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The resurrection may make sense of history. More importantly, it makes sense of me
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Is God Dead? The intersection of Nietzsche’s nihilism and the limits for pursuing justice
The CS Lewis Podcast #196 How did Shakespeare influence Lewis’ exploration of death, resurrection and the human condition?
How should we respond to church scandal?
How should we vote in this election?
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Can Tarot & Astrology Open you to EVIL Forces? 🔮👻 Ex-Psychic Jenn Nizza and Horror Filmmaker Toby Watts debate Halloween, demons and horror
The P Diddy charges are awful. But can we really judge who is “good” and who is “bad”?
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🌍✨ Should we edit the human genome, or is that playing God? 🧬 John Wyatt vs Sam McKee hosted by Andy Kind
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Ask NT Wright Anything #202 LGBTQI+, Transgender and Questions of Sexual Ethics (Classic)
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Remembering Tim Keller
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Remembering theoretical physicist Professor Thomas McLeish (1962-2023)
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Working for peace in our politically divided world is essential. But the Church needs to get its own house in order, too
How should Christians respond to transhumanism?
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When the Church of England blesses gay marriage it signs its own death certificate
Should Christians favour creation or evolution?: 4 different perspectives