All Theology articles – Page 12
Ask NT Wright Anything #128 Why did God make childbirth difficult? More questions about Eden and the Fall
Were Adam and Eve’s pre-fall bodies like the resurrected Jesus? Was marriage a post-fall accomodation? Why does Genesis say God made childbirth more difficult after the fall? NT Wright answers more questions on the Garden of Eden and the Creation story.
Matters of Life & Death: Suffering 1: ’Adamah’, mystery and presence, the ever-smiling Buddha, and the lamb slain from the creation of the world
The problem of suffering has been one of the most intractable and painful theological debates for centuries.
Ask NT Wright Anything #127 How do I reconcile Evolution, the Fall and Original Sin?
If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How do we reconcile evolution with the concept of a first man and woman and original sin? Did the Fall also affect the rest of the universe?
Unapologetic #10 Lee Strobel: The case for heaven
Legendary apologist Lee Strobel joins Justin to talk about the soul, afterlife and near death experiences as related in his book and video documentary The Case For Heaven.
Unapologetic #9 Lisa Fields: Being a black female apologist
Lisa Fields, fonder of Jude 3 Project continues her conversation with Megan Cornwell on polarisation in the USA and the challenges facing her calling as a black female apologist.
Unapologetic #8 Lisa Fields: Apologetics for the black church
What are the questions being asked today by African-American skeptics and believers about Christianity? Lisa Fields shares her faith journey and why she began the Jude 3 Project.
Unapologetic #7 John Lennox: The case for design in biology and the Universe
In the final part of their conversation Justin and Prof John Lennox talk about the fine-tuning of the universe for life and what the frontiers of evolution and biology tell us about the case for design in nature.
Unapologetic #6 John Lennox: Why God is a good explanation
Justin continue his conversation with Christian thinker Prof John Lennox as they talk about the new atheist attempts to dismiss God as an explanation for the Universe.
Ask NT Wright Anything #121 Making sense of The Trinity
Ahead of Trinity Sunday, Tom answers questions about the Trinity: How do I explain the Trinity without accidental heresy? Is there a hierarchy in the Trinity? Can you explain Jesus’ prayer for intimacy with the Father and the Spirit in John 17?
Unapologetic #5 John Lennox: God, science and atheism
Renowned Christian thinker Prof John Lennox recounts his own journey with science and faith and explodes a few myths about their supposed conflict in the first of a three part conversation with Justin Brierley.
Putin’s Blasphemy: 3 reasons why the Russian President is no true Christian
Peter Harris argues that Putin’s warped religious beliefs are at odds with the Orthodox faith he claims to hold.
Ask NT Wright Anything #119 Old Testament Q&A: Noah, Moses and where to start
Tom answers questions on the Old Testament - Where should a new Christian start? Did events like Noahs flood and Jonah and the whale really happen? Why did God attempt to kill Moses in Exodus 4?
Unapologetic #3 Glen Scrivener: Science - How Christianity birthed the scientific revolution
Where did modern science come from? Contrary to popular atheist accounts of the conflict between science and faith, Glen Scrivener argues that Christianity gave the framework of an intelligble universe invested with order that scientists set out to explore.
Ask NT Wright Anything #118 Mental health: Am I failing God by taking medication?
Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my eating disorder - how do we educate the church? How do I reconcile the Biblical command ‘do not be anxious’ with chronic anxiety? Tom answers listener questions about mental health.
Unapologetic #2 Glen Scrivener: Compassion - How Christianity made our moral world
Glen Scrivener of Speak Life talks to Justin Brierley about how Christianity birthed the modern concept of showing compassion to the most vulnerable.
Ask NT Wright Anything #117 I can’t shake my sinful addiction
Tom answers pastoral question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how to respond to homeless people with substance addiction and mental health problems.
Original sin vs original goodness: Katharine Birbalsingh & Steve Chalke on educating children
Katharine Birbalsingh has been described as ‘Britain’s strictest headteacher’. Twitter erupted when she tweeted that ‘original sin’ was responsible for the fact children need to be habituated into choosing good over evil.
Unapologetic #1 Glen Scrivener: How Christianity gave us equality
Welcome to the first episode of Unapologetic, a podcast helping you to understand, defend and share your faith with confidence. Justin begins a 4-part series with Glen Scrivener of Speak Life.
Ask NT Wright Anything #116 Questions about Surprised By Hope
Tom answers questions on his bestselling book ‘Surprised by Hope’.
Unapologetic #0 Justin Brierley introduces Unapologetic
Justin Brierley, director of Premier Unbelievable? introduces their newest podcast - Unapologetic