Leading UK evangelical Steve Chalke has written an article for Christianity magazine on why he now affirms committed, faithful gay relationships.

Justin Brierley talks to Steve about why he’s changed his mind while theologian Greg Downes offers a defence of the traditional evangelical understanding of sexuality. We also hear the responses and reflections of church leaders including Steve Clifford of the Evangelical Alliance, Lord Richard Harries former Bishop of Oxford, Faith Forster of Ichthus Christian fellowship and more.



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For Christianity Magazine’s coverage http://www.christianitymagazine.co.uk 

For Steve Chalke http://www.oasisuk.org/inclusionresources

For Greg Downes http://www.cml.uk.net/staff/director 

For more Christian/non-Christian debate visit http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the MP3 podcast http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes

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