All Theology articles – Page 15
Ask NT Wright Anything #70 Wisdom literature – Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Job
Tom Wright answers listener questions on Proverbs, Song of Solomon, the concept of ‘Wisdom’ in the Bible and whether we should take the book of Job literally?
Unbelievable? Sabine Hossenfelder and Luke Barnes - The fine-tuning of the Universe: Was the cosmos made for us?
The Big Conversation - Episode 4 | Season 3. Many physicists have pointed out the extraordinary ‘fine tuning’ of the physical laws of the universe that have allowed life to develop within the cosmos.
Ask NT Wright Anything #68 Live audience show with Tom Wright and Tom Holland Pt 1
Justin hosts NT Wright and Tom Holland for a live audience edition of the Ask NT Wright Anything show at Unbelievable? 2021.
Unbelievable? NT Wright and Douglas Murray - Identity, myth & miracles: How do we live in a post-Christian world?
Episode 3 | Season 3 of The Big Conversation. Social commentator Douglas Murray engages theologian NT Wright on whether Christianity still makes best sense of the world in a post-Christian age, and how to address the growing meaning and identity crisis in the West.
Ask NT Wright Anything #64 Questions on the Acts of the Apostles
Is church life in Acts prescriptive for us today? What guidance does Acts give about baptism? How should we understand the signs and wonders in Acts? Tom responds to these and more questions from participants on the NT Wright Online video course on The Acts Of The Apostles.
Ask NT Wright Anything #63 Facebook Questions Pt. 2: Bereavement, other faiths & atonement
Tom answers more questions on atonement, other religions and caring for those who have lost loved ones, sent in by members of the NT Wright discussion group.
Ask NT Wright Anything #62 Facebook has questions - New creation, souls in heaven and Torah
In a special episode Tom answers questions sent in by members of the NT Wright discussion group on Facebook about heaven, souls and Torah.
Ask NT Wright Anything #61 Could Jesus have been female? What about polygamy?
Tom tackles questions on whether Jesus could have been incarnated as a woman instead of a man, how you explain polygamy in scripture, and the question of Biblical commands about men and women speaking in church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #58 Genesis, 6-day creation and the first humans
Does Tom believe in 6-day creation? When did the first humans ‘made in God’s image’ appear? These and other questions on creation and evolution are tackled by Tom. Plus a bonus song on the end of the episode! Tom and geneticist Francis Collins perform a duet of their song ‘Genesis’. To hear their conversation on the BioLogos podcast:
Ask NT Wright Anything #57 The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
Tom responds to questions on why the Roman Catholic bible includes more books than Protestant versions, what he makes of the Eastern Orthodox tradition and a listener who is thinking of ‘crossing the Tiber’.
Ask NT Wright Anything #55 Ravi, Carl Lentz & the fall of Christian leaders
Tom responds to listeners concerned about recent scandals among Christian leaders. Is restoration possible or appropriate? What does the Bible tell us about leadership, authority and accountability?
Ask NT Wright Anything #53 US politics, conspiracy theories and prophecy
Tom answers listener questions on the prevalence of conspiracy theories, US church support for Trump and the failed prophecies of his returning to power.
Unbelievable? Transgender people and the church – Preston Sprinkle and Christina Beardsley
Rev Christina Beardsley is a transgender priest in the Church of England and author of numerous resources on trans experience in the church. She engages with Preston Sprinkle, author of ‘Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say’ who takes a grace-filled but traditional Christian approach to sexuality. They discuss how churches should engage with trans people, theological questions of ‘bodily’ and ‘gender’ identity, and the issue of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
Ask NT Wright Anything #50 Icons, praying to saints & dividing over sexuality
Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
Ask NT Wright Anything #49 Other faiths, Judaism and Gnosticism
Tom answers listener questions, such as will Jews be in heaven? What about religious experiences among other faiths? And is Gnosticism the prevailing world view in America?
Ask NT Wright Anything #48 Broken Signposts and questions on forgiveness and salvation
Tom talks about his latest book and answers listener questions around how God forgives, conversion and how you can be sure you’re saved.
Ask NT Wright Anything #47 Should women preach and lead in church? What about marriage?
Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Unbelievable? Intelligent Design on trial. 15 years on from Kitzmiller-Dover – Mike Behe and Joshua Swamidass
In 2005 a high profile trial saw the Dover School District taken to court for promoting Intelligent Design (ID) as an alternative theory to evolution in classrooms. 15 years on Mike Behe a prominent biochemist and ID advocate who took the stand as a defence witness, talks about what the case meant for the ID movement.
Unbelievable? Was Jesus a great moral teacher or something more? Julian Baggini and Skye Jethani
Atheist philosopher Julian Baggini and Christian author Skye Jethani discuss whether the teachings of Jesus Christ can be separated from his claims to divinity.
Ask NT Wright Anything #46 Big questions from and about children
Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus, we talk about parenting and discipling children and young people