interview was first broadcast on The Profile podcast https://www.premierchristianradio.com/theprofile
How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love?
Tom tackles a variety of questions on ‘hot button’ political issues that have been sent in, including the place of faith in politics, abortion, racism and ‘critical theory’.
Tom answers listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives.
Tom answers listener questions on heaven and new creation. Will free will still exist? DO near Death Experiences tell us anything about it? Will we be reunited with our loved ones… and even our pets?
Tom talks about his own experience of praying in tongues and why he disagrees with the view that the charismatic gifts of the Spirit ceased with the closure of scripture.
Tom responds to the claim that Jesus mythicist Richard Carrier has debunked the view that women’s testimony of the empty tomb in the Gospels acts as a source of strong evidence for the resurrection.
Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of suffering, heaven and the Gospels, all submitted during the show via Facebook live.
Tom Wright talks about his new book ‘God and the Pandemic’ and takes a variety of live listener questions in this livestream edition of the show. Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of suffering, heaven and the Gospels, all submitted during the show via Facebook live.
In another show recorded pre-lockdown, Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence of the women at the empty tomb has been debunked by modern scholarship.
Just in time for Easter we bring you a show (recorded before lockdown) in which Tom answers listener questions on the crucifixion, the nature of atonement and forgiveness.
In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded live at Westminster Chapel London with an audience Q&A.
In a podcast special recorded from his home in Oxford where he is self-isolating with his wife Maggie, Tom talks to Justin about the Coronavirus pandemic.
Tom Wright responds to a listener who feels let down and betrayed by L’Arche founder Jean Vanier after a report showed he had sexually abused women during his life.
In a podcast special recorded from his home in Oxford where he is self-isolating with his wife Maggie, Tom talks to Justin about the Coronavirus pandemic. They cover: How Christians can maintain spiritual health during isolation, the pastoral implications for churches now and in the future, and why God created a world where disease and sickness exist.
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright respond to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church.
Tom answers listener questions about marriage including: What will our married relationships look like in the new creation? What advice do you have for someone about to get married? What do you think about divorce? Can I get married to a non-Christian?
Tom answers question on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs and wonders, and talks about his own experience of the Holy Spirit.
Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? What do the New and Old Testament say about the devil? In what ways does Jesus counter the forces of evil in his ministry and at the cross?
Tom answers question about when the Book of Daniel was written, is the book of Job historical and does studying the Old Testament undermine faith?
Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible For Everyone’. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer?
In the wake of two high profile Christians who have renounced their faith, Tom responds to listener questions on what defines being a Christian, whether we can lose our salvation, and what to do when a loved one cannot respond to the Gospel because of dementia.
In a one–year anniversary special of the show, Justin and Tom are joined by Australian Bible scholar Mike Bird to talk about their major new collaborative book ‘The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature and theology of the first Christians’.
In this interview with NT Wright from The Profile podcast, Justin Brierley interviews Tom about his life and faith, as well as his theology of atonement in his book The Day The Revolution Began.
Bible scholar NT Wright answers a listener question on whether the Bible allows women to teach in churches, including the passage from 1 Timothy 2 v 11-12 “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
Am I unequally yoked to my wife? What’s the biblical view of singleness? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
An atheist listener asks a question about free will and the problem of evil. Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
How does the doctrine of the Trinity work? Do you have to believe it to be a Christian? Where do you find it in the Bible? What does Tom think about the doctrine of baptism?
What is the nature of hell and what does Tom believe about it? What about annihilationist or universalist views? Can we be happy in heaven if we know that loved ones won’t be there?
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus? What can I say to my New Age sister? My Muslim friend gets so much comfort from her faith… do I need to evangelise her? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
What’s the point of prayer if God knows our needs? Can we claim ‘anything’ by faith in Jesus name? What do Tom’s prayer habits look like?
In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responds to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more.
Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? What should our theology of worship be? How do we know we are in the ‘correct’ denomination? Tom Wright answers these and more questions from listeners, and chats with host Justin about Christian unity.
In this edition of the podcast Tom answers listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper.
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… He also pulls out the guitar once more for a Genesis-themed song.
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection body, why Jesus didn’t stay with us, and also shares his thoughts on popular psychology professor Jordan B Peterson.
Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith?
Bible scholar Tom Wright responds to listener questions about popular psychology professor Jordan Peterson. What does he think of his book 12 Rules for Life? And what about his interest in whether the resurrection really happened? Will Tom have a conversation with him?
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’.
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much more…
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tradition, and whether there is a ‘trajectory hermeneutic’ when it comes to issues like slavery in the Bible.
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’?
New Testament scholar Tom Wright pulls out his guitar to sing Bob Dylan’s ‘When the ship comes in’.
Bible scholar Tom Wright answers a listener from Beirut’s question on how to have fruitful gospel conversations with Muslims.
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his new book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today.
NT Wright responds to Bart Ehrman’s critique of the reliability of the Gospels and shares some of his experience interacting with the sceptical Bible scholar.
NT Wright responds to a question on whether the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke are historically reliable or a ‘pious’ fiction.
In this episode Tom Wright fields listener questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim.
What does it mean to say that ‘Jesus died in our place’ on the cross? Tom Wright responds on how we should and shouldn’t view penal substitution.
An atheist poses an objection to the crucifixion to Biblical scholar Tom Wright.
Tom Wright talks to Justin about Christmas and the birth narratives, and answers listener questions on the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on textual transmission, the dating of the gospels, and whether The Ascension happened as described.
Leading Bible scholar Tom Wright answers Mike’s question about where his father is, following his death.
A listener asks about William Lane Craig’s critique that “NT Wright has this very peculiar view that the son of man returned in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem”.
Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old Testament sacrificial system, Christ’s ‘descent to the dead’, and an atheist’s claim that Christ’s death was ‘just a bad weekend at human camp’.
In the first full episode of the show, Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig.
NT (Tom) Wright is the former Bishop of Durham, a celebrated Bible scholar, author, and Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland.