All Theology articles – Page 11
Is science at odds with religion?
Physician Erik Strandness unpacks the age-old conflict between science and faith
Unbelievable? Michael Gungor & Evan Wickham: Millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor’s music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael’s recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, msytical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused.
Apologetics: What is it and how do we use it?
It’s not about saying sorry. Joel Furches says making an intellectual defence for Christian faith has a long history
A materialist, a panpsychist and a Christian walked into a bar…
…or on to a stage. Erik Strandness explains why God continues to stand behind the question of consciousness
The CS Lewis Podcast #76 The spirituality of Owen Barfield, CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien Pt 2
The second part of a conversation between philosopher Mark Vernon and poet-theologian Malcolm Guite on the spiritual journeys of The Inklings, a group of writers and poets including Owen Barfield, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, who met in Oxford to discuss each other’s work. Part 2 of an Unbelievable? show first broadcast in 2019.
Who is the real Jesus?
Apologist Joel Furches unpacks one of the most Googled questions, looking at the nature of Jesus
Unbelievable? Rethinking Kingdom work in the Global South & North - Joseph D’Souza & Andrew Scott
Joseph D’Souza, bishop of the Good Shepherd Church network in South Asia and Andrew Scott of Operation Mobilisation join Justin to talk about a new paradigm for mission work in the Global South and how it impacts church and culture in the Global North.
The CS Lewis Podcast #75 Who were the Inklings? And what did they believe? Malcolm Guite & Mark Vernon Pt 1
Mark Vernon, author of ‘A Secret History of Christianity: Jesus, the last Inkling and the evolution of consciousness’ engages with poet-theologian Malcolm Guite on the spiritual and religious influences of Owen Barfield, JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis, three key members of ‘The Inklings’. Part 1 of an Unbelievable? show first broadcast in 2019.
Which God is the real God?
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of the most Googled questions
Unbelievable? Can the Canaanite conquest be reconciled with a God of love? Paul Copan vs Randal Rauser
How should we understand Old Testament accounts of warfare and violence where God seems to command the slaughter of men, women and children?
Ask NT Wright Anything #137 Atheist asks: Was Jesus’ death just a ‘bad weekend at human camp’?
Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old Testament sacrificial system, Christ’s ‘descent to the dead’, and an atheist’s claim that Christ’s death was ‘just a bad weekend at human camp’. First broadcast in 2018.
Ask NT Wright Anything #136 Talking to kids about New Creation & responding to William Lane Craig
Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig in a replay of an early edition of the show from 2018.
Ask NT Wright Anything #133 Is faith anti-intellectual?
Is faith a valid way of knowing truth? Will we need faith in the new creation? Why is my church so anti-intellectual? Tom answers listener questions on faith, knowledge and reason.
Is the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson drawing closer to Christian faith?
Heather Tomlinson says we were given some clues in a recent Big Conversation
Ask NT Wright Anything #130 Do I need to tithe? Church rules, covenants and leadership
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don’t agree with my church leadership on complementarianism, but I love the members - should I stay? Tom answers listener questions on church practise and rules.
Unbelievable? Is Progressive Christianity a false gospel? Randal Rauser & Doug Groothuis
Theologian Randal Rauser defends ‘progressive’ Christians such as Rob Bell, Richard Rohr and Brian Mclaren, against ‘heresy hunters’ in his new book ‘Progressive Christians Love Jesus Too’ a response to Alisa Childers’ book ‘Another Gospel?’.
Ask NT Wright Anything #129 Would God need to redeem aliens? Life beyond earth and the cosmos
If the Universe is so big why did God choose to come to a small hill called Mount Zion? If there is sentient life beyond earth would it need redeeming too? Are the Nephilim evidence of aliens and UFOs? Tom answers questions on aliens and the cosmos!
When Jesus becomes a trigger word in Woke theology
Is language violence? Are anecdotes replacing facts? Erik Strandess reviews a recent debate on the limits of ‘woke theology’.