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If God exists, why isn’t His existence obvious to everyone? In today’s Unbelievable? debate, public philosopher Julian Baggini and Oxford University’s Dr. Max Baker-Hytch go head-to-head on the problem of divine hiddenness.
In this gripping episode of Unbelievable? we’re diving into one of the most controversial and thought-provoking debates of our time: the future of human evolution. 🧬 Will Genetic Engineering Reshape Humanity? Will AI Make Us Gods? 🌍 Can Faith Keep Up? 🤖 With the power of AI and genetic modification at our fingertips, are we playing God— or simply fulfilling our human potential?
Philosophical reflection on infinity leads to inevitable conclusions about the nature of reality and the existence of a powerful personal creator
Can belief in a loving God withstand the reality of suffering? In this special live debate hosted in front of a live student audience in partnership with Youth For Christ in Aylesbury, Unbelievable? brings together two compelling voices to tackle one of the most profound questions in philosophy and theology: does suffering debunk the existence of a God? Can a good God allow such suffering? And does God send good people to hell?
Is the universe fine-tuned for life? And does physics point to God? Tune in to the Unbelievable? Podcast for our debate this week which was filmed in front of a live audience at the University of Durham, with Prof. Philip Goff moderating.
How do we know the age of the Universe, really? Today’s guest suggests atheists should believe our world is actually 5 minutes old… no, seriously!!
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