As the UK government announced the launch of a new Islamophobia council to define ‘anti-Muslim hatred/ Islamophobia’ on February 28th, the start of Ramadan, one thing is clear: This is a hot-button issue that raises serious questions about free speech, blasphemy laws, and the balance between protecting religious sensibilities and upholding open dialogue in a liberal society.
If God exists, why isn’t His existence obvious to everyone? In today’s Unbelievable? debate, public philosopher Julian Baggini and Oxford University’s Dr. Max Baker-Hytch go head-to-head on the problem of divine hiddenness.
In this gripping episode of Unbelievable? we’re diving into one of the most controversial and thought-provoking debates of our time: the future of human evolution. 🧬 Will Genetic Engineering Reshape Humanity? Will AI Make Us Gods? 🌍 Can Faith Keep Up? 🤖 With the power of AI and genetic modification at our fingertips, are we playing God— or simply fulfilling our human potential?
An apologetics video training course with Ruth Jackson, Professor NT Wright, Dr. Lydia McGrew, Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing and Dr. Darrell L. Bock among others from Premier Unbelievable?
Is the universe that produced us just a result of a chance roll of the cosmic dice? Justin Brierley, presenter of the apologetics debate show Unbelievable? explains why his dice (yes we know it should be 'die' really) proves otherwise.
How far can reason and evidence take us to Christ? Panel discussion hosted by Justin Brierley.
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