All Social issues articles – Page 7
Matters of Life & Death: Webinar 1: Redefining human-ness, testing for consciousness, hoodwinked by ChatGPT, and a black box
Part one of John’s ‘How to live faithfully in a technologically confusing world’ webinar explores the staggering sophistication of the latest generation of AI chatbots and what ethical questions these might throw up for Christians.
Ask NT Wright Anything #162 Questions on sexuality and LGBT
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper. First broadcast in 2019.
Unapologetic #45 John Swinton: a psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian on suffering, faith and spiritual care
Ruth Jackson speaks to John Swinton, professor in practical theology and pastoral care at Aberdeen University. Having spent 16 years as a psychiatric nurse, John speaks about the importance of spiritual care in medicine. He also shares his thoughts on the problem of suffering.
The CS Lewis Podcast #97 Alister McGrath: The creation of Narnia
In the eleventh episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we hear the inspiration behind the Narnia Chronicles and look at the important role imagination played in Lewis’ work. Plus, don’t forget to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Unbelievable? Optimism or extinction? What’s the future of humanity? John Hands & Perry Marshall
Secular scientist and academic John Hands has been described as a ‘polymath’. His 2016 book Cosmosapiens received wide praise for its analysis of human evolution since the beginning of the universe. His new book ‘The Future of Humankind’ looks ahead to what lies in store for homosapiens.
Does place matter? Lessons from Covid-19
Tim James explores how the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to our understanding of the divine importance of physical place in our modern world
Ask NT Wright Anything #161 Housebound prayers, computer programming, art and music - what counts as kingdom work?
Tom answers practical questions about the role of those unable to be physically active - does their prayer and meditation make a difference in the Kingdom? A computer programmer questions whether his work is a worthwhile activity in Kingdom terms? Are there any forms of art that go against our image-bearing creativity?
Finding God through science – an atheist discovers chemical evolution can’t adequately explain the origin of life
Jana Harmon shares the story of Dr Fazale Rana who discovered God through his pursuit of science. His paradigm shift began when he began to find scientific explanations for the origin of life inadequate and started to look elsewhere
Unbelievable? Where does order in nature and the cosmos come from? Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali
Prof Saleem Ali of the University of Delaware is author of ‘Earthly Order: How natural laws define human life’ and describes the way order in the universe drives order in human and social settings. He engages with Dr Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute, whose book ‘The Return of The God Hypothesis’ makes the case that order in nature points to a divine mind.
Ask NT Wright Anything #160 Why bother improving the world? Can Christians attain perfection?
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God is going to fix it? Is the world getting better or worse because of Christianity? Can Christians achieve perfection in this life, as Wesley claimed? Tom Wright answers listeners questions on the ‘now-and-not-yet’ of new creation.
Matters of Life & Death: Public sector strikes 2: Taking patients hostage, employment as service, slaves and masters, and Christian peacemaking
There are two strong Christian traditions when it comes to robust political or industrial action such as strikes.
Matters of Life & Death: Public sector strikes 1: The Winter of Discontent, austerity-era pay freezes, Christian socialist solidarity, and continuity of patient care
The UK is currently gripped by a wave of strikes from public sector employees – nurses, teachers, postal workers, train drivers, paramedics, and soon junior doctors too.
The CS Lewis Podcast #94 Alister McGrath: The wartime apologist
In the eighth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, Professor Alister McGrath shares some of Lewis’ thoughts on suffering. We also hear how and why Lewis was broadcast on BBC Radio during the Second World War and the impact this had. Plus, it’s not too late to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Is Asbury Theological Seminary really experiencing revival? President Timothy Tennent shares his thoughts
The leader of Asbury Theological Seminary reflects on what is happening at their campus in Kentucky
Why are we so obsessed with sex? LGBT, materialism and the revival of Epicureanism
Following the recent LGBT and the Church Unbelievable? show, author Mark Roques explores how Greek philosophy helps illuminate our understanding of sex
Unapologetic #41 Bruce Miller: Does life have a purpose?
In the first of four episodes on how to approach some of life’s most difficult questions, Ruth Jackson speaks to Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, about belief, doubt and purpose.
Why would God allow the Turkey-Syria earthquake?
In light of the tragic Kahramanmaras earthquake, apologist Dr Sharon Dirckx shares her thoughts on how we reconcile the idea of a good and powerful God with the presence of natural disasters
How do you mend a broken heart? The cure we all need this Valentine’s Day
As we head into a day devoted to celebrating relationships, Erik Strandness looks at how God restores the relationships damaged through our infidelity
Unapologetic #40 Tyler Scott: What Jesus means to a NFL player
Following Sunday’s Super Bowl, Ruth Jackson spoke to NFL wide receiver, Tyler Scott, about faith, football and the power of prayer.
Racial justice: Why and how should we fight for it?
As we approach Racial Justice Sunday, apologist Adam Coleman of Tru-ID looks at why all humans have intrinsic worth. He shares examples of abolitionists who took matters of justice into their own hands as well as those who opted for non-violence, trusting God to act on their behalf