All Theology articles – Page 13
Unbelievable? Has woke theology gone too far? Calvin Robinson & Robyn Henderson-Espinoza
Anti-woke Anglican ordinand Calvin Robinson engages with Transqueer Latinx theologian Dr Robyn Henderson-Espinoza on whether ‘woke’ theology is creating a more inclusive faith or a dangerous diversion from historic Christianity.
Ask NT Wright Anything #115 Part 2: NT Wright, Esau McCaulley & Tim Mackie on race and the church
Hear the audience Q&A that followed NT Wright and Esau McCaulley’s conversation on race and the church, hosted by Tim Mackie of The Bible Project.
Ask NT Wright Anything #114 NT Wright, Esau McCaulley & Tim Mackie on Reading the Gospels While Black Pt 1
In this bonus episode, hear NT Wright’s conversation with Rev Esau McCaulley, author of ‘Reading While Black’, on race and the Bible and it’s impact on the Church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #113 Was Judas predestined to betray? Did the disciples hallucinate?
NT Wright answers questions about the Easter story.
Ask NT Wright Anything #112 How do I pray for Ukraine?
Tom shares his thoughts on the Ukraine conflict and answers listener questions on how to pray for Ukraine and whether such events are evidence of the ‘end times’.
Ask NT Wright Anything #111 Why can’t Christians agree on doctrine?
How important is it to get our doctrine right? Why read the Bible if theologians can’t agree on its interpretation? Whose books do you disagree with that you’d still recommend? NT Wright responds to questions about differences on doctrine and theology.
Ask NT Wright Anything #110 I feel guilty about evangelism
How far should Christians seek to impose their moral beliefs on a secular society?
Philip Yancey live Q&A on faith, doubt and the future of the US church
Prolific Christian author Philip Yancey joined Justin and several hundred guests for a live Q&A on his life, work and faith. They talk about his recently published memoir ‘Where The Light Fell’ and his new paraphrase of John Donne’s writing ‘A Companion in Crisis’, as well as taking questions on suffering, prayer, the Ukraine and the future of the US evangelical church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #109 Am I guilty of my friend’s suicide?
NT Wright responds to a variety of pastoral questions around ethical dilemmas and regrets: Should I boycott the Qatar world cup? What do about the fact my job involves working on the cell line of an aborted baby? Was I responsible for my friend’s suicide after I rejected his romantic advances?
Ask NT Wright Anything #108 What if I’m not really saved?
Can we lose our salvation? What if I don’t feel worthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Could I think that I’m saved, but not be?
Ask NT Wright Anything #107 Baptism: What happens? Should we baptise infants?
What happens at baptism? How does John’s baptism of repentance differ from Christian baptism? And what does Tom think of infant vs believer’s baptism?
Ask NT Wright Anything #106 Is cremation or burial best?
Tom continues to answer listener questions on the practical side of death - funerals, cremation vs burial and organ donation. Is there a biblical approach to these topics?
Ask NT Wright Anything #105 The theology of death
Tom and Justin engage listener’s theological questions about death
Ask NT Wright Anything #104 Are good works evidence of saving faith?
What are ‘good works’ and are they evidence of saving faith?
Ask NT Wright Anything #103 Vaccines, mandates and civil disobedience
Should faith leaders speak out in favour of vaccines? Is it ok for Christians to disobey government mandates? What about pacifism? Tom answers these and more questions.
Ask NT Wright Anything #102 Does God predetermine everything?
What does Tom think of the Calvinist view that God predetermines everything? What is his view on Open Theism? What about the idea that Christ only died for some people? These and more questions are explored in the latest show.
Ask NT Wright Anything #101 Sacrificial Love - NT Wright at London Bible Week
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Sacrificial Love’ at London Bible Week in 2017.
Unbelievable? Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Jonathan McLatchie vs Jonathan Pearce
‘Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence’ is often used as a maxim by skeptics against modern miracle claims and Biblical miracles.
Ask NT Wright Anything #100 Jesus the revolutionary - NT Wright at London Bible Week
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Jesus the Revolutionary’ at London Bible Week in 2017.
Ask NT Wright Anything #99 Jesus for everyone - NT Wright at London Bible Week
Tom Wright speaks on ‘Jesus for Everyone’ at London Bible Week in 2017.