Tom Wright and Mike Bird explore the biblical concept of the soul, challenging Greek-influenced ideas of dualism and emphasizing the New Testament’s focus on bodily resurrection. Does the Bible really teach that we have an immortal soul, or is that a later philosophical addition?
In this episode of Ask NT Wright Anything, Tom Wright and Mike Bird tackle the controversial question: Was Paul a false apostle? Some argue his message contradicts Jesus, but what does Scripture say?
Businessman Richard Borgonon tells Premier Unbelievable why he founded Bible study app ‘The Word One to One’
There is much wisdom in the Bible about how to approach the passage of time, as Premier Unbelievable? says goodbye to 2024
Erik Strandness delves into the profound humility of the Christmas story, exploring how the birth of Christ in a manger challenges our expectations of divinity and invites us to encounter God in an entirely new way
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
The dialogues of Jesus in the Gospels and his death and resurrection come together to offer eternal life and the promise of liberation from the difficulties of this world
Many people complained about drag artists depicting the Last Supper during the Olympics opening ceremony. Author Drew Cordell looks at whether their outrage was justified
As we draw closer to the US election, author Drew Cordell reflects on how Jesus treated women
Joining us on the panel is the renowned public theologian and author of several books including Why Trust The Bible? Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, Dr. Ben Thomas, an international speaker and consultant anaesthetist from OCCA the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Dr. Ben Chang, an A&E doctor and author of Christ and Culture Wars.
Although Kristen Davis grew up in church, profound doubts kept God from being real to her. Everything changed when she discovered apologetics and biblical archeology. Apologist Joel Furches shares her story
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know God?’ and sheds light on the nature of God, the divine-human relationship, and the crucial role covenants play in both traditions.
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists in heaven, what near-death experiences can reveal, and if we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and pets. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the afterlife and beyond!
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Unbelievable host Andy Kind seized the chance to talk with writer and activist Brian McLaren. Once banned reading for a young Andy Kind when he first embraced his faith, McLaren now joins him for a face-to-face conversation. Have we crossed tipping points towards an inexorable tide of doom?
Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again from our listener’s questions. Do you ever question if you can lose your salvation? Feel unworthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Wonder if you might think you’re saved, but actually aren’t, like those Jesus refers to in Matthew 7:21-23 saying, ‘depart from me’? Today on Ask NT Wright Anything we’re sharing insightful, biblical and what we hope will be some comforting responses, to help us all as we seek clarity in our spiritual journey.
Tom answers listeners questions on the question of Satan and the powers of evil. Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? Explore with Tom Wright in today’s episode of Ask NT Wright Anything what the New and Old Testaments say about the devil, demons, and how Jesus counters all evil throughout his ministry and ultimately at the cross.
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, explores a number of Christian responses to evil and suffering. Which theories are the most intellectually, emotionally and pastorally consistent and satisfying? We also look at the doctrine of the fall. Why is it significant? Is it compatible with evolution? Was there a fall of angelic beings as well as humanity?
Where is God in my friend’s suicide? 😭 Is God anti-gay? 👀 Do Christians and Muslim’s worship the same God?… 🔥 ☪️ ✝️ In today’s episode we’re taking you to the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS.
Join Tom today as he sits down to answer a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God.
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore how accurate this ancient writing really is
Author Drew Cordell looks at the most annoying mistakes Christians and non-Christians make when it comes to the Bible
Tom delves into the complexities of marriage, addressing personal and burning questions from our listeners. From pondering the nature of married relationships in the new creation to offering advice for those on the brink of tying the knot, Tom brings wisdom and clarity in today’s episode.
Writer Steve Schramm explores determinism and freewill, looking at what the Bible, philosophy and Christian history say about divine sovereignty
A bit of a twist today as we answer listener’s questions that have come in asking: are we meant to take Satan literally? Join Tom Wright as he unravels some of the intricate threads of the New and Old Testaments to uncover the biblical portrayal of the devil.
Neonatal consultant Erik Strandness explores what it means for Christians to be born again
Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations we should deem as the best ones and which ones we should use on a daily basis. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer? Tom also discusses the process and thinking behind his own translation of the New Testament in ‘The Bible For Everyone’.
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
Help! I am a new christian and I’m worried I’m unequally yoked in my relationship? What is the biblical view of singleness? Should Christians date non Christians? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? In this episode Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
Bob Lepine, author of 12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter, shares how 18 laws were broken to condemn Jesus to death on Good Friday
In today’s Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions the Christian faith faces today. What is the nature of free will, does Christianity truly offer an answer to the problem of evil and suffering? Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, highlights some of the deficiencies he sees in Richard Dawkins’ work. He also shares the potential limitations and dangers of a neo-Darwinian framing of evolution, such as racism and eugenics.
This week on Unbelievable we return to the topic of free will. Following the debate between Ben Shapiro and Alex O’Connor, Christian apologist Tim Stratton got in touch to say he took issue with some of Alex’s arguments against free will.
Writer Steve Schramm explores whether the Nativity story can be trusted
In the final part of their discussion on whether CS Lewis is still relevant 60 years after his death, Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson ponder whether he also appeals to agnostics, atheists and those of other religions. Plus, is there a modern-day CS Lewis? Where should someone start if they are engaging with Lewis for the first time? And will Lewis ever cease to be relevant?
Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares how a young Brummie with a Sikh dad and Hindu mum became a Christian through Billy Graham. Having been in the Church for 30 years before he saw another Asian man in Church leadership, Arun shares why he and the Archbishop of York have such a strong commitment to racial justice.
The Pope shares his thoughts on how we can be people of hope in a world that desperately needs it
In the final part of their discussion, Dr Amy Orr-Ewing discusses whether we can believe in a virgin birth, why this birth is significant and how we can trust the witness of Mary. Plus, why is justice important to the Christmas story? And, how can Jesus be both fully God and fully man?
Rico Villanueva, Langham Partnership’s regional commissioning editor for Asia, shares how studying the psalms of lament have helped him with his bouts of depression
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of Wicca and looks at its historical relationship with Christianity
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, explores the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, and looks at why women play such a significant role in Christianity. Plus, what is the Magnificat, why is it so revolutionary? And how is it relevant today?
David Bates and his team at Pints With Jack have helped establish a day to celebrate CS Lewis and his work. His fellow Inkling, JRR Tolkien, already has a special reading day, but “why should the Tolkien nerds have all the fun?”! Listen in to hear why David thinks Lewis is still relevant today and how you can get involved with the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day on Lewis’ birthday - November 29th.
As we approach Remembrance Day in the UK and Veterans Day in the US, Joel Furches explores whether we should be praying for our military
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, shares the story of her academic father becoming a Christian and how that impacted their whole family. She describes the experience of being grilled by 14 Oxford dons about her theology undergraduate exam papers the day before her wedding! Plus, Amy explains why she is so impacted by the person of Mary, and how her example brings hope in the midst of deep darkness.
Creation. Fall. Redemption. New Creation. This is the grand narrative of scripture and the theological foundation we use to try to probe into the ethical challenges thrown up by advances in science and technology.
In the second part of their discussion, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how she moved from atheism to agnosticism, ending up in a church. What is meaning? How do we find it? Does Christianity have anything to say to our cultural moment?
Author Mark Roques explores the life of Baptist preacher William Carey
From the archives: How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love? These and other tricky theological questions on original sin, Open Theism and why God considers us ‘worthy’ of his love are answered by Tom.
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, shares his story including why he got ordained, how he ended up in academia and why he changed his mind on the ordination of women. He also discusses how to assess the veracity of doctrines and why he believes everyone should study theology.
Sam Reimer, professor of sociology and author of Caught in the Current, explores how authority, belief and behaviour have changed over the years and the impact this has had on faith
Apologist Jana Harmon shares the story of Neil Placer, who discovered the Christian faith via years of atheism
Nasa’s Osiris-Rex returned from a seven-year mission with asteroid Bennu’s dust, aiming to shed light on the Universe’s formation. Erik Strandness examines the project’s theological and philosophical impacts.
Apologist Nathan Rittenhouse shares his thoughts on Psalm 8 and its ramifications
Theology student David MacPherson reflects on a recent episode of The Diary of a CEO, where Nir Eyal discussed the benefits of church and a worshipping community
Erik Strandness reflects on deconstruction and reconstruction following an Unbelievable show on this topic
Why do many people deem religion irrelevant? What are some of the biggest objections to belief in God? Why are droves of young people leaving the Church? Evangelist Phil Knox shares some of his thoughts about these big topics and gives some tips on how to share your faith effectively.
From the archives: Just in time for Easter we bring you a show (recorded before lockdown) in which Tom answers listener questions on the crucifixion, the nature of atonement and forgiveness.
Ken Miles, clinical academic and author of From Billiard Balls to Bishops: A Scientist’s Introduction to Christian Worship, explores whether we can feel the presence of God in an age of science
Evangelist Phil Knox, author of Story Bearer and The Best of Friends, shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, speaking about the impact of his dad’s death at a young age. Plus, they discuss why evangelism matters and how we can share our story and be a “good news person in a bad news world”.
Retired bishop Richard Harries shares his thoughts about Queen Elizabeth II, who died a year ago on 8th September 2022
From the archives, from 2020: In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded live at Westminster Chapel London with an audience Q&A.
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of this popular Eastern religion, and compares it to Hinduism and Christianity
Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the soul, mind, brain, body and spirit following a recent Big Conversation about near death experiences
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near death experiences and theology in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
We revisit a riveting dialogue from Season 4 of The Big Conversation, from 2022.
From Jan 2020: Tom answers questions on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs and wonders, and talks about his own experience of the Holy Spirit.
Rev Sam Allberry, a close friend of Tim and Kathy Keller, delivered a moving tribute at Tim Keller’s memorial service on 15th August. Here’s what he said
Entrepreneur Max Anderson shares his final reflections on the great Tim Keller who influenced his life in a deeply profound way
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on work
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on marriage
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on idolatry
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s apologetic teaching
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on the Prodigal Son
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on the many things he’s learnt from his New York pastor and friend
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Mexican writer Ana Ávila who studied clinical biochemistry. Why is there a perceived conflict between science and religion? Does science contradict the Bible? Can you prove there is a God?
We dive into some of the important issues explored in Lewis’ Space Trilogy. Why was he so vehemently opposed to animal experimentation? What would Lewis say to those experiencing mental health struggles today? Plus, Alister McGrath responds to the accusation that CS Lewis was sexist and racist.
Charles Clough is a retired military meteorologist who became a Christian while at MIT. Apologist Joel Furches spoke to him about being a scientist and a theologian
Mexican writer Ana Ávila, who lives in Guatemala, shares her insights into religion in Latin America. How do we probe our beliefs? What does evangelism look like in a nominally Christian culture? How is apologetics received in some of these countries and what are the big questions being asked?
Linguist and author of Dalek Christianity Tom Schwarz explores what factors influence our perception of truth. He also looks at how we can celebrate different perspectives
From Dec 2019: Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible For Everyone’. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Francis ‘changing’ the Lords’ Prayer?
Former non-theist Mary Jo Sharp found answers to many of her questions through Christian apologetics. She is now passionate about sharing this with others, despite the great personal cost at times. She shares some of her story with Joel Furches here
Are science and religion in conflict? Is there more to life than mere matter? Where do we find meaning? Erik Strandness explores these big questions in light of a recent Big Conversation with atheist Philip Ball and Christian Nick Spencer
Apologist Joel Furches explores the evolution of religion, focussing on the most ancient religion still practised today
Philosopher Dr Vince Vitale presents some of his PhD research around evil, suffering and theodicy. He and Ruth Jackson share their own experiences of suffering miscarriages, demonstrating that this is not just a theoretical question of why there is pain, but a deeply practical one of how we are to deal with this agony.
As churches and denominations around the world become increasingly divided and fractured, Erik Strandness encourages Christians to unite for the sake of those outside the Church
Apologist Clinton Wilcox explores whether the Bible mandates pacifism or if acts of violence can ever be justified
Erik Strandness takes a look at a number of biblical metaphors involving food and explores what they mean for our faith
From July 2020. Tom answered listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives.
Ruth Jackson speaks to Dr Vince Vitale, one of the new guest hosts of Premier Unbelievable?, about his journey from scepticism to Christianity while studying philosophy at Princeton University.
Are people even asking questions? If so, are those questions dramatically different from what they used to be? How should we respond to our rapidly changing culture? Collin Hansen, executive director of the The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, looks at some important questions around cultural apologetics and draws on the wisdom of Tim Keller (1950-2023).
We’re revisiting a pivotal debate from 2009: Bart Ehrman’s first appearance on Unbelievable?, debating Peter J Williams on whether we can trust the gospel accounts and, specifically, how New Testament scripture has been transmitted.
In the third part of our discussion with Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’, we focus on Keller’s ministry in New York and beyond. Hansen also shares what Keller would want to say to the global Church and speculates on his lasting legacy.
In this special episode following the death of Tim Keller on Friday 19th May, Ruth Jackson speaks to Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’. They talk about Keller’s love for CS Lewis and reveal some fascinating stories about Kathy Keller, Tim’s wife, who was one of the last people to correspond with Lewis before his death.
Former atheist Stu Fuhlendorf felt no need for God, achieving high level of success and power in the business world. However, his achievements were tainted by emptiness and addiction, which helped him become open to his need for God. Jana Harmon shares his story
We continue our conversation with Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’, who highlights some of the key women in Keller’s life, particularly his wife Kathy. Hansen explains why Tim Keller was a complementarian and speaks about Keller’s brother, Billy, who died from AIDS in the 1990s.
Erik Strandness challenges us to rethink the way we share our faith for the sake of our young people
Following the death of Tim Keller on Friday 19th May, Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’ spoke to Ruth Jackson about Tim Keller’s early life and shared some of his favourite memories of the New York apologist.
University of Iasi PhD candidate Teodora Driscu looks at longing and the image of heaven in Lewis’ works, focussing particularly on ‘Perelandra’. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lewis Group at Ulster University in coordination with English at Ulster. The title of Teodora’s presentation was ‘The Embodiment of Heaven in Lewis’ Works’.
John Swinton, professor in practical theology and pastoral care at Aberdeen University and a former psychiatric nurse, challenges the way we approach disability, ensuring we create spaces where everyone belongs and has their spiritual needs met. We also discuss difficult questions around dementia, such as what it means to know God when you have limited conceptual intellectual capacity.
Erik Strandness explores how we should respond to supernatural phenomena in response to an Unbelievable? show about paranormal activity, such as near-death experiences, angels and ghosts
May marks Mental Health Awareness Week, so we spoke to John Swinton, professor in practical theology and pastoral care at Aberdeen University, who spent 16 years as a psychiatric nurse. He shares his thoughts about how to care for those experiencing mental health difficulties, particularly young people.
Church of England vicar Rev Jeremy Crossley reflects on why we crown and what the upcoming coronation reveals about King Charles III’s vocation and calling
From 2019: Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today.
In the final part of her discussion with Ruth Jackson, Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why you can Trust the Gospels, unpacks some of the more disconcerting elements of Jesus’ character and looks at how this impacts the veracity of the Gospel accounts. She also addresses how the loneliness and suffering of Jesus can speak to a hurting world.
Erik Strandness reflects on an Unbelievable? discussion between punk singer-turned-pastor Josh Porter and former-Christian Jon Steingard, exploring why numerous young American evangelicals lose their faith and whether they’re ever able to get it back
English lecturer Dr Sarah Waters shares her insights into one of CS Lewis’ science fiction books, particularly in regards to how we relate to one another post-Covid. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lewis Group at Ulster University in coordination with English at Ulster. The title of Sarah’s presentation was ’Facial (mis)recognition: Out of the Silent Planet and the boundaries of face-to face’.
In this second part of our effective altruism conversation, we explore the Christian sub-community within EA and ask whether the movement’s fundamental ideas are compatible with Christian tradition on giving.
Apologist Joel Furches corrects what he believes are a number of misconceptions about some of these historical events and explores what Christians should do about them
In the final episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why someone who expected to be forgotten within five years of his death has had such a lasting impact. Why is CS Lewis still so popular and how long will his appeal last? Plus, this is your last chance to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Author Mark Roques warns us to be on our guard when watching television and movies
Justin Brierley is moving on from hosting the Ask NT Wright Anything show. Before the baton gets passed on to fresh hands, he sits down with Tom to ask him the questions he would like to hear answered.
Writer Steve Schramm explores Mormonism and questions how Christians should respond to it
Neonatal physician Erik Strandness asks some challenging questions in light of many young people’s desperate struggles and explores what hope there is
The Unbelievable? show has been broadcasting for over 17 years. Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson take a retrospective tour through highlights from the show from day one to some of the most significant debates that have been hosted, before being joined by Dr. Vince Vitale for a special announcement by Justin.
Analytical scientist Dr Hugh Ross had been searching for answers about the origin of the Universe since he was a child. He found them in the place he least expected – the Bible. Jana Harmon shares his story here
In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responds to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more. Plus a musical treat from Tom. An archive show first broadcast in 2019.
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, president of the Christian Thinkers Society and father to five children (including triplets!), shares his journey into apologetics, looking at the importance of engaging both the head and heart. As well as speaking about how to live distinctively, ask good questions and allow room for doubt, Jeremiah unpacks some of the big issues impacting young people today.
In this special episode, we take a break from our series on Professor Alister McGrath’s seminal biography, CS Lewis: A Life, to celebrate reaching our 100th episode. Alister shares some of his thoughts around what modern readers can learn from Lewis and how he can help with the renewal of the Church.
The Big Conversation - Episode 1 | Season 5
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection body, why Jesus didn’t stay with us, and also shares his thoughts on popular psychology professor Jordan B Peterson. First broadcast in 2019.
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of the resurrection and its impact
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, author of ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’ shares his thoughts on this painful topic
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore the plausibility of Christianity’s central claim
New Testament scholar Dr Jeremiah Johnston shares ground-breaking research from his new book ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’. He also explains how we can experience overwhelming hope in the midst of great suffering if Jesus really rose from the dead.
Apologist Joel Furches looks at the soul, near death experiences and the resurrection of Jesus, examining their veracity and relevance
Apologists Nick Spencer and Joel Furches examine the evidence for the event at the heart of Christianity
Dr Andy Bannister, director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, explores why he believes Jesus’ death on the cross was necessary
Renowned Christian thinker William Lane Craig answers listener questions on a live edition of the show. He responds to questions on philosophy, Adam & Eve, suffering, the worst argument for God and more. Plus we hear from Jeremiah J Johnston on the 7 best reasons to believe in the resurrection.
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, unpacks some of its key moments and their relevance
Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? What should our theology of worship be? How do we know we are in the ‘correct’ denomination? Tom Wright answers these and more questions from listeners about Christian unity. An archive show first broadcast in 2019.
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the events leading up to the death of Jesus and ponders their significance for our lives today
In part two of his discussion with Ruth Jackson, Professor John Swinton shares what Holy Week means to him and explores what impact the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus has on a world in need of hope.
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of life’s biggest questions
Writer Steve Schramm unpacks various atonement theories, looking at their historical and biblical origins
Former atheist Jim Tickner shares his story of discovering God in the midst of an existential crisis
Show listener Grace Hill grew up in church but has always had lots of skeptical questions, especially around whether Christianity is too exclusive when it comes to honest seekers in other faiths. She recently found a church home where she could ask her questions - The Story Church in Houston, TX founded by Pastor Eric Huffman, host of the Maybe God podcast.
Heather Tomlinson shares a short explainer about charismatic gifts of the Spirit and cessationism, following a recent Unbelievable? debate
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper. First broadcast in 2019.
Ruth Jackson speaks to John Swinton, professor in practical theology and pastoral care at Aberdeen University. Having spent 16 years as a psychiatric nurse, John speaks about the importance of spiritual care in medicine. He also shares his thoughts on the problem of suffering.
Gospel, Bible, reliability, manuscript, eye witness, testimony, coincidences, story, made up,Philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why You Can Trust the Gospels, Lydia McGrew, looks at some key elements that point to the genuineness of eye witness testimony within the Gospel narratives
Author Mark Roques challenges the assumption that some things are in the ‘secular box’, while others are in the ‘religious box’
Tim James explores how the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to our understanding of the divine importance of physical place in our modern world
Tom answers practical questions about the role of those unable to be physically active - does their prayer and meditation make a difference in the Kingdom? A computer programmer questions whether his work is a worthwhile activity in Kingdom terms? Are there any forms of art that go against our image-bearing creativity?
Jana Harmon shares the story of Dr Fazale Rana who discovered God through his pursuit of science. His paradigm shift began when he began to find scientific explanations for the origin of life inadequate and started to look elsewhere
In this final episode, Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, explores objections towards the Bible, including whether it is sexist, racist and out of date. Bruce also asks whether we can know and experience God personally, looking at why he doesn’t make himself more obvious.
Theologian Dr Andrew Ollerton explores what the gospel is and why he believes it needs to be shared
Erik Strandness explores what a priesthood of all believers means and what that looks like in practice.
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God is going to fix it? Is the world getting better or worse because of Christianity? Can Christians achieve perfection in this life, as Wesley claimed? Tom Wright answers listeners questions on the ‘now-and-not-yet’ of new creation.
Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, tackles two huge questions: is Christianity too narrow and is Jesus really God? He also explores whether Jesus really rose from the dead.
Tania Harris, founding director of God Conversations and author of ‘The Church who hears God’s Voice’ makes a biblical and experiential case for the ongoing activity of the Spirit communicating through dreams, visions and prophecy. She engages with cessationist pastor Jim Osman. author of ‘God Doesn’t Whisper’, who argues that people who claim to hear God’s voice are misled and that the Bible is the only way in which Gods revelation comes to us today.
Erik Strandness explores how we can reconcile reason with joyfully dancing in our underwear
Tom answers listener questions on prayer including: ‘Is prayer just telling God what to do?’ and ‘What difference does prayer make if God has already decided what to do?’. Kelly is nervous about praying out loud before a meal in public, and Jennifer is questioning the legitimacy of public displays of prayer in the USA. Tom responds to these questions and shares his own habits of prayer, including keeping a prayer diary.
Evangelist Greg Downes shares his personal reflections on his friend, the scientist and apologist Professor Thomas Charles Buckland McLeish, who died on 27th February
Subscribe for early access to this episode at
The leader of Asbury Theological Seminary reflects on what is happening at their campus in Kentucky
Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God. Nicole asks why ‘Ask and you shall receive’ doesn’t seem to work in practise? Shelagh says she doesn’t hear from God the way she used to - is it because of disobedience? Robert asks how you can tell if you have misheard from God? Tom also gives an update on his health and work and reflects on how he hears from God.
Protestant Christian and apologist Nick Peters explores some key distinctions within different branches of Christianity
In the first of four episodes on how to approach some of life’s most difficult questions, Ruth Jackson speaks to Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, about belief, doubt and purpose.
In light of the tragic Kahramanmaras earthquake, apologist Dr Sharon Dirckx shares her thoughts on how we reconcile the idea of a good and powerful God with the presence of natural disasters
In the seventh episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore why Lewis never used a typewriter, who the Inklings were and how they impacted his work, and what role women, such as Dorothy L Sayers, played in Lewis’ life. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations director at Living Out and author of ‘Finding Your Best Identity’, is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes marriage is male-female. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar who also works as a psychiatrist, is the author of ‘Queer Holiness’ and wants to see gay marriage accepted in the church.
Philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why You Can Trust the Gospels, Lydia McGrew, explores some of the characteristics of testimony within the Gospel narratives
As an ardent atheist, Kim Endraske disliked Christians, but wrestled daily with existential dread. Jana Harmon shares Kim’s story of discovering the God who dramatically changed her life
As we head into a day devoted to celebrating relationships, Erik Strandness looks at how God restores the relationships damaged through our infidelity
In the sixth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ faith journey, looking at how and why he became a Christian. We also hear about the significant impact of JRR Tolkien. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
As we approach Racial Justice Sunday, apologist Adam Coleman of Tru-ID looks at why all humans have intrinsic worth. He shares examples of abolitionists who took matters of justice into their own hands as well as those who opted for non-violence, trusting God to act on their behalf
Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith? First broadcast in 2019.
In the second part of our discussion with Chris Goswami, we dive into some of the ethical arguments for and against cryptocurrencies.
Punk singer-turned-pastor Josh Porter charts his own journey of reconstructing his Christian faith in the book ‘Death to Deconstruction: Reclaiming faithfulness as an act of rebellion’. He discusses deconstruction, the Bible, the problem of evil and more with Jon Steingard, former lead singer of Hawk Nelson who underwent his own journey of deconstruction in 2020.
In the fifth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some key moments in Lewis’ Oxford career, such as the death of his father. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’ That, in a nutshell is the contention of Mike D’Virgilio’s book ‘Uninvented: Why the Bible could not be made up and the evidence that proves it’. He says that the life of Jesus doesn’t read like made up stories, myths and legends.
Apologists Clinton Wilcox and Joel Furches explore some of the core principles of transhumanism and their ramifications
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’. First broadcast in 2019.
Following a recent episode of Unbelievable? on miracle healing, Erik Strandness explores what we can learn about healing from the biblical account of the pool at Bethesda
Social critic Bethel McGrew shares her thoughts on recent proposals by the House of Bishops to allow the blessing of same-sex marriages
Roger Sherrer vehemently believed religion was poison. Jana Harmon shares his story of transformation here
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much more… First broadcast in 2016.
Originally from Canada, Alanzo Paul fell into a life of addiction after his parents’ divorce. Here, he shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, including his reflections on working with Ravi Zacharias. He also looks at some of life’s big questions and suggests ways to reach the apathetic with the gospel.
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of the primary objections offered by Americans who exit the Christian faith
In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tradition, and whether there is a ‘trajectory hermeneutic’ when it comes to issues like slavery in the Bible.
In the second part of their discussion, Ruth Jackson speaks to Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, about culture wars, evangelism and how to approach life’s big questions.
Claire Dooley grew up in a large religious family in Mississippi. Here, she shares some of her reasons for leaving the faith and why, after years of atheism and in her moment of deepest despair, she started exploring Christianity
Writer Steve Schramm offers a helpful explanation on the relationship between these two key religions
In the second episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why Lewis found school so thoroughly unpleasant and how it helped to cement his growing atheism. Plus, we launch a competition to win a copy of McGrath’s book.
Matt Arnold, editor of the Christian Parapsychologist Journal and Dr Cal Cooper, a psychologist and paranormal researcher, speak to Justin about how they interpret account of ghosts, exorcism and apparitions as a Christian and skeptic.
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’? First broadcast in 2019.
Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, speaks to Ruth Jackson about what Orthodoxy is, how we articulate it in a modern context and why we should pass it on to the next generation.
As the new year unfolds in the shadow of rising living costs, raging war and a pervasive mental health crisis, Erik Strandness looks at what those in the midst of despair actually need
Musician and exvangelical Michael Gungor responds to journalist Heather Tomlinson’s critique of his approach on a recent episode of Unbelievable?
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of life’s big questions
Tim Keller is a renowned thinker, writer and speaker who has been dubbed New York’s ‘pastor to skeptics’. In a live online show hosted by Ruth Jackson and Justin Brierley he answers audience questions on his journey with pancreatic cancer, his transformed prayer life and his new book ‘Forgive’.
Erik Strandness explores the place of humans on this planet
Tom Wright and Joseph D’Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the theology of mission and discipleship.
Writer Steve Schramm explains a potentially uncomfortable claim within Christianity
Apologist Pedro Garcia speaks to Ruth Jackson about how Halloween kickstarted his journey towards faith in Jesus.
Digging deeper into Gungor’s rejection of Christian faith suggests so, says Heather Tomlinson