All Unbelievable? articles – Page 6
Unbelievable? Celebrating 17 years - Justin Brierley, Ruth Jackson, and Vince Vitale
The Unbelievable? show has been broadcasting for over 17 years. Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson take a retrospective tour through highlights from the show from day one to some of the most significant debates that have been hosted, before being joined by Dr. Vince Vitale for a special announcement by Justin.
Unbelievable? Bart Ehrman & Justin Bass Did Jesus of Nazareth rise from the dead?
The Big Conversation - Episode 1 | Season 5
Unbelievable? Ask William Lane Craig Anything
Renowned Christian thinker William Lane Craig answers listener questions on a live edition of the show. He responds to questions on philosophy, Adam & Eve, suffering, the worst argument for God and more. Plus we hear from Jeremiah J Johnston on the 7 best reasons to believe in the resurrection.
Unbelievable? A skeptical churchgoer asks ‘Is Christianity too exclusive?’ Grace Hill & Eric Huffman
Show listener Grace Hill grew up in church but has always had lots of skeptical questions, especially around whether Christianity is too exclusive when it comes to honest seekers in other faiths. She recently found a church home where she could ask her questions - The Story Church in Houston, TX founded by Pastor Eric Huffman, host of the Maybe God podcast.
Unbelievable? Optimism or extinction? What’s the future of humanity? John Hands & Perry Marshall
Secular scientist and academic John Hands has been described as a ‘polymath’. His 2016 book Cosmosapiens received wide praise for its analysis of human evolution since the beginning of the universe. His new book ‘The Future of Humankind’ looks ahead to what lies in store for homosapiens.
Unbelievable? Where does order in nature and the cosmos come from? Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali
Prof Saleem Ali of the University of Delaware is author of ‘Earthly Order: How natural laws define human life’ and describes the way order in the universe drives order in human and social settings. He engages with Dr Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute, whose book ‘The Return of The God Hypothesis’ makes the case that order in nature points to a divine mind.
Unbelievable? Does God speak today through dreams, visions & prophecy? Tania Harris & Jim Osman
Tania Harris, founding director of God Conversations and author of ‘The Church who hears God’s Voice’ makes a biblical and experiential case for the ongoing activity of the Spirit communicating through dreams, visions and prophecy. She engages with cessationist pastor Jim Osman. author of ‘God Doesn’t Whisper’, who argues that people who claim to hear God’s voice are misled and that the Bible is the only way in which Gods revelation comes to us today.
PREVIEW: The Big Conversation Season 5!
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Unbelievable? The Asbury Revival: A new move of God? Timothy Tennent, Alisa Childers & Gavin Ortlund
Thousands have been flocking to Asbury University in Kentucky after a chapel service turned into a 24/7 revival outpouring. Justin is joined by guests as he asks: What are the true marks of revival? What are the blessings and concerns that accompany this student-led awakening?
Unbelievable? Sexuality, Gender & Identity: 2 views on LGBT and the church - Andrew Bunt & Charlie Bell
Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations director at Living Out and author of ‘Finding Your Best Identity’, is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes marriage is male-female. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar who also works as a psychiatrist, is the author of ‘Queer Holiness’ and wants to see gay marriage accepted in the church.
Unbelievable? Death to Deconstruction: Josh Porter & Jon Steingard on whether exvangelicals can reconstruct their faith
Punk singer-turned-pastor Josh Porter charts his own journey of reconstructing his Christian faith in the book ‘Death to Deconstruction: Reclaiming faithfulness as an act of rebellion’. He discusses deconstruction, the Bible, the problem of evil and more with Jon Steingard, former lead singer of Hawk Nelson who underwent his own journey of deconstruction in 2020.
Unbelievable? Uninvented: Are the stories of Jesus too unusual to have been made up? Mike D’Virgilio vs Matthew Taylor
‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’ That, in a nutshell is the contention of Mike D’Virgilio’s book ‘Uninvented: Why the Bible could not be made up and the evidence that proves it’. He says that the life of Jesus doesn’t read like made up stories, myths and legends.
Unbelievable? Miracle healing - does it happen today? Craig Keener, Peter May & Joshua Brown (Plus Alanzo Paul on Reboot)
Can a skeptical doctor be persuaded that there is medical evidence for modern day healing?
Unbelievable? ChatGPT, AI and the future - John Wyatt Q&A on living faithfully in a technologically confusing world
Justin and Ruth were joined by research scientist Dr John Wyatt on a live show to talk about AI, robotics and technology. Listeners asked questions about machine consciousness, the potential dangers of AI and how to raise children in a tech world.
Unbelievable? Paranormal hauntings and exorcism - a Christian and skeptic in discussion.
Matt Arnold, editor of the Christian Parapsychologist Journal and Dr Cal Cooper, a psychologist and paranormal researcher, speak to Justin about how they interpret account of ghosts, exorcism and apparitions as a Christian and skeptic.
Unbelievable? Tim Keller Q&A on cancer, prayer and forgiveness
Tim Keller is a renowned thinker, writer and speaker who has been dubbed New York’s ‘pastor to skeptics’. In a live online show hosted by Ruth Jackson and Justin Brierley he answers audience questions on his journey with pancreatic cancer, his transformed prayer life and his new book ‘Forgive’.
Unbelievable? James KA Smith speaks on how to inhabit time & Trevin Wax shows Justin around CS Lewis’ house The Kilns
Justin presents an end of year show featuring a conversation with theologian and philosopher James KA Smith on his new book ‘How To Inhabit Time’ recorded at the Everything Conference. Justin also caught up with Trevin Wax in Oxford who gave him a tour of CS Lewis’ home The Kilns.
Unbelievable? Intellectual and supernatural conversions - Christmas special with Nico Tarquinio & Martin Shaw
Justin interviews two guests with remarkable stories of adult conversion to Christianity.
Unbelievable? Should praying outside abortion clinics be banned? Ann Furedi & Lois McLatchie
A Public Order Bill in UK Parliament proposing ‘buffer zones’ could potentially criminalise pro-life activity or even silent prayer outside abortion clinics.
Unbelievable? How to overcome tribalism in politics and the church - Patrick Miller & Keith Simon
‘Truth Over Tribe: Pledging allegiance to the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant’ is the name of the new book by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. They are both church pastors in the USA who started the Truth Over Tribe podcast to combat polarisation in politics, culture and Christianity.