All Unbelievable? articles – Page 7
Unbelievable? John Lennox on science, faith and the evidence for God
Justin is joined by Prof John Lennox to talk about his debates with well-known atheists and to introduce a new online apologetics course: ‘Science, Faith and the Evidence for God with John Lennox’.
Unbelievable? Sean McDowell live Q&A on sexuality, transgender and culture war questions
Apologist and author Sean McDowell joined Justin along with hundreds of Unbelievable? listeners for a live show talking about Sean’s new book ‘A Rebel’s Manifesto’ and taking questions on LGBT, same-sex marriage, transgender, divorce, theology and more.
Unbelievable? Were colonial-era missionaries good or bad for Africa? Victor Simz & Jonathan Wilson
Were Victorian missionaries a tool of oppression, exploitation and empire as some critics claim? Or did they leave a legacy of education, healthcare and eradicating inhumane practises?
Unbelievable? Can Christianity or Humanism save the planet from climate change?
As COP 27 gets underway Justin is joined by Christian climate campaigner Rachel Mander and Humanist activist Lori Marriott. They agree on the science and what needs to be done but have different views about which worldview provides the better moral foundation for the work of climate change action.
Unbelievable? A Christian and an Atheist walk into a bar… Andy Kind & Andy White on comedy, faith and searching for God
Stand up comedians Andy Kind (the Christian) and Andy White (the Atheist) join Justin to talk about comedy and faith and discuss Andy Kind’s new book ‘Hidden In Plain Sight: Clues you may have missed in the search for meaning’.
Unbelievable? Michael Gungor & Evan Wickham: Millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor’s music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael’s recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, msytical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused.
Unbelievable? How a top surgeon found his life purpose on a hospital ship - Mark Shrime
Mark Shrime tells Justin Brierley about his journey of faith and career as a surgeon, which now sees him deliver life-saving treatment around the world with Mercy Ships. Mark is the author of ‘Solving For Why: A surgeon’s journey to discover the transformative power of purpose’.
Unbelievable? Rethinking Kingdom work in the Global South & North - Joseph D’Souza & Andrew Scott
Joseph D’Souza, bishop of the Good Shepherd Church network in South Asia and Andrew Scott of Operation Mobilisation join Justin to talk about a new paradigm for mission work in the Global South and how it impacts church and culture in the Global North.
Unbelievable? Are religious funerals ‘empty and platitudinous’? Ian Dunt & Andy Bannister
The Queen’s state funeral was watched by billions of people and marked by deep Christian symbolism. However, during the ceremony, atheist journalist Ian Dunt tweeted that he found it “empty and platitudinous, a cardboard shield against existential despair”.
Unbelievable? Can the Canaanite conquest be reconciled with a God of love? Paul Copan vs Randal Rauser
How should we understand Old Testament accounts of warfare and violence where God seems to command the slaughter of men, women and children?
Unbelievable? Covid, Churches and the Frankfurt Declaration: Jamie Franklin & John Stevens debate Christian liberty and government overreach
As the global pandemic subsides, the way the Covid lockdowns were implemented in churches still divides Christians. The Frankfurt Declaration has been signed by church leaders who are concerned that civil and religious liberties are being eroded by Government overreach.
Church abuse, leadership scandals & RZIM: Rachael Denhollander, Amy Orr-Ewing, Mike Cosper & Diane Langberg
Four guests and hundreds of attendees gathered with host Justin Brierley for the live webinar event ’Falling From Grace: Addressing Power, Leadership, and Abuse in the Church.
Unbelievable? Angels, visions and near death encounters - Dale C Allison on whether skeptics can take religious experiences seriously
From rapturous joy to inexplicable terror, angelic encounters to near death experiences, New Testament scholar Dale Allison has researched a wide range of phenomena in his new book ‘Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age’. He tells of his own experiences and explains why they are more common than many people realise, and why skeptics shouldn’t dismiss them out of hand. Justin also brings listener questions from atheists and believers.
Unbelievable? Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - NT Wright, Gavin Ashenden & Ruth Jackson
As the world marks the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Justin Brierley presents a special edition of Unbelievable? speaking to New Testament scholar NT Wright about his memories of the queen when he preached for her as Bishop of Durham. Former chaplain to the queen Gavin Ashenden asks whether the end of her reign marks the end of Christendom in the UK, and Ruth Jackson reflects on the hope that comes with grief.
Unbelievable? Are the public ready to move beyond the science vs faith conflict? Nick Spencer & Katherine Mathieson
Katherine Mathieson, director of the Royal Institution and Nick Spencer of Theos discuss the recent report ‘Science and Religion: Moving away from the shallow end’, which surveyed the British public’s attitudes towards science and faith. They explore questions such as: Why does the public believe there is a conflict? How has New Atheism played into the debate? Is science the only way of knowing truth?
Unbelievable? The 2 men who invented the war between science & faith - Tim O’Neill, Dave Hutchings & James Ungureanu
In the 19th Century John Draper and Andrew White conjured up one of the most successful and enduring myths of the modern world - the supposed historical conflict between science and faith.
Unbelievable? My bipolar experience: Can Christianity offer a better approach to depression?
Author and academic James Mumford recently wrote an article for The New Atlantis magazine about his experience undergoing therapy at a clinic for bipolar disorder and his concerns about its value neutral approach. He engages with psychologist Roger Bretherton, creator of The Character Course, on what role faith can play for those struggling with depression.
Unbelievable? Is Progressive Christianity a false gospel? Randal Rauser & Doug Groothuis
Theologian Randal Rauser defends ‘progressive’ Christians such as Rob Bell, Richard Rohr and Brian Mclaren, against ‘heresy hunters’ in his new book ‘Progressive Christians Love Jesus Too’ a response to Alisa Childers’ book ‘Another Gospel?’.
Unbelievable? Mikhaila Peterson & Jon McCray (Whaddo You Meme) Are Millennials and Gen Z ready to believe in God?
Almost half of Millenials and Gen Z in the USA identify as ‘nones’ (having no religious affiliation). Mikhaila Peterson who runs a popular Youtube channel and Podcast talks about her own recent journey to faith along with the journey of her father, renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson.