All Suffering articles – Page 4
Pope Francis on why we need hope
The Pope shares his thoughts on how we can be people of hope in a world that desperately needs it
Ask NT Wright Anything #195 Pain and suffering Part 1 (Classic)
From the archives: In this first episode looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the global pandemic and whether God himself suffers.
Can the Bible teach us anything about depression?
Rico Villanueva, Langham Partnership’s regional commissioning editor for Asia, shares how studying the psalms of lament have helped him with his bouts of depression
Unapologetic #78 Amy Orr-Ewing: Why are women central to the Christian story?
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, explores the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, and looks at why women play such a significant role in Christianity. Plus, what is the Magnificat, why is it so revolutionary? And how is it relevant today?
The CS Lewis Podcast #131 David Bates: CS Lewis Reading Day
David Bates and his team at Pints With Jack have helped establish a day to celebrate CS Lewis and his work. His fellow Inkling, JRR Tolkien, already has a special reading day, but “why should the Tolkien nerds have all the fun?”! Listen in to hear why David thinks Lewis is still relevant today and how you can get involved with the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day on Lewis’ birthday - November 29th.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, should we remember them?
As we approach Remembrance Day in the UK and Veterans Day in the US, Joel Furches explores whether we should be praying for our military
Cobbler turned missionary: How William Carey brought hope to the hopeless
Author Mark Roques explores the life of Baptist preacher William Carey
I don’t need God: How tragedy compelled an atheist to rethink his disbelief
Athiest Warren Prehmus had no need for God. However, when personal tragedy struck, he began to question his presuppositions and explore Christianity. Researcher Jana Harmon shares his story
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 1: Elsie’s story, one in five pregnancies, names missing from the family tree, and the power of ultrasound
We have just finished Baby Loss Awareness Week here in the UK. While the event is not hugely well known, it is indicative of an enormous cultural shift in recent decades around how society talks about miscarriage and stillbirth.
Unapologetic #74 Michael Lloyd: Should we all study theology?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, shares his story including why he got ordained, how he ended up in academia and why he changed his mind on the ordination of women. He also discusses how to assess the veracity of doctrines and why he believes everyone should study theology.
Ask NT Wright Anything #189 Brexit, Abortion, Race and Critical Theory (Classic)
From the archives: Tom tackles a variety of questions on ‘hot button’ political issues that have been sent in, including the place of faith in politics, abortion, racism and ‘critical theory’
Ask NT Wright Anything #188 Jean Vanier and when leaders let us down (Classic)
From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright responded to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church. Be part of the Ask NT Wright Anything live show in London at Unbelievable?
Are humans better than animals?
Apologist Nathan Rittenhouse shares his thoughts on Psalm 8 and its ramifications
What can we learn from near-death experiences?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson continues her exploration on near-death experiences in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
Transformed: How a despised Indian child became an evangelist
Jehu Limma, founder of HopeGiving Foundation, shares his remarkable journey from “untouchable” to helping children out of poverty
Does deconstruction signal the death of faith?
Erik Strandness reflects on deconstruction and reconstruction following an Unbelievable show on this topic
Unapologetic #70 Phil Knox: Dealing with objections
Why do many people deem religion irrelevant? What are some of the biggest objections to belief in God? Why are droves of young people leaving the Church? Evangelist Phil Knox shares some of his thoughts about these big topics and gives some tips on how to share your faith effectively.
Near-death experiences: 5 stories of changed lives
Journalist Heather Tomlinson highlights a number of people whose lives were transformed following a near-death experience
Unapologetic #69 Phil Knox: Does evangelism matter?
Evangelist Phil Knox, author of Story Bearer and The Best of Friends, shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, speaking about the impact of his dad’s death at a young age. Plus, they discuss why evangelism matters and how we can share our story and be a “good news person in a bad news world”.
The CS Lewis Podcast #122 Out of the Silent Planet: Love, sex and intuition
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.