As the UK government announced the launch of a new Islamophobia council to define ‘anti-Muslim hatred/ Islamophobia’ on February 28th, the start of Ramadan, one thing is clear: This is a hot-button issue that raises serious questions about free speech, blasphemy laws, and the balance between protecting religious sensibilities and upholding open dialogue in a liberal society.
In a world filled with questions about faith, truth, and the future, can Islam and Christianity find common ground, or do their beliefs reveal irreconcilable differences? Dr. Andy Bannister, a Christian apologist and author, and Abdullah Al Andalusi, an Islamic thinker and activist, go head to head in this week’s episode of the Unbelievable? Podcast - coming together for a powerful discussion on the big questions shaping our world today.
Groups with this title may have risen to fame due to negative publicity – but they share things in common with other non-Christian religions
Why suffering, instead of being a reason to turn us away from God, can be the way that we find him
In this Halloween special, we examine the intersection of the occult, Halloween, and Christian perspectives on spiritual matters. Is Halloween merely harmless fun, or does it carry deeper, more sinister implications? Can activities like tarot readings and astrology open the door to evil forces? What does Christianity teach about demons—and is it possible for Christians to be possessed?
Apologist Erik Strandness explores the profound effects of NDEs on those who have experienced them and asks: what depiction of God best fits with this amazing love?
Former atheist Chris Adam experienced a difficult, chaotic childhood and was drawn to witchcraft and demonology to gain control over his life. Researcher Jana Harmon shares how his life changed dramatically after reading the Bible
Welcome to today’s Unbelievable Debate, recorded live at St Michael’s Aylesbury, where two distinguished scholars, Robert Scott and Muhammad Yasir Al-Hanafi, engage in a thought-provoking debate on the historical verifiability, truth, and societal contributions of their respective faiths: Christianity and Islam.
Writer Steve Schramm explores the history of the Nation of Islam and their central beliefs. How are they distinct from Islam proper? And where do they differ from Christianity?
Researcher Jana Harmon shares the fascinating story of how atheist Kyle Keltz began his journey towards Christianity while on guard duty in the Middle East
Lay minister Dr Peter Harris explores the truth of the recent claim made by Rev Michael Cohen that John’s Gospel is anti-Judaist
Apologist Joel Furches explores this ancient Chinese religion
Apologist Joel Furches explores the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their central beliefs. Are they a Christian cult or just another denomination?
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus? What can I say to my New Age sister? My Muslim friend gets so much comfort from her faith… do I need to evangelise her? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
This week on Premier Unbelievable, the question of whether Jesus is God is explored, a topic that often divides Muslims and Christians. The show revisits a conversation featuring Dr. Abdulla Galadari, author of ‘Quranic Hermeneutics,’ and Dr. Joshua Sijuwade, a Visiting Lecturer at the London School of Theology.
Journalist Heather Tomlinson reflects on a recent Big Conversation between Alex O’Connor and Ben Shapiro and ponders if the question of whether religion is beneficial leads to whether it is true
Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, shares how working in the same department as Richard Dawkins and reading his publications eventually led him to become a Christian. Plus, he shares a fascinating story about answered prayer.
Erik Strandness reflects on a recent Big Conversation discussion asking whether religion is good or bad for society
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of Wicca and looks at its historical relationship with Christianity
Author Mark Roques explores the life of Baptist preacher William Carey
Athiest Warren Prehmus had no need for God. However, when personal tragedy struck, he began to question his presuppositions and explore Christianity. Researcher Jana Harmon shares his story
Sam Reimer, professor of sociology and author of Caught in the Current, explores how authority, belief and behaviour have changed over the years and the impact this has had on faith
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of this popular Eastern religion, and compares it to Hinduism and Christianity
A Christian street preacher who was arrested for alleged hate speech, which included criticising Muhammad, was found not guilty following a recent court hearing. Dr Andy Bannister, director of Solas and author of Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?, responds to some of the accusations made by the preacher (eg Muhammad married a 6-year-old and had sex with her when she was 9) and discusses how we can engage with some of these big questions.
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near death experiences and theology in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s apologetic teaching
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on the Prodigal Son
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on the many things he’s learnt from his New York pastor and friend
Apologist Joel Furches explores the evolution of religion, focussing on the most ancient religion still practised today
Nigerian pastor Hassan John reflects on the anti-Christian violence in his home country and considers the appropriate response
In the final part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics and hone in on what Lewis says about other religions.
Apologist Joel Furches highlights the core beliefs of the fastest growing religion in the world and compares it to the two other Abrahamic faiths
Is the occult just harmless fun? Or are there hidden dangers to alternative spirituality, satanism, and even new age practices? Increasingly the debate is not about good vs evil but my truth vs your truth.
Rt Revd Paul Butler, one of the bishop assistants to the King, shares his thoughts on this historical event
First broadcast in 2019: Tom Wright fields listener questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim.
Writer Steve Schramm explores Mormonism and questions how Christians should respond to it
Neonatal physician Erik Strandness asks some challenging questions in light of many young people’s desperate struggles and explores what hope there is
The Unbelievable? show has been broadcasting for over 17 years. Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson take a retrospective tour through highlights from the show from day one to some of the most significant debates that have been hosted, before being joined by Dr. Vince Vitale for a special announcement by Justin.
Analytical scientist Dr Hugh Ross had been searching for answers about the origin of the Universe since he was a child. He found them in the place he least expected – the Bible. Jana Harmon shares his story here
Show listener Grace Hill grew up in church but has always had lots of skeptical questions, especially around whether Christianity is too exclusive when it comes to honest seekers in other faiths. She recently found a church home where she could ask her questions - The Story Church in Houston, TX founded by Pastor Eric Huffman, host of the Maybe God podcast.
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much more… First broadcast in 2016.
Originally from Canada, Alanzo Paul fell into a life of addiction after his parents’ divorce. Here, he shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, including his reflections on working with Ravi Zacharias. He also looks at some of life’s big questions and suggests ways to reach the apathetic with the gospel.
In the second part of their discussion, Ruth Jackson speaks to Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, about culture wars, evangelism and how to approach life’s big questions.
Writer Steve Schramm offers a helpful explanation on the relationship between these two key religions
Matt Arnold, editor of the Christian Parapsychologist Journal and Dr Cal Cooper, a psychologist and paranormal researcher, speak to Justin about how they interpret account of ghosts, exorcism and apparitions as a Christian and skeptic.
Musician and exvangelical Michael Gungor responds to journalist Heather Tomlinson’s critique of his approach on a recent episode of Unbelievable?
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of life’s big questions
Tom Wright and Joseph D’Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the theology of mission and discipleship.
Justin Brierley rounds up the most popular shows of the year
In this second lecture from the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford, Tom speaks on the multi-ethnic, multicultural, polychrome mission of the church.
Jonathan Clark investigates whether early Christians merely piggybacked off pre-existing pagan celebrations
In the second half of our discussion about Christmas, Charles Foster, author of The Christmas Mystery, looks at some of the more sinister and less straightforward elements of the biblical Nativity narratives.
NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Global South, hosted by Bishop Joseph D’Souza of the Good Shepherd Church network in India, in partnership with Premier.
Why do only two of the four Gospels mention Jesus’ birth? What if the Christmas story isn’t true? Can we trust the biblical sources? Charles Foster, author of The Christmas Mystery, answers some of the tricky questions surrounding the Nativity narratives in the Bible.
Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever be possible? I’m reconsidering my conversion to Catholicism… should I take my 6 year old daughter out of the church? Justin Bass joins for a final time.
As we approach the celebration of Jesus’ birth, Erik Strandness explores who the founder of Christianity really is and what our response should be
With the number of people identifying as ‘non religious’ on the rise, Theos researcher, Dr Hannah Waite, explores who these ‘Nones’ are and how we can meaningfully engage with them
Were Victorian missionaries a tool of oppression, exploitation and empire as some critics claim? Or did they leave a legacy of education, healthcare and eradicating inhumane practises?
Ardent atheist Mark Meckler began to consider whether there might be something more after 51 years of scepticism
Resuming our conversation with Rhys Laverty from the Davenant Institute, we look at John’s contribution to the Protestant Social Teaching book – a chapter exploring post-Reformation tradition around death and dying.
Ruth Jackson speaks to apologist Clare Williams about racial justice, black pain and how the Church should respond.
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor’s music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael’s recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, msytical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused.
Tom answers questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim in a show first broadcast in 2019. And Tom gets his guitar out again…
It’s not about saying sorry. Joel Furches says making an intellectual defence for Christian faith has a long history
Joseph D’Souza, bishop of the Good Shepherd Church network in South Asia and Andrew Scott of Operation Mobilisation join Justin to talk about a new paradigm for mission work in the Global South and how it impacts church and culture in the Global North.
Erik Strandness reflects on how Christianity shaped the West
Veteran religion reporter Julia Bicknell analyses a major global survey on media coverage of religion
Christian Philosopher Kenneth Pearce says that our personal religious experiences can provide testimony that is persuasive to some, but not for everybody
Bishop Joseph D’Souza from the Good Shepherd Church in India and Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd, political theorist and human rights activist, discuss the current political and religious climate in India and the situation for Christians and the Dalit and Shudra castes.
Humanist leader James Croft leads a thriving godless congregation in an otherwise declining network of Ethical Societies. Does their story mirror that of many declining churches in the west?
The deity of Jesus is a doctrine that typically divides Muslims and Christians. However, Dr Abdulla Galadari, author of ‘Quranic Hermeneutics’ believes the Koran doesn’t reject the Gospels’ view of Jesus - it interprets them.
Are Jews saved under the old covenant? How should I share my faith with Jewish people today? Does the Bible endorse Zionism?
Jesus was a Jew. But has Christianity become divorced from its Jewish roots? How should we understand the shared story and differences of these two great religious traditions?
Tom answers more questions on atonement, other religions and caring for those who have lost loved ones, sent in by members of the NT Wright discussion group.
It’s often claimed that, despite their religious differences, Muslims and Christians still believe in and worship the same creator God.
Tom answers listener questions, such as will Jews be in heaven? What about religious experiences among other faiths? And is Gnosticism the prevailing world view in America?
Theologian John Hick (1922-2012) was well known for his defence of pluralism - the view that all religions stem from one ‘Ultimate Reality’.
Nabeel Qureshi first appeared on Unbelievable? in 2009 for a dialogue on his conversion from Islam to Christianity with Muslim convert Yahya Seymour. Justin shares this replay of their conversation and reflects on the ministry of Nabeel who died in 2017 from cancer.
Does Islam or Christianity go back to the true person of Jesus? Richard Shumack, author of ‘Jesus through Muslim Eyes’ and Mustafa Akyol, author of ‘The Islamic Jesus’, debate the issues.
Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of suffering, heaven and the Gospels, all submitted during the show via Facebook live.
Tom Wright talks about his new book ‘God and the Pandemic’ and takes a variety of live listener questions in this livestream edition of the show. Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of suffering, heaven and the Gospels, all submitted during the show via Facebook live.
Erik Strandness’ work at an addiction treatment center showed him the difference between the path of Buddhism and Christianity.
Portland pastor John Mark Comer joins Justin to talk about slowing down our lives in our high-tech, anxiety-prone world.
Tensions between Hindus and other religious groups in India have been growing in recent years as the BJP Government and Hindu nationalists have advocated for anti-conversion laws.
The evolutionary biologist says we need to transcend religion to solve humanity’s biggest problems. Following his Big Conversation with Alister McGrath, Paul vanderKlay examines the religious streak in Bret Weinstein’s own philosophy.
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
Justin presents a selection of highlights from this year’s Unbelievable? The Conference 2019 in London, including Krish Kandiah on Creating Better Conversations, Kristi Mair on reaching millennials, Sarah Lumgair on Islam and much more.
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus? What can I say to my New Age sister? My Muslim friend gets so much comfort from her faith… do I need to evangelise her? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
Muslim parents in Birmingham recently made headlines for protesting the teaching of LGBT issues in lessons at their primary school. So should Muslims and Christians who share common values join forces to respond to an increasingly secular world?
Millions of people think Jesus was a Muslim and billions think he was a Christian. Chris Goswami explains why both are wrong
Dr. Michael Brown grew up in a Jewish family but was shooting heroin by the time he was 15 as part of a rock-and-roll lifestyle. He tells Justin Brierley how An encounter with Jesus changed his life and led him to study the Hebrew scriptures to become an evangelist to Jews.
Bible scholar Tom Wright answers a listener from Beirut’s question on how to have fruitful gospel conversations with Muslims.
In this episode Tom Wright fields listener questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim.
Michael Brown is a Messianic Jew and hosts The Line Of Fire radio show in the USA. He engages with liberal UK Reform rabbi Jonathan Romain on whether Jesus fulfilled the role of Messiah.
Thousands of people recently attended four high-profile debates on religion and atheism between psychology professor Jordan Peterson and atheist writer Sam Harris.
Ed Husain was once a Muslim extremist. Today he is still a Muslim but says the Islam he once practised is a distorted version of the faith. In his new book The House of Islam: A Global History he argues that his religion needs to return to a once-golden age of pluralism, tolerance and diversity.
Krish Kandiah’s new book ‘Faitheism: Why Christians and Atheists have more in common than you think’, aims to elevate the conversation between both sides.
Aliyah Saleem was a Muslim at one time but is now an atheist. She tells her story and those of other former Muslims in ‘Leaving Faith Behind’.
Bart Campolo is the son of high-profile Christian speaker, author and sociologist Tony Campolo. Bart became a Christian in his teens and went on to run an inner city Christian youth ministry. However Bart recently announced that he had lost his faith altogether and become a Humanist chaplain.
Lynn Wilder and Corey Miller are among 4 scholars who tell their story of leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the new book ‘Leaving Mormonism’.
From Muslims seeing Christ to the provision of a marriage partner, God is reaching people through dreams
Andrew Copson of Humanists UK is the author of new book ‘Secularism: politics, religion and freedom’. He engages with Mail on Sunday journalist Peter Hitchens on whether secularism is the best future for the West, the ‘myth’ of neutrality, Islam and gay cakes. Juno the puppy also features.
Evangelist Glen Scrivener of Speak Life engages with Imam Musharraf Hussain on whether the Old Testament scriptures support the Christian view of God as Trinity or the Islamic view of Tawhid - the indivisible oneness of God.
Justin presents a live audience edition of the show from the Creation Fest UK event in Wadebridge, Cornwall. He is joined by Christian apologist Andy Bannister and Mark Preedy of Cornwall Humanists.
Alex Crowe is a Buddhist who engages with Ken Samples author of ‘God Among Sages: Why Jesus is not just another religious leader’ that compares and contrasts Jesus with founding figures from all the main religions.
The Qu’ran states that Jesus did not die on the cross, but rather ‘it was made to appear’ so. Yet, historians cite Jesus’ death by crucifixion as one of the best attested facts of the ancient world.
Did God Create Humanism? Theo Hobson & Andrew Copson
‘God Among Sages: Why Jesus is not just another religious leader’ is a new book by Ken Samples of Reasons To Believe that compares and contrast Jesus with founding figures from all the main religions. Krishna is a key figure in the Hindu religion. Ken debates with Dipen Rajyaguru of the Hindu Council UK.
In a New Year’s Eve special, Justin interviews two women involved in theology and apologetics in different ways.
NYC’s pastor-to-the-sceptics Tim Keller debates atheist Jeremy Rodell. Tim’s new book ‘Making Sense of God: An invitation to the sceptical’ is a prequel to his bestselling 2008 book ‘The Reason For God’.
Jay Smith has led a Christian ministry engaging face to face with Muslims in London for over 20 years using polemics and apologetics. As he leaves the UK to undertake an international role Beth Grove will be leading the work in London through the newly established Pfander Centre for Apologetics. They talk about the joys and challenges of reaching Muslims in the UK, those they have seen convert, why the nature of the debates have changed and the new arguments critiquing the historicity of Mecca, Mohammed and the Koran.
Rev Canon Dr John Higgins shares a remarkable real-life Romeo and Juliet story
In Islam, Jesus is regarded as a prophet. Muslims commonly claim that the Christian belief in Christ as co-equal with God is a corruption of Jesus’ message and that his first followers did not regard him as the Son of God.
A Wheaton college professor was recently threatened with dismissal after claiming that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.
Luke Griffiss-Williams has an interesting faith journey. Having been an evangelical Christian, doubts about the deity of Jesus led him to convert to Judaism. But further doubts about the historicity of the Old Testament led him to become an atheist.
Abu Fadi from Mosul in Iraq explains what happened when ISIS caught him
Justin is joined by Palestinian Christian Salim Munayer and Jewish Christian believer Lisa Loden, authors of ‘Through My Enemy’s Eyes’, as they discuss the prospects for peace in Israel.
Heather Tomlinson says we must rise to the challenge of giving a defense for our Christian beliefs
A recent report on faith and public life in the UK recommended cutting back the role of Christianity to make space for other faiths and humanist points of view.
Rahil Patel decided to become a Hindu priest. But inner peace eluded him – until he walked into a church
Following the terror attacks in Paris, Justin is joined by Christians and Muslims to debate whether Islamic State represents a true interpretation of Islam.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) differs from mainstream Christianity in various ways. Some Christians, including Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry, say that LDS believers have an unbiblical view of Grace - the free gift of forgiveness by Christ.
he feature “Up the Ladder in Hyde Park”, originally broadcast in 2008, sees Justin meet Muslims and Christians engaged in rowdy debates at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London.
Andy Bannister is the author of ‘The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist’. Its amusingly titled chapters include ‘The Scandinavian sceptic (or: Why atheism is really a belief system)’.
Andrew Whyte lost his faith after realising the diversity of Christian beliefs. He has developed a series of Youtube videos on the way Christians disagree about various doctrines and we hear some of the audio from them.
David Garrison, author of ‘A Wind in the House of Islam’ says that movements of Muslims becoming Christians are occurring globally in unprecedented numbers.
What is God like? Muslims believe in Tahweed (oneness), Christians in the Trinity (three in one).
Former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi explains how his search for the truth about Jesus in scripture led to his conversion.
Asylum seeker Javaid Khan, tells of his conversion from Islam to Christianity, and the consequences of following Jesus Christ.
As Halloween approaches Justin meets Tam, a Wiccan who explains what he believes and the significance of Halloween (or Sam’hain) to the witchcraft community.
Nick Spencer is the author of Atheists: The Origin of the Species. He explains the origins of various strands of atheism and why the New Atheism of today is constructed on a myth of its own.
Graham Ward is Oxford Regius professor of Divinity. His new book ‘Unbelievable’ explores the biology and psychology of belief. Atheist professor of psychology Susan Blackmore joins the discussion in the first part of the show.
Two young, intelligent thinkers join Justin to debate whether atheism or theism makes best sense of the universe.
A discussion on whether the Western church has lost the Hebraic roots of its faith and why anti semitism has been a factor in the church.
There have been thousands of casualties in Gaza this summer as Israel’s military have responded to Hamas rocket attacks. A Messianic Jew and a Palestinian Christian join Justin to talk through the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict and what the way forward may be for peace.
We hear highlights from this year’s Unbelievable? Conference, including the opening address by Os Guinness, Ruth Jackson on reaching young people, Craig Hazen on the resurrection, William Lane Craig & Jeff Zweerink on science and atheism, Jay Smith on Islam, Tim McGrew on the Gospels and part of the Panel Q&A.
Lynn Wilder was a temple-recommend holding Mormon who taught at Brigham Young University in Utah. She describes what led her to abandon the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and embrace Biblical Christianity.
Premier Christian Radio and Biola University present Unbelievable? The Conference 2014 – Reasonable faith in an uncertain world.
David John leads an under-the-radar healing ministry to Muslims in the Middle East.
Nabeel Qureshi grew up in a Muslim family but converted to Christianity after investigating the historical case for Christ.
Jesus promised that signs and wonders would follow those who believe. Justin Brierley reports on how Christ’s words are coming true in countries around the world today.
Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but not the Son of God as Christians believe.
Richard Dawkins has described the God of the Old Testament as (among other things) a “capriciously malevolent bully”. The world’s best known atheist joins Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament in light of the Bible TV series airing in the UK on Channel 5.
Hanns Mattsson, a leader in the European wing of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints recently went public about his doubts in the New York Times
Muslim protests and riots have been taking place around the world over an online video called “Innocence of Muslims” which mocks the prophet Mohammad. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries and Muhammad Al-Hussaini of Scriptural Reasoning discuss the video and the reaction to it.
Alom Shaha grew up in a Muslim background in London but became an atheist in his teens. Now a science teacher he has written about that journey in his book “The Young Atheist’s Handbook”. He chats with Tom Price of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics about Love, God, Narnia, Hope and much more…
Robert Spencer runs Jihad Watch in the USA. His controversial new book “Did Muhammad Exist?” claims that the prophet of Islam owes more to fiction than fact, and has led to death threats against him. Adnan Rashid, a Muslim speaker from the Islamic Education and Research Academy, responds to Spencer’s claims in a heated exchange.
In the second show examining the beliefs of Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Bobby Gilpin and Charles Dayton return to talk about Mormon doctrines. Bobby runs UK Parternships for Christ, an outreach to Mormons and JWs. Charles is a lifelong Mormon and Western Artist in Wyoming. They discuss Mormon beliefs about whether God was “once a man”, whether we are potential gods ourselves, and what happens to Christians and Mormons when they die. Is Mormonism a religion of works or grace
As Mitt Romney prepares to challenge Barack Obama for the American Presidency, we look at the Mormon religion (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) he is part of. Bobby Gilpin runs UK Parternerships for Christ - a Christian ministry to Mormons and JWs. Charles Dayton is a lifelong Mormon in Wyoming. They discuss the origins of Mormonism and whether its founder Joseph Smith really did receive “another testament” of Christ visiting the Americas.
In the second programme examining the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Robert King and Tony Brown discuss whether Christ claims to be God. Robert is a disfellowshiped JW but still holds to Watchtower doctrine. Tony is a former JW, now a Christian pastor. They talk about whether JWs rely upon a works-based salvation, return to the 144,000 and discuss whether Jesus is the Archangel Michael and not the son of God, as Robert claims
In the first of two programmes Justin Brierley talks to Jehovah’s Witness Robert King (aka e-watchman) and former JW Tony Brown. Robert is disfellowshipped but still holds to Jehovah’s Witness doctrine. He does not speak in any offical capacity for the Watchtower Society. Tony Brown is now a Christian pastor with a ministry to Jehovah’s Witnesses, he describes how he joined and left the organisation.
Today’s show: Patrick Sookhdeo converted from Islam to Christianity as a young man. He has since gone on to represent the rights of persecuted Christians all over the world via the Barnabas Fund.
With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask “Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam” Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion. He says Osama was a true Muslim doing the work of Allah. Muhammad Al Hussaini is a Muslim scholar for the organisation Scriptural Reasoning. He deplores acts of terror and says Bin Laden transgressed multiple commands of Islam.
he Koran claims that Jesus did not die on the cross. Mohammed Bahmanpour of the Islamic College in London defends the Koranic view that although “it was made to appear to them” that he died, in fact he was substituted by another. Jay Smith is a Christian evangelist to Muslims in London and brings to bear Biblical and other historical witnesses to the crucifixion.
A festive edition of the show. With studio guest Anthony McRoy and a host of phone guests from around the world Justin Brierley looks at various aspects of Christmas.
The Third Choice” by Australian church pastor Mark Durie claims that Islam has a long history of oppressing those of other faiths under its power. Durie claims that when Islam conquered a nation its inhabitants could either convert, die or become “Dhimmi” - forced to pay money for their life and live in subservience to Muslims. He says that the doctrine lives on today.
Asia Bibi is the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death for allegedly blaspheming against Mohammed. In light of her case we discuss Pakistan’s use of Islamic blasphemy law with Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute and Stuart Windsor and John Joseph of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Stuart Windsor is director of CSW who supports those suffering persecution. John Joseph is a Christian human rights activist who has defended a number of people in Pakistan accused of blasphemy.
An Inter-Christian discussion on the beliefs and doctrines that are distinctive of Seventh Day Adventists. Why do they hold to Saturday as the “true” day for worship and rest? Are they too legalistic? What about the failed prophecy of Christ’s return that they grew out of? What should we make of founder Ellen White’s teaching on “Investigative Judgement”?
The Unification church of Revd Sun Myung Moon (aka The Moonies) is often regarded as a cult. But what do they actually believe about Jesus and his death and resurrection?
James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries is on the show this week and next defending the Christian faith. Today he argues the Bible is historically more reliable than the Koran.
Nov 15-21 2009 was the UK’s first “Interfaith” week. To mark this, Justin Brierley hosts a discussion on how faiths should relate to each other when it comes evangelism and missionary activity. They discuss a document of Ten guidelines for witnessing to those of other faiths. But does the document stifle freedom of speech? Where should we draw the line between being honest and open and being offensive and demeaning in our interfaith encounters?
In light of Premier’s Faith Without Fear campaign, this discussion between Anil Bhanot and Sunil Raheja addresses the tensions that exist when Christians seek to evangelise Hindus in India.
Scriptural Reasoning is an organisation committed to honest interfaith dialogue that promotes “better quality disagreement”. Its founder Muhammad Al-Hussaini explains how they hope to bring greater understanding of the scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions.
Nabeel Qureshi converted to Christianity from Islam after being convinced that the weight of evidence was in favour of Christian faith. Yahya Seymour’s story is the opposite - he became a Muslim after having a Christian upbringing. They discuss the issues in advance of debates coming up in London.
Peter Hitchens is a well known journalist and Anglican Christian. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, he believes Christianity is an essential bedrock for society. He says Islam will fill the spiritual vaccuum of Britain if secularists have their way.
Did Jesus rise from the dead? What if he never actually died on the cross?
In 19th Century America Joseph Smith claimed to have been given a new revelation of God and Jesus Christ. Almost 200 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints numbers more than 13 million members.
On the surface Christadelphians look very similar to Christians - they read the same Bible, go to church, believe Jesus died for our sins and rose again. So what’s the difference between a Christian and a Christadelphian?
Does God have a continuing special convenant relationship with Jewish people? Should Christians be especially concerned for Israel? Two Christians with very different views tackle this week’s subject. Revd Stephen Sizer has written extensively against “Christian Zionism”, whereas Geoffrey Smith believes God still has a special relationship with Israel.
What do Pagans believe? We find out from Mike Stygal of the Pagan Federation in London. What approach should Christian take when it come to sharing faith and understanding the way pagans see the world? Nick Stead and Steve Hollinghurst regularly engage with Pagans at New Age Fairs.
Christian apologist James White believes that the God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is present in the pages of the Bible. Muslim Abdullah Al Andalusi believes that a Trinitarian God is a contradiction in terms. They debate whether it makes sense and whether the Bible supports it.
Many Islamic women wear veils or even full coverings. What does the Koran teach about women? Are they oppressed in Islam? What about the Biblical treatment of women? Christian Evangelist Jay Smith and Mohamed Ali of the Islam channel debate.
Justin is joined by Zoroastrian priest Rostam Bhedwar, Almut Hintze who has studied the religion extensively and Omar Ralf, the Premier listener who sparked this discussion. Richard Sudworth of the Church Mission Society also joins in to explore the essential differences between Christianity and Zoroastrianism.
Muslim guests Adnan Rashid and Hamza Tzsortist join Justin Brierley as they defend Islam’s record and suitability for Britain against Christian evangelist and apologist Jay Smith and Beth Grove.
GB Singh explains his own brand of Sikh belief and why he doesn’t trust Christianity or the Bible. Rana Johal is a Christian convert from Sikhism. He believes that Sihkism’s ultimate spiritual quest is answered by Jesus.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has been dubbed “America’s most famous Rabbi”. Michael Brown is one of the foremost proponents of Messianic Christianity. Fresh from debates in London and Oxford they discuss whether Jesus is the only way to God, and the fulfilment of Messianic hopes.
Atheist John Loftus and Christian Peter May discuss whether people choose whatb they believe or whether religion is down to where you are born in the world.
In his book “Letter to the Christians” Jeremy Fox, argues that Baha’u’llah the founder of the Baha’i faith is the second coming of Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the New Testament. Robin Thomson of South Asian Concern argues against this interpretation of scripture.
Catherine Heseltine is a convert to Islam and represents the Muslim Public Affairs Committee. Beth Grove is a Christian who has made a study of women’s issues in Islam. They discuss the pros and cons of Sharia in the UK. Abdulhaq of Brixton Mosque and evangelist Jay Smith join in the debate too.
Beverley Alfred, a reiki healer says her spiritual path has led her away from organised religion towards Alternative Spirituality. Sally Coleman runs a Christian stall at New Age fairs and engages with Beverley on New Age and Christian belief. We also hear some of the varied spiritual options on display London’s Mind, Body, Spirit fair last year.
Barney Leith explains why he believes Bahoulloh the founder of Bahai faith was the ultimate manifestation of God in human form. Sunil Shivdasani argues that Jesus is the only true revelation of God in human flesh, and is joined by Eric Stetson who converted to Christian Universalism from Bahai faith.
Michael Donovan is a committed evangelical Christian. He is also a Freemason. Doug Harris of the Reachout Trust believes that being a Freemason and a Christian are incompatible. They join Justin as he asks whether Freemasonry is a religion, what it says about God, and whether Christians should be involved in secret societies.
Justin Brierley presents segments of some of the varied discussions and debates between Christians and non-Christians across the past year. Featuring Muslim, Hindu, Mormon, atheist and agnostic guests being pesented with the claims of Christianity.
Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabus Fund claims in his book “Global Jihad” that Islam needs to abandon scriptures advocating offensive Jihad. Hamza A Bajwa of The Muslim Weekly says Patrick does not fully understand Jihad or Islam.
Rabbi Reuben Livingstone and Alex Jacob of the Churches Ministry among Jewish People discuss Salvation. Reuben believes our righteous acts and knowledge of God bring salvation, Alex believes in Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus. With contributions from Messianic Jew Richard Harvey and Pastor Ken Brownell of East London Tabernacle.
As peaceful demonstrations by thousands of Buddhist monks have been brutally quashed by the military dictatorship in Burma, Justin Brierley is joined by Buddhist Alison Murdoch as she explains the thought behind the pacifist approach. Nick Spencer of Christian think-tank Theos also joins the discussion, along with Quaker Michael Bartlett.
Melanie Henry believes she has found her own spiritual path through life. Its a mixture of New Age and spiritual principles, some taken from the words of Jesus. Pastor Matt Frost asks Melanie whether there is more to Jesus - was he the Son of God, can he forgive sin and does it matter? With contributions from Pastor Kurt Erickson.
The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, known commonly as the Mormon church claim thirteen million members worldwide.
Jason Johns practises Wicca and Shamanism - he’s also happy to call himself a Christian. But can Pagan beliefs be combined with Christianity? Matt Frost, pastor of City Gates Church Soho discusses God, Jesus and the New Age with Jason. Contributions also from evangelist Steve Hollinghurst and New Age practitioner Heather Prince.
Many people are turning to the New Age movement in search of spiritual answers. Justin is joined by Reiki healer Beverly Alfred and Christian communicator Mike Simmonds of Viz a Viz ministries. Beverly believes there are many paths to God, Mike says that Jesus is the only way.
Jesus was a Jew - but what about the movement he started? Orthodox Rabbi Reuben Livingstone and Alex Jacob from the Churches Ministry among Jewish people debate how Christianity relates to Judaism and whether it is a continuation of it or something new.
Paul Gutteridge pastors the Christian Growth Centre, and loves chatting with people of other faiths and points of view. He chats to Hindu Rohit Saxena about the similarities and differences in the way they see God.
Justin is joined by Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain and Christian evangelist Jay Smith as they discuss what drives young muslim radicals to become terrorists. Jay says that the Koran needs to be re-interpreted to prevent these acts; Ibrahim argues that the Muslim community is already doing a great deal to stop the terrorism in its tracks.
Recent media reports claim that mosques are indoctrinating young men in militant Islam - but is that true? Justin is joined by Abduraheem Green of London Central Mosque and Alan Craig of the Christian People’s Alliance, who differ over the dangers posed by mosques. Special guests also contribute.