All Theology articles – Page 14
Ask NT Wright Anything #95 Did it really happen? Questions on the reliability of the Bible
How should we approach historical scholarship that undermines the Bible? Was early Christian persecution exaggerated? Did saints really rise from their graves as Matthew 27 claims?
Unbelievable? James White vs William Lane Craig: Calvinism vs Molinism on the problem of evil
Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God’s sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil?
Ask NT Wright Anything #94 Forgiveness - Is there an unforgivable sin? Can I forfeit God‘s forgiveness?
Why don’t we get a second chance at forgiveness when we die? Is God’s forgiveness dependent on us forgiving others? Is blaspheming the Holy Spirit unforgivable?
Unbelievable? Do we need to rethink the Koran and the Trinity? Abdulla Galadari and Joshua Sijuwade
The deity of Jesus is a doctrine that typically divides Muslims and Christians. However, Dr Abdulla Galadari, author of ‘Quranic Hermeneutics’ believes the Koran doesn’t reject the Gospels’ view of Jesus - it interprets them.
Ask NT Wright Anything #90 Galatians, Tom vs Luther and gender
Tom has recently had a major new commentary on Galatians published. Justin talks to him about it and poses question from listeners about aspects of Galatians, including the fruits of the Spirit, whether gender will exist in the new creation, and where he disagree with Martin Luther’s commentary on Galatians.
Ask NT Wright Anything #88 Martin Bashir interviews NT Wright on Paul
Tom Wright speaks to Martin Bashir about Paul and the church in Part 2 of an event by SPCK to mark the publication of Paul: A Biography in 2018.
Ask NT Wright Anything #84 Why did Jesus have to die? What did it achieve?
Is saying Jesus ‘had to die’ putting a limit on God’s forgiveness? And if Jesus defeated sin why does the world still look so bad? Tom answers these and other listener questions.
Ask NT Wright Anything #80 Live audience Q&A on evangelism
NT Wright answers audience questions on evangelism and the gospel.
Ask NT Wright Anything #79 How to retell the Jesus story to a world that’s forgotten it
NT Wright’s opening address at Unbeilevable? the Conference 2021
The CS Lewis Podcast #18 Mere Christianity on the Trinity
In the seventh episode of the second series of The C.S. Lewis Podcast, professor Alister McGrath speaks to Ruth Jackson about Lewis’ understanding of the nature of God and the Trinity, looking at why his thoughts are still relevant to our prayer life and Christian journey today.
Unbelievable? Did Adam & Eve exist? William Lane Craig and Joshua Swamidass
How should Christians understand the Adam & Eve story in Genesis? Is it scientifically plausible that humanity can be traced back to a first human couple? What does it mean for the concept of ‘Original Sin’?
Ask NT Wright Anything #78 What did the apostles do after Acts? And Qs on the historicity of the New Testament.
Do the earliest Gospels lack a divine Jesus? Who authored 2 Peter? What do we know about what happened to the Apostles after the close of scripture? Tom answers questions on the historicity of the Gospels.
Ask NT Wright Anything #77 Gifts of the Spirit: How much should we value prophecy and tongues?
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? Are tongues genuine? Tom answer question on spiritual gifts and offers advice to a group of friends experiencing unexpected prophecy and healing.
Ask NT Wright Anything #76 Will my daughter see the child she lost? Qs about heaven and loved ones
What does Jesus mean by ‘many rooms in my father’s house’? Will my daughter see the child she lost in pregnancy? What about marriage in the resurrection? Tom answers questions on heaven and loved ones.
Ask NT Wright Anything #75 Qs about Jesus
Would Jesus have used miracles to make life easier for himself? Are some of Jesus’ word too harsh? Could Jesus have sinned? Tom answers questions about Jesus by listeners.
Ask NT Wright Anything #74 Confused by parables
What’s with the persistent neighbour? What lesson should we take from the shrewd manager? Is the story of Lazarus and the rich man a lesson about hell? NT Wright answers these and other listener questions on the parables of Jesus
Unbelievable? Is Revelation bonkers? Brett Davis and Glenn Packiam
Revelation is one of the most mysterious and strange books in the Bible. Is it mapping out end times events? Is it just tripping? Or is it something else?
Ask NT Wright Anything #73 Vocation and calling
Does our vocation and calling on earth make a difference if God is going to put everything right in the end? Does my past disqualify me from a call to priesthood? These and more questions are answered by Tom Wright.
Unbelievable? Premillennial vs Amillennial debate on Christ’s return - Daniel Goepfrich & Chris Date
Debate has raged over the timeline of Christ’s return. Daniel Goepfrich holds to ‘premillennialism’ - that Christ will return before a 1000 year reign of peace, Chris Date holds to ‘amillennialism’ - that there will be no literal 1000 year reign.
Ask NT Wright Anything #71 Should the story of the woman caught in adultery be in our Bible?
NT Wright answers listener questions on the New Testament, including a question about the reliability of John 8:1-11, Jesus on prayer and petition, and whether Paul made a mistake about the promise to Abraham in Romans 4.